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Prepared by:
Engr. Manuel B. Rustria
February 7, 2022
2/7/2022 1
 Describe the types of conveyors;
 Explain the procedures for estimating the capacity and the
power requirements of conveyors using empirical formulas; and
 Solve problems involving conveyors.

2/7/2022 2
Conveyor System 3
Conveyor System
A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling
equipment that moves materials from one location to another.
Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the
transport of heavy or bulky materials. Conveyor systems allow
quick and efficient transport for a wide variety of materials,
which make them very popular in the material handling and 
packaging industries.

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Conveyor System
They also have popular consumer applications, as they are often
found in supermarkets and airports, constituting the final leg of
item/ bag delivery to customers. Many kinds of conveying
systems are available and are used according to the various
needs of different industries. There are chain conveyors (floor
and overhead) as well. Chain conveyors consist of enclosed
tracks, I-Beam, towline, power & free, and hand pushed trolleys.

2/7/2022 5
Coal Conveyors
 A conveying system must be installed to carry the coal from the
delivery station (or point of reclamation from storage) to the
combustion equipment.
 The coal movement is generally accomplished in three steps (see
Fig. 12-2):
1) a hoist to a convenient elevation above live storage;
2) horizontal transportation and damping into live storage; and
3) gravity flow to the combustion equipment.

2/7/2022 6
Coal Conveyors
 A conveying system must be installed to carry the coal from the
delivery station (or point of reclamation from storage) to the
combustion equipment.
 The coal movement is generally accomplished in three steps (see
Fig. 12-2):
1) a hoist to a convenient elevation above live storage;
2) horizontal transportation and damping into live storage; and
3) gravity flow to the combustion equipment.

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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 Besides transportation, this system may be involved with lump
crushing, removal of tramp, iron, weighing, and prevention of
segregation of sizes.
 Common examples of hoisting equipment are:
1. Bucket elevator. Moderate lifts—continuous operation.
2. Grab bucket with crane or tower.
3. Skip hoist. Applicable when lifts are too high for bucket
elevators. Simple and compact.

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Coal Conveyors
Bucket elevator

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Coal Conveyors
Grab bucket

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Coal Conveyors
Skip hoist

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Coal Conveyors
4. Belt conveyors.
Limited to less
than 20° to the
therefore it is
necessary to
start at
distance from
the plant.
2/7/2022 14
Coal Conveyors
5. Electric hoists to elevate larries or coal buggies which have
been filled at the storage pile and wheel in to the plant by
hand. They will be hoisted until their contents may be
the stoker

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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors

2/7/2022 17
Coal Conveyors
 Horizontal movement of
coal to bunkers is by
conveyors, of which the
following are typical:
1. Belt conveyors.
Continuous system;
belt usually troughed;
high capacities

2/7/2022 18
Coal Conveyors
2. Spiral conveyors. Endless helicoid screw in a trough. Can
easily be made dust-tight. Not having a return strand, it
requires a minimum of space. Limited in length.
Considerable wear.

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Coal Conveyors
3. Flight or scraper conveyors. Low in first cost but having large
energy consumption. There is considerable wear, caused by
friction and

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Coal Conveyors
4. Pivoted bucket carriers. Probably ideal from a good many
standpoints, although expensive in first cost. Material is
carried and buckets are supported on rollers which reduce
friction to a minimum. The pivoted bucket carrier can both
elevate and convey. Since it is run at low speed, the operation
is both silent and free from vibration.

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Coal Conveyors
5. Larries. Suspended rail types are generally used because even
though they require more headroom than the floor type, they
leave the boiler aisle free from obstructions.

