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Avr 5vr eng|neer|ng co||ege Nandya|

oncept We all are famlllar wlLh Lhe
newLons corpuscular Lheorv of llahL
LhaL llahL ls made up of small parLlcles
called corpuscles" whlch Lravel ln
sLralahL llne wlLh a flnlLe veloclLv and
t |s the ma[or Lcofr|end|y o||ut|on
|ess method of produc|ng the
e|ectr|c|ty today
Acc to U5 so|ar research center
" f we convert the 1ota| 5o|ar
energy reaches to earth |n one t|me
|nto LLL1k1 then |t w||| be more
enough than who|e power used by a||
the nat|ons per year "
5o|ar ane|
L ls a larae componenL made up of Lhe no of
phoLovolLalc cells connecLed lnLernallv wlLh
each oLher used Lo arab Lhe sunllahL and Lo
converL lL lnLo Lhe LLLC18C1?
Jhat |s a so|ar tracker ?
A 5o|ar tracker |s a dev|ce used
for or|ent|ng a so|ar photovo|ta|c pane|
or |ens towards the sun by us|ng the
so|ar or ||ght sensors connected w|th the
mach|ne ( ex stepper motor servo
motor gas f|||ed p|ston )
ence 1he sun Lracklna svsLems can
collecL more enerav Lhan whaL a flxed
panel svsLem collecLs
ommerc|a| purpose
W ncrease 5o|ar ane| Cutput
W maxeff|cency of the pane|
W Max|m|ze ower per un|t Area
W Ab|e to grab the energy through out
the day
1ypes of 5o|ar 1rackers
1he suns poslLlon ln Lhe skv varles boLh
wlLh Lhe seasons (elevaLlon) and Llme
of dav as Lhe sun moves across Lhe
W ence Lhere are also Lwo Lvpes of
5|ng|e Ax|s 5o|ar 1racker
Dua| Ax|s 5o|ar 1racker
1 5|ng|e Ax|s 5o|ar 1racker
Slnale axls solar Lrackers can elLher have a
horlzonLal or a verLlcal axle 1he
horlzonLal Lvpe ls used ln Lroplcal realons where
Lhe sun aeLs verv hlah aL noon buL
Lhe davs are shorL 1he verLlcal Lvpe ls used ln
hlah laLlLudes (such as ln uk) where
Lhe sun does noL aeL verv hlah buL summer davs
can be verv lona
Dua| Ax|s 1rackers
ouble axls solar Lrackers have boLh a
horlzonLal and a verLlcal axle and so can
Lrack Lhe Suns apparenL moLlon exacLlv
anvwhere ln Lhe world
1hls Lvpe of svsLem ls used Lo
conLrol asLronomlcal Lelescopes and so
Lhere ls plenLv of sofLware avallable Lo
auLomaLlcallv predlcL and Lrack Lhe
moLlon of Lhe sun across Lhe skv
ual axls Lrackers Lrack Lhe
sun boLh LasL Lo WesL and norLh Lo
SouLh for added power ouLpuL (approx
40 aaln) and convenlence
Dua| ax|s 5o|ar tracker f|g
Cverv|ew of resent 1racker Dr|ve 1ypes
5o|ar tracker Dr|ves can be dlvlded lnLo
Lhree maln Lvpes dependlna on Lhe
Lvpe of drlve and senslna or
poslLlonlna svsLem LhaL Lhev
W 1 Possive trockers use Lhe sun's
radlaLlon Lo heaL aases LhaL move Lhe
Lracker across Lhe skv
W 4ctive trockers use elecLrlc or
hvdraullc drlves and some Lvpe of
aearlna or acLuaLor Lo move Lhe
W Open /oop trockers use no senslna
buL lnsLead deLermlne Lhe poslLlon of
Lhe sun Lhrouah pre recorded daLa for
a parLlcular slLe
5o|ar 1racker
3 Cpen Loop
1 ass|ve ( Gas ) 1rackers
9asslve Lrackers use a compressed
aas fluld ln Lwo canlsLers each place ln wesL
easL of Lhe Lracker 1he mechanlsm ls ln such a
wav LhaL lf one slde cvllnder ls heaLed oLher
slde plsLon rlses causlna Lhe panel Lo LllL over
Lhe sunnv slde
1hls affecLs Lhe balance of Lhe
Lracker and caused lL Lo LllL 1hls svsLem ls verv
rellable and needs llLLle malnLenance
1hev are cheaper effecLlvelv lncrease Lhe
efflclencv of Lhe solar panel
aas Lracker wlll verv rarelv polnL Lhe solar panels
dlrecLlv Lo Lhe sun due Lo Lhe LemperaLure
varles from dav Lo dav and CvercasL davs are
also a problem can damaae Lhe panel
when Lhe sun appears and dlsappears
behlnd clouds causlna Lhe aas ln Lhe llquld ln
cvllnders Lo expand and conLracL resulLlna ln erraLlc
movemenL of Lhe devlce ofLen causes AMACL
Act|ve 1rackers
Act|ve trackers measure Lhe llahL
lnLenslLv from Lhe sun bv uslna llahL
sensors Lo deLermlne where Lhe solar
modules should be polnLlna
LlahL sensors are poslLloned on Lhe
Lracker aL varlous locaLlons ln speclallv
shaped holders
f Lhe sun ls noL faclna Lhe Lracker
dlrecLlv Lhere wlll be a dlfference ln llahL
lnLenslLv on one llahL sensor compared
Lo anoLher and Lhls causes Lo deLermlne
ln whlch dlrecLlon Lhe Lracker has Lo LllL
wlLh Lhe help of Lhe sLepper or dc moLor
ln order Lo be faclna Lhe sun
DkAJ8A5 Cn overcasL davs lL wlll be
noL so worklna properlv due Lo clouds
3 Cpen Loop 5o|ar 1rackers
DLINA1CN Cpen loop Lrackers deLermlne Lhe
poslLlon of Lhe sun uslna compuLer conLrolled
alaorlLhms or slmple Llmlna svsLems
1 1|med 1rackers
A Llmer ls used Lo move Lhe Lracker
across Lhe skv ncremenLal movemenL LhrouahouL
Lhe dav keeps Lhe solar panel polnLlna Lhe sun
Advantages can be uLlllze as one or Lwo axes
D|sadvantage oes noL Lake lnLo accounL Lhe
seasonal varlaLlon ln sun poslLlon
A|t|tude / Az|muth 1rackers
L uses Lhe asLronomlcal daLa or sun
poslLlon alaorlLhms Lo deLermlne Lhe poslLlon of
sun for anv alven Llme and locaLlon bv uslna mlcro
Cnce Lhe poslLlon has been calculaLed Lhe
modules are moved uslna servo moLors and Lhere
poslLlon measured bv encoders bullL lnLo Lhe
Lracker frame
5ome nterest|ng ower Iacts
Lff|c|ency |ncreased by us|ng so|ar trackers for one Vce||
Any Cuer|es ? ? ?
1hank you very much for your A11LN1CN

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