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Pulse 2 , unit 1 What Do You Like?
Page 12
Expresses simple present:
(kegunaan simple present dalam
✗ habitual action / routine. (Perbuatan berulang atau sikap/ rutin)

✗ present state or a condition (Keadaan semasa/sekarang)

✗ future action (Perbuataan masa depan)

✗ general truths or facts (fakta / maklumat umum)

NEGATIVE FORM: ayat dalam
bentuk negatif
 I work ✗ Selepas kata kerja untuk dia (He, She, It)
tambah “s”- work jadi works.
 You work ✗ Verb ( kata kerja ) tak berubah kekal dalam
 He works bentuk root work (kata akar/ kata asal)
She works
 It works Cara tulis dalam ayat:
 We work Subject (orang) +
 They work (verb- simple present) kata kerja
He (orang) + work (kata kerja) + s

1 Habitual Action
Uses to refer to the repeated or regular
actions, and it is usually used with adverbs
(perbuatan berulang atau kerap, selalu digunakan sekali
dengan kata keterangan)
 always, usually, often, normally, sometimes,
occasionally, seldom or rarely, never
 all the time or at all time, every, most of the
time, every now and then, once a while,
generally, once or twice a week
Examples ( contoh)
✗ The pupils pray (pray) every day.
(Murid pelajar sembahyang/solat setiap hari)
✗ Dad always cooks (cook) the dinner.
( Ayah selalu masak makan malam)
✗ She usually goes (go) to bed at 8 o’clock in the evening.
(Dia selalunya masuk tidur pada pukul 8 malam.)

Present State or
2 Condition
we use verb to express the present condition or state
of the subject.
(kita guna kata kerja untuk menunjukkan/ menyatakan
keadaan dan situasi.)
Examples (contoh)
 The weather today is (be) cool.
(Cuaca hari ini adalah baik.)
 She belongs (belong) to the first group.
(Dia kepunyaan kumpulan pertama.)
 They are (be) very noisy.
(Mereka adalah sangat bising.)

3 Future Action
we use verb to express the action that is
happening in the near future.
(perbuatan yang berlaku hampir pada masa depan)
Examples (contoh)
✗ The train leaves (leave) at 8:30 a.m.
( Keretapi bertolak pada 8.30 pagi.)

✗ The plane arrives (arrive) at 10 p.m.

( Kapal terbang tiba pada 10 pagi)

✗ The party starts (start) at 6 o’clock in the evening.

(Jamuan bermula pada 6 petang.)

General truth or
4 Fact
we use verb to express the truth or fact information
about the subject.
(kita guna kata kerja untuk memberi fakta atau
makluman tentang sesuatu perkara)

Examples (contoh)
 We speak (speak) Filipino and English.
(Kami bercakap Filipina dan Bahasa inggeris.)

 The moon shines (shine) at night.

( Bulan bersinar pada waktu malam.)

 The earth goes (go) around the sun.

(Bumi berputar mengelilingi matahari.)
NEGATIVE FORM: ayat dalam
bentuk negatif ✗ Sebelum kata kerja tambah perkataan
 I don’t work negative (don’t).
 You don’t work ✗ Verb ( kata kerja ) tak berubah kekal
 He doesn’t work dalam bentuk root work (kata akar)
She doesn’t work ✗ Sama macam ayat penyata cuma kena
tambah perkataan tidak (don’t)
 It doesn’t work
 We don’t work Cara tulis dalam ayat:
Subject (orang) + don’t (perkataan tidak) +
 They don’t work (verb- simple present) kata kerja
He (orang) + doesn’t (perkataan tidak) + work
(kata kerja).
Questions and short answers
(cara Tanya soalan dan jawab
secara pendek)
✗ Do I live in Pola? ✗ Does it work?
Yes, you do / No, you don’t Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t
✗ Do you play tennis? ✗ Do we watch TV a lot?
Yes, I do / No, I don’t Yes, you do / No, you don’t
✗ Does he study maths? ✗ Do you like English?
Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t Yes, we do / No, we don’t
✗ Does she go to the cinema? Yes, ✗ Do they live in Paris?
she does /No, she doesn’t Yes, they do / No, they don’t

Any questions?
Please whatsapp me on:
( Teacher Adibah)


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