Project Proposal Final Ashley

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Development of an artificially
intelligent cramp reliever system
for mensural cycles: Case for
Dysmenorrhoea in Zimbabwe

• More than half of the population of women in any place who mensurate has
problems with mensural cramps varying from none through mild to the
extremes which is primary dysmenorrhoea

• Affected women and young girls experience sharp, intense pain, usually centred
in the pelvic area. Pain may radiate to the back of the legs or the lower back.
Additionally, one might also experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue,
fever, headache, or light-headedness are common.”

• Therefor , providing a solution for this pain to go away is a very big step to take
for all women as no one likes the pain and could do anything to get relief from
• Mensuration is a woman’s monthly bleeding, often called the
“period.” When one menstruates, the body discards the monthly
build-up of the lining of the uterus (womb) as well as mensural
• So, the problem comes up when the uterus is trying to expel the,
lining a chemical called prostaglandins makes the uterus contract to
expel it. Higher levels of prostaglandins make uterus contract more
strongly and can press against the nearby blood vessels, which cuts
off the oxygen
• supply to the tissue and result in pain and cramping. In addition,
during strong contractions, the blood flow is reduced, and the
oxygen supply to the uterus muscle tissue decreases, causing pain.

• There have been many solutions suggested for relieving one from
mensural cramps which differ altogether from person to person
depending on the intensity of the cramps as well as how long it takes.
• For mild mensural cramps which are usually manageable at homes
people make use of hot water bottles for heating up the lower
abdomen and some make use of pain killers to do away with the pain.
• The use of pain killers usually results in drug abuse as the dosage will
no longer be enough to relieve one from pain immediately the person
tends to take more pills which is drug abuse.
• According to UNICEF in 2018 a study concluded that the period a
woman has her mensural flow in a lifetime can reach up to 7 years of
her time which is a very long time to be in pain for a natural cause .

•The main purpose of this study is to

know and understand how mensural
cramps work at a better level then
provide an optimum solution to end
this pain for good.

•Development of an artificially intelligent

cramp reliever system for mensural
cycles: Case for Dysmenorrhoea in
•Develop a cramp reliever (CR) system for
elimination of pains in a nonionizing manner.
•The system should be able to adjust to change
and meeting every woman in pains needs for relief
in their different ways.
•It should be affordable thus available to all
• To make a working prototype

• The main reason for carrying out this research is to

bring about change in Zimbabwean woman’s life
who is willing to be relieved from their pain during
their period at an affordable price in a way that
doesn’t disturb the normal function of the body.
• A research is going to be carried out focusing on what has already
been done so as to get rid of the pain for example the Mellopad by
Abigail Ogunyemi.


• Data is going to be collected using both qualitative and quantitative
research and then evaluated for the optimum efficient structure of the
solution which will then take shape after analysing.
• This analysis will also help determine the right materials to use that
are of quality and at the same time using that which is cost effective
Schedule of Activities

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