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Coal Conveyors

2/7/2022 23
Coal Conveyors
 Design of equipment for coal handling involves capacity
calculations as well as selection of equipment type. What
tonnage per hour should the coal conveying machinery be able
to handle? The minimum requirements (not allowing for the
effect of load factor) would be the maximum rate at which coal
can be burned under the boilers.
 Expected plant extension should be anticipated by an initial
installation of such dimensions that by increasing operating
speed, or some other simple modification, the conveying system
can continue to meet the needs.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 Otherwise, enlargements of coal conveying equipment may well
prove an expensive process.
 The ultimate capacity of a power plant is often initially uncertain’
consequently conveyor systems usually have capacities of several
times the maximum continuous demand of the combustion
 Personnel duties planned for the station can effect selection of
conveyor capacity, for a daily stint at the coal conveying
equipment may be only one of the duties to be performed by a
certain operator.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 Coal conveying equipment is not duplicated.
 Enough live storage should be interposed between it and the
furnaces to allow for several hours’ repair on conveyors without
running out of coal.
 Full mechanical coal handling will not be justified in all boiler
 But even in smaller plants, where the complete systems cannot
always be afforded, portable loaders, larries, etc., representing
partial conveying, will be found to be good interest.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 Tramp iron is removed magnetically before coal is passed into
pulverizers or crushers.
 Means of weighing coal can be incorporated into the conveying
1) at track scales;
2) by weigh larries;
3) by coal spout volumetric meters; and
4) by scale stations between bunker and downspouts.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 The weigh larry has a small coal hopper suspended on knife
edges in a scale beam weighing system.
 Hopper, beam, and all are a portable structure on rails, whose
alignment suffices to carry the hopper under bunker discharge
gates and then over stoker or pulverizer hopper.
 Some larries are motor propelled; small ones are hand pushed.
 The hopper is filled from a bunker gate, the beam is put into
balance and read, and the hopper is discharged by gravity to the
combustion equipment.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 Larry scales are generally built so that a prepared record card
when inserted will be marked with the weight at which the beam
is balancing.
 The distribution from bunker to several hoppers is not as simple
with automatic coal scales as with the weigh larry.
 The automatic scales are best where one weigh station is
continuously and exclusively employed with one combustion
 Hence, automatic coal scales are more likely to be employed in
large plants, and weigh larries in small.
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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors
 As Fig. 12-14 shows, the automatic scale feeds coal into a weigh
hopper which is suspended from a weigh beam.
 When a preset load is registered, the beam comes to balance,
stops the feeder automatically, and the load is dumped into the
lower hopper.
 the dump action causes a count to be registered on the
recording apparatus.

2/7/2022 36
Coal Conveyors
Coal Gates and Spouts
 Coal will readily flow by gravity through square or round spouts
of 30.5 cm internal dimension, provided the inclination is not too
 If the spout is more than 35° to the vertical, it should be
arranged so that operators may rap it if the coal should lodge.
 Gates should open easily and close tightly, and be designed so
that the gate and the cut-off plate can be separately renewed.

2/7/2022 37
Coal Conveyors
Coal Gates and Spouts
 Coal discharge spouts are sometimes fanned out so that the
width of a stoker hopper is supplied by a single dust-tight
 Special designs are required on these distributing spouts in order
to keep coal sizes from segregating in them.

2/7/2022 38
Coal Conveyors
Conveyor Layout
 The design and detailing of mechanical conveyors are sufficiently
specialized to lie outside the ordinary scope of power plant
engineering, and the plant designer customarily relies on
conveyor manufacturers for advice on layouts.
 However, space allowance, capacities, and the leading data must
come from the plant designer.

2/7/2022 39
Coal Conveyors
Conveyor Layout
 Where the equipment itself is not dust-tight, its vicinity should
be isolated with dust-tight walls and partitions so that the fined
coal dust, which invariably flies up wherever coal is dumped off a
conveyor, will not settle over the whole plant and discourage
operators from maintaining a high standard of cleanliness.
 Walkways need to be provided alongside conveyors for
maintenance and inspection.

2/7/2022 40
Coal Conveyors
Conveyor Layout
 After layout of the system has been made, it should be studied
with reference to the possibility of coal piling up at conveyor
discharges in the event of failure of any portion of the conveying
 Interlocking relays are often applied to the conveyor motors to
make certain that conveyors and machines in series with them
are started and stopped according to a predetermined order.

