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Answer the following

1. It refers to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative, and
analytical research methods designed to diagnose problems
or weaknesses—whether organizational, academic, or
instructional—and help educators develop practical
solutions to address them quickly and efficiently.

a.Action practice c.Action research

b.Action process
2. It is also called a cycle of action or cycle of
inquiry since it typically follows a predefined
process that is repeated over time.

a. action research c.Modular assignment

b. newspaper
3. Which of the following is the basic
purpose of Action Research?

a. Improve c. Improve
practices aTheory
b. Generalization
4. This is a brief, concise section focusing
your reader on the essential elements of
your Action Research paper.

a. Abstract c. Context and

b. Action Research Rationale
5. He is generally known as the
father of action research.

a. kurt lewin
b.charlz darwin
c. albert einstine
6. This one of the process of action

a. books to read
b. Identifying and limiting the
c. conduct an evaluation
7.This can be loosely defined as any existing source of
information that can shed light on the topic selected for

a. Generalization
b. Improve Theory
c. Related literature
8. It is an analysis typically begins during data collection,
continues throughout the remainder of the process of collecting
data, and is completed following data collection. as you collect
your data, analyze them by looking
for themes, categories, or patterns that emerge.

a. Qualitative data
b. Improve Theory
c. Hypothesis testing
9. May be analyzed through the use of either descriptive
statistics or inferential statistics.

a. improve practices
b. Generalization
c. Improve Theory
d. Hypothesis testing
10. Provides teachers with the technical skills and specialized
knowledge required to effect positive change within classrooms,
schools, and communities (Johnson, 2012; Stringer, 2008).

a. Improve practices
b. Generalization
c. Action research
by Huerte, JM.
Kurt Lewin is generally considered the
‘father’ of action research. A German
social and experimental psychologist,
and one of the founders of the Gestalt
school, he was concerned with social
problems, and focused on participative
group processes for addressing conflict,
crises, and change, generally within
Action Research
It refers to a wide variety of evaluative,
investigative, and analytical research methods
designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses—
whether organizational, academic, or instructional
—and help educators develop practical solutions to
address them quickly and efficiently.
Action research may
also be called a cycle of
action or cycle of
Action Research Process
1. Identifying and limiting the topic
2. Gathering information
3. Reviewing the related literature
4. Developing a research plan
5. Implementing the plan and collecting data
6. Analyzing the data
7. Developing an action plan
8. Sharing and communicating the results
9. Reflecting on the process
Action Research Process

1. Identifying and limiting the topic

The first step in any research study is deciding

exactly what to study.
Action Research Process
2. Gathering information

Preliminary information gathering

3. Reviewing the related literature

“Related literature” can be loosely defined as any existing source of

information that can shed light on the topic selected for investigation. These
sources of information might include professional books, research journals,
complete websites or individual web pages, teacher resource manuals, school or
district documents, and even discussions with colleagues (Creswell, 2005;
Johnson, 2008).
Action Research Process
4. Developing a research plan

Research Methodology ( Qualitative, Quantitative )

Research Ethics
Action Research Process
5. Implementing the plan and collecting

How to actually collect data?

- data collect through questionnaire or survey
Action Research Process
6. Analyzing the data

Analysis of data occurs primarily at two points during the process of a

research study.
Qualitative data - analysis typically begins during data collection,
continues throughout the remainder of the process of collecting data, and
is completed following data collection. as you collect your data, analyze
them by looking
for themes, categories, or patterns that emerge.
Quantitative data - may be analyzed through the use of either descriptive
statistics or inferential statistics.
Action Research Process
7. Developing an action plan

The action plan is essentially a proposed strategy for

implementing the results of your action research project.

As the action plan is implemented, its effectiveness must

continually be monitored, evaluated, and revised, thus
perpetuating the cyclical nature of action research.
Action Research Process
8. Sharing and communicating the results
The most appreciative audience for presentations of action research
results is often your own colleagues. Results can be shared with this type of
audience in an informal manner, perhaps taking the form of a brief
presentation at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting or teacher in-service
session. Professional level, results of action research studies can also be
disseminated to larger educational audiences, typically in more formal
settings. Results can be formally presented at professional conferences or
other types of teachers’ conventions, usually conducted at the regional,
state, or national levels (Johnson, 2008).
Action Research Process
9. Reflecting on the process

Reflection, as it pertains to action research, is something that must be

done at the end of a particular action cycle. It is a crucial step in the
process, since this is where the teacher-researcher reviews what has
been done, determines its effectiveness, and makes decisions about
possible revisions for future implementations of the project (which, in
all likelihood, will comprise future action research cycles).

Reflection following each step in the process permits the teacher-

researcher to continuously monitor the progress of the action research
Action Research Process
Importance of Action Research
There is clear evidence to suggest that action research is a valuable exercise
for teachers to undertake. It offers teachers a systematic (Frabutt et al., 2008),
collaborative (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988), and participatory (Holter &
Frabutt, 2012; Mills, 2011) process of inquiry that actively seeks to address
areas of concern or redress.

Action research provides teachers with the technical skills and specialized
knowledge required to effect positive change within classrooms, schools, and
communities (Johnson, 2012; Stringer, 2008).

There is unlimited scope for teachers wishing to develop ‘customized’ action

research projects of their own, as topics for investigation are as multifarious
as the daily vignettes evidenced in the teaching profession.
The Glossary of Education Reform, 2015. Retrieved on September 22, 2022, from

Hine, 2013. Importance of Action Research in Teacher Education Programs.

Retrieved on September 23, 2022, from

Overview of the Action Research Process, 2015. Retrieved on September 23, 2022,
Answer the ff,
1.According to Nunan, which of the following is NOT
a major characteristic in the definition of action

a.It is carried out by practitioners (eg: classroom

b.It is aimed at changing things.
c.It is carried out by using of oral interviews.
d.It is collaborative.
2.“Review research literature”
belongs to stage:

3.Which the following statement is TRUE about action research?

a. A four-step process of AR is identifying an area of focus, collecting data,

analyzing data, and transforming data.

b.Critical AR emphasizes the importance of teachers’ autonomy.

c.The two main theories of AR are critical and typical.

d.AR is a systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, and

other stakeholders.
4.What are 2 major questions underlying data

a.What do I need to see?

What do I need to know?
b.What do I need to do?
c.What do I need to plan?
d.all of the above
5.Choose the correct option that mentioned correct
observational tools.

a. Observation sheets, Surveys, Records, Visuals

b.Observation sheets, Observation notes,
Recording&Transcription, Visuals
c.Observation notes, Interviews, Transcription,
Classroom Documents
d.Interviews, Questionnaires, Journals&Logs,
Classroom Documents
6.How many steps are there to get an
overall framework your analysis?

7.___ is a techniques for analysing and synthesizing
qualitative data.

a.Analyzing talk
c.Descriptive statistic
d.measures of central tendency
8. How many ways to reflect an action

9._____ is a visual mode of sharing with others in reflecting
an action research.

c.Video Clips
10. It is the essentially a
proposed strategy for
implementing the results ?

a. action plan
b. research
c. assignment

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