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*Would + infinitive

We can also use “would + infinitive” to talk about a habit or repeated action in the past.
We usually use “would + infinitive” in this way when we’re telling a story about the past. So, we can say:
Subject + would + verb

• When I was young, I would play football with my Friends almost every Saturday.
• When I was young, I used to play football with my Friends almost every Saturday.
• When I lived in Italy, we would go to a little restaurant near our house.
• When I lived in Italy, we used to go to a little restaurant near our house.

However, we don’t use “would + infinitive” to talk about states in the past. So, if we’re talking about the past, we CAN’T say:

Incorrect: Correct:
• I would have long hair. I used to have long hair.
• I would live in Scotland. I used to live in Scotland.
*Used to + infinitive

We use this expression to talk about habits or repeated actions in the past which we don’t do in the present. We also use it to talk about states in the past which are no
longer true.
Subject + used to + verb
• I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair).
• He used to smoke (but now he doesn’t smoke).
• They used to live in India (but now they live in Germany)
• I used to smoke when I was younger. (I don’t smoke anymore.)

Watch out! With the negative and the question it’s “use” and not “used”:

• Did you use to be a teacher?
• Did he use to study French?
• She didn’t use to like chocolate, but she does now.
• I didn’t use to want to have a nice house.
• Did you use to be thin? No, I didn’t. I used to be quite chubby.

Note: With this “used to” there is not verb “be”. We can’t say “I am used to have long hair”.
EXERCISES: Used to vs Would
INSTRUCTIONS: write the sentences changing “used to” to “would” if it is correct (if it is a repeated
action). if it is not correct to use “would” (if it is a long-term situation, not a repeated action), leave it

1. I used to hate coffee when I was little.

2. I used to exercise every day.
I would exercise every day.

3.They used to study English every afternoon.

They would study English every afternoon.

4. I used to live in an apartment.

Formula Used to Would
Affirmative Subject + used to + verb + complement Subject + would + verb + complement

Negative Subject + didn’t use to + verb + complement Subject + wouldn’t + verb + complement

Interrogative Did + subject + use to + verb + complement? Would + subject + verb + complement?


I used to eat pancakes every Sunday.

When I was young, I would eat pancakes every Sunday.

*Would you ever eat chocolate?

*When they were children, would they cook the dinner?

I used to work in an office, but now I work in a hospital.

I used to / would work very hard in my classes at university.
When I was learning to play the piano, I would practise every evening. (practise) (practice)
*Used to / Would with “always”, “never”, “ever”
You can use ‘’always” with the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of “used to” and “would” “Never” is used with the affirmative form of “used to” and
“would” and “ever” with the negative and interrogative forms:

Formula Used to Would

Affirmative Subject + never / always + used to + verb + complement Subject + would + never / always + verb +
Negative Subject + didn’t + ever / always + use to + verb + Subject + wouldn’t + ever / always verb +
complement complement
Interrogative Did + subject + ever / always + use to + verb + Would + subject + ever / always + verb +
complement? complement?


*I always used to swim at the weekend.

*I would always swim at the weekend.
*He never used to swim at the weekend.
*Would he ever swim at the weekend?

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