2/7/2022 41
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 This type is probably more universally used than any other.
 The first cost is reasonable and the power consumption is low.
 It is widely used for horizontal movement of coal and, to a
certain extent, for inclined runs.
 Because of the varied conditions under which they are operated,
each individual belt conveyor installation should be given a
thorough engineering analysis so that an economical and, at the
same time, adequate installation will be had.
2/7/2022 42
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 A fair average speed of all belt
conveyors is 91.4 m/min.
 From 61-91.4 m/min is the usual range
for coal conveyors because higher
speeds tend to shatter the coal at the
discharge end.
 A minimum speed of 91.4 m/min
should be used if the belt discharges
over a tripper (Fig. 12-6).
2/7/2022 43
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 There is no economy in running at a given speed with only half
load; it is better to reduce the speed and run the belt full.
 Both flat and troughed belt conveyors can handle coal, but the
troughed are more frequently used because their capacity is
about 100% greater per inch width of belt.
 With the proper design of troughed carriers and correct
alignment of head and foot pulleys, guide idlers are not
2/7/2022 44
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 Troughed belt conveyors also handle coal successfully at slants
up to about 20°, but with capacity reduced 5% to 10% as
compared with horizontal conveyors.
 When inclined, the conveyor must be equipped with no-reverse
mechanism to prevent its running backward in case it is stopped
under load.
 The belt itself is made of multiple-ply canvas duck surfaced with
rubber covers for friction and resistance to abrasion.
2/7/2022 45
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 As the belt
itself will cost
nearly half
that of the
expert advice
should be
sought for its
2/7/2022 46
Coal Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
 The canvass may be varied in number of plies and in weight of
the duck used (28, 32, 35, and 42) so that it will have sufficient
strength for tight side tension, be firm enough to prevent sagging
between carriers, and yet be flexible enough to pass around
pulleys readily.
 There is no practical limitation to length of these conveyors and,
if well maintained, they will transport millions of tons of coal
before the belt needs replacement.
2/7/2022 47
Coal Conveyors
Minimum Pulley Diameter-cm Carrier Spacing
(Plain drive)
Weights of Material No. of plies Belt width Spacing
(per ply cm width per cm m
m) 4 6 8

28 duck, 0.0119 kg 28 61 76.2 106.7 30.5-45.7 1.32

32 duck, 0.0136 kg 36 61 91.4 121.9 50.8-76.2 1.07
36 duck, 0.0148 kg 42 106.7 137.2 91-4152.4 0.91
42 duck, 0.0165 kg Idlers,
(1.6 mm) rubber cover,
2/7/2022 3.0548
Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors

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Coal Conveyors

2/7/2022 51
Coal Conveyors
Estimating Conveyor Requirements
 Although, as previously mentioned, the advice of conveyor
specialists must be sought for final layout work, the power plant
engineer must make some decisions as to type, capacity, etc.
 In estimating power requirements of various conveyors, the
empirical relations of Table 12-2 may be helpful, but estimates of
space and support requirements will have to be implemented by
references to manufacturers’ data.

2/7/2022 52
Coal Conveyors
Estimating Conveyor Requirements
 The symbols in Tables 12-2 and 12-3 have the following meanings:
A, working area of each flight, m2
b, belt width, cm, or bucket pitch, m
H, S × sin of the angle of inclination of the conveyor
K, horsepower constant, see Table 12-3
L, conveyor length, m
N, driveshaft speed, rpm
S, lineal speed of conveyor, m/min
T, conveyor capacity, tonnes coal per hr
wb, individual bucket load, kg coal
wf, weight of single strand, chains and flight, kg per m.
2/7/2022 53
Coal Conveyors
Conveyor Type Maximum Capacity Horsepower Required to
Tonnes per hr Driveshaftꝉ
Belt conveyor* 0.000404 Sb2

Bucket elevator 0.07 wbS/b 1.8 × (Theoretical hoisting power)

Flight conveyor* 48.055 AS 0.000198 wfLS + 0.002567 TL
Screw conveyor* kg per Rev vs Dia 0.001 L(1.331 N + 7.333 T)
Dia, cm 10.16 15.24 20.32 25.6
kg 0.136 0.544 1.5 3.63
30.48 35.56 40.64
5.9 9.530 12.25
2/7/2022 54
Coal Conveyors
Estimating Conveyor Requirements
* For horizontal conveyors. Add TH/ 273.7 hp for rise on incline conveyors.
Belt conveyors can be used up to 20° slope with little loss in capacity.
ꝉ This is power to conveyor driveshaft. For motor power allow for losses as
Cut gearsCast gearsSteel roller chainPlain chain V-belt
5% 10% 5% 10% 5%
For each manufactured speed reducer unit:
Helical gear type, 5%; worm gear type, 10-20%.
Add tripper power where pertinent. See Table 12-3
2/7/2022 55
Coal Conveyors
Example 1
The size and drive shaft power for a 12.2 m flight conveyor will be
estimated. It is inclined 20° and will carry 18.1 tonnes of coal per hr
at 30.5 m/min.
From: Capacity = 48.055 AS, the
working area of flights = 18.1/48.055 × 30.5 = 0.01235 m2

