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Awareness about

- is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means.
Cyberbullying are also known as online bullying.

Cyberbullying takes place when a teen or younger child uses a

computing device to threaten, humiliate, or otherwise harass a peer.
It may occur over a laptop, smartphone or tablet, and live within
platforms such as text messages, emails, social media, online forums
and chat rooms.Equipped with an Internet connection and a capable
device, cyberbullies can wreak havoc on their victims at any time,
from virtually anywhere. And because the act doesn't require face-to-face
interactions like physical bullying, catching the perpetrators in timely
fashion can be difficult.
- also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an
instrument to further illegal ends,
such as committing fraud, trafficking in child
pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities,
or violating privacy.
Let’s talk about Cyberbullying

Many people have experienced nasty or hurtful words from the

internet, like being called “fat” or “ugly”.
People nowadays really need to slow down or to stop their unethical
attitudes. Cyberbullying can cause
mental health issues, increased stress and anxiety, depression, acting
out violently,
and low self-esteem that sometimes leads to suicide.
Cyberbullying can also result in long-lasting emotional effects, even if
the bullying has stopped.
Mostly who have had experienced this are famous people or celebrities. One of them
are Zayn Malik.

Despite being part of one of the biggest boybands of all time, Zayn Malik was targeted
by cyberbullies while he was part of One Direction, who attacked him because of his

"Nasty things [were said] like I’m a terrorist, and this and that," he told The Sun in
"How can you justify that? How can you call me that and get away with it?"
He told the newspaper that he was able to shrug off the comments but what really
affected him was when the abuse reached members of his family.
"You can say whatever you want about me, I’m not really bothered," he said.
"But when it starts to upset people I care about or I hear about it from my mum, then
that’s a problem.
"I thought we’d moved forward. If that was said to me on the street or if someone said
it to me to my face or whatever then something could be done about it.”
Although we thought that they are used to it, because they
are famous, but still they are humans, they still have
feelings and emotions.
There are just people who are insecure or views
themselves as “perfect”, that they drag other people down.

Technology should not be used as a

too to hurt and create conflict.
Cyberbullying can also transition to Cybercrime. Although legal regulations are still developing in the
fast-moving world of social networking online, cyberbullying can cross over into cybercrime.

Like this case, where In 2011, two girls, one 11, the other 12, were charged with cyberstalking and
first-degree computer
trespassing for the crimes they allegedly committed against another 12-year-old girl, who was
identified as a former friend.
The pair was accused of posting sexually explicit photos and messages on the victim's Facebook
profile after getting ahold of her password. Both defendants faced up to 30 days in a juvenile
detention center for their alleged crimes.
This case is just one example of how cyberbullying can result in a cybercrime that violates
existing law.
At the same time, it underlines the growing importance of Internet safety for kids.
How to prevent Cybercrime :

Keep software and operating system updated

-Keeping your software and operating system up to date ensures that you benefit from the latest security patches to
protect your computer.
Keep software and operating system updated
Using anti-virus or a comprehensive internet security solution like Kaspersky Total Security is a smart way to
protect your system from attacks.
Anti-virus software allows you to scan, detect and remove threats before they become a problem. Having this
protection in place helps to protect your computer and your data from cybercrime, giving you piece of mind.
If you use anti-virus software, make sure you keep it updated to get the best level of protection.-
Use strong passwords
-Be sure to use strong passwords that people will not guess and do not record them anywhere. Or use a reputable
password manager to generate strong passwords randomly to make this easier.
Never open attachments in spam emails
- Be sure to use strong passwords that people will not guess and do not record them anywhere. Or use a reputable
password manager to generate strong passwords randomly to make this easier.
Do not click on links in spam emails or untrusted websites
- Another way people become victims of cybercrime is by
clicking on links in spam emails or other messages, or unfamiliar
websites. Avoid doing this to stay safe online.

Do not give out personal information unless secure

- Never give out personal data over the phone or via email
unless you are completely sure the line or email is secure.
Make certain that you are speaking to the person you think you are .
As for cyberbullying
The best defense against cyberbullying is prevention, and
parents can play an active role in the process by monitoring
their child's digital activities. In addition to making sure you
are aware of who they communicate with via phone and text,
you can use Internet security software to block access to
inappropriate content online. Most importantly, talk to your
kids about cyberbullying. Make sure they know it's OK to
come to you, a teacher, counselor, or someone else they trust.
The sooner they speak up, the sooner someone can put an end
to the madness.
and for the
Educate yourself and don’t speak
when you have nothing good to say.
That is all. Have the life you deserve.
“How to change the world:
• spread positivity
• bring people up instead of dragging
them down
• treat others the way you wish to be
― Germany Kent
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