2/7/2022 56
Belt width (cm) K Tripper hp Belt Type
35.6 22.3 0.61 + 0.0039 T 5-ply, 28 duck
40.6 23.8 0.61 + 0.0039 T 5-ply, 28 duck
45.7 28.3 0.79 + 0.0039 T 5-ply, 28 duck
50.8 31.3 0.88 + 0.0045 T 5-ply, 28 duck
61 37.2 1.03 + 0.0045 T 5-ply, 32 duck
76.2 50.6 1.43 + 0.0056 T 5-ply, 36 duck
91.4 65.5 1.82 + 0.0056 T 6-ply, 32 duck
106.7 74.4 2.10 + 0.0061 T 6-ply, 32 duck
121.9 89.3 2.49 + 0.0067 T 6-ply, 42 duck
137.2 102.7 3.04 + 0.0078 T 6-ply, 42 duck
152.4 114.6 3.85 + 0.0089 T 8-ply, 42 duck
2/7/2022 57
Coal Conveyors
Estimating Conveyor Requirements
 On account of partial filling, consider working area to be 50% of flight area.
Flight area = 0.0247 m2
Select 30.48 cm × 10.16 cm rectangular flights.
Strand weight wf assumed to be 17.86 kg/m.
Again referring to Table 12-2,
Power for horizontal conveyor = 0.000198 × 17.86 × 12.2 × 30.5 + 0.002567 ×
12.2 = 1.88 hp
Power for lifting = 18.1 × 30.5 sin 20°/273.7 = 0.69 hp
Total power to drive sprocket = 1.88 + 0.69 = 2.57 hp (say 3 hp motor)
2/7/2022 58
Coal Conveyors
Example 2
Principal data for a horizontal belt conveyor will be estimated.
Given, T = 45.4, L = 76.2, S = 91.4.
From Table 12-2, Capacity = 0.000404 Sb2, so
Belt width = = 35.08 cm, say 35.6 cm belt

Power = [(0.06 22.3 91.4) + 45.4] = 2.27 hp

2/7/2022 59
Coal Conveyors
Example 2
Assume speed reduction in drive consisting of 2 sets cut gears and 1 set cast
gears (Fig. 17-7). For this arrangement, add 20% for drive losses. Motor
power = 3.06 × 1.20 = 3.67. Next larger standard size is 5 hp. From Table 12-
3, belt specification is 5-ply, 28. This with two 1.6 mm rubber covers will
weigh (5 × 0.0119 + 2 × 0.0102) 35.6 = 2.84 kg per m or 433.5 for the
Pulley diameter estimated 71.1 cm from Table 12-1.
Pulley speed 91.4/0.711 = 41 rpm,
Over-all speed reduction required from 1750 rpm motor
= 1750:41 or 43:1.
Carrier roll spacing, 1.22 m oc; idlers, 3.05 m oc.
2/7/2022 60
1. Calculate the principal data for a belt conveyor to transport 18 tonnes per
hr at 20°. Length to be sufficient to give 33.5 m rise. 1750-rpm motor, V-
belt drive to helical gear speed reducer. Belt speed, 61 m/min.
Discharge over tail pulley.

2/7/2022 61
2. Calculate the principal data for a 10.7 m horizontal screw conveyor for 2.7
tonnes coal per hr, about 60 rpm. Worm gear speed reducer, 1750-rpm

2/7/2022 62
3. Calculate the driveshaft power and flight size for a 18.3 m flight conveyor to
transport 36 tonnes coal per hr at 30.5 m/min, inclination 30°. Effective
flight are, 30% of surface area. Allow 22.3 kg per m for strand weight.
Standard flight sizes are 30.5 cm, 38.1 cm, 45.7 cm 61 cm wide and 10.2
cm, 15.2 cm, 20.3 cm, 25.4 cm high.

4. The individual buckets of a vertical elevator carry 3.6 kg. coal and are
spaced 30.5 cm apart on the chain. Sprocket wheels 61 cm dia. Chain
speed, 79.2 m/min. Height between sprockets, 9.1 m. Drive: 1750-rpm
motor through sprockets and steel roller chain. Specify the drive and
diagram the conveyor.

2/7/2022 63
6. Specify the belt conveyor that will carry 73 tonnes of coal per hr at 61
m/min inclination 12°. L, 61 m. No tripper. Drive from 1750-rpm motor
through double reduction gearing consisting of one set cut and one set
cast teeth.

2/7/2022 64
Morse, F.B. (1953). Power Plant Engineering MKS units. New York: Van
Nostrand Ken Inc.

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