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Global Positioning systems (GPS)

and its Applications

Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global Positioning System (GPS)

In 1973 the U.S. Department of Defense
decided to establish, develop, test, acquire,
and deploy a spaceborne Global Positioning
System (GPS). The result of this decision is the
present NAVSTARGPS (NAVigation Satellite
Timing And Ranging Global Positioning
GPS General Characteristics
 Developed by the US
Department of Defense
 Provides
 Accurate Navigation
 10 - 20 m
 Worldwide Coverage
 24 hour access
 Common Coordinate System
 Designed to replace existing
navigation systems
 Accessible by Civil and Military
“ The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS)
is an all-weather, space based navigation
system under development by the U.S.
Department of Defense to satisfy the
requirements for the military forces to accurately
determine their position, velocity, and time in a
common reference system, anywhere on or near
the Earth on a continuous basis. ”
History of Mapping and Surveying

First Maps were mental maps. Early hunters and gatherers
used mental maps to navigate overland.

About 5000 years ago the Babylonians produced property
descriptions and simple property maps on stone tablets.

First known surveying by ancient Egyptians used to reestablish
property corners destroyed by the flooding of the Nile.

About 2000-2500 years ago Greeks and Romans surveyed and
mapped their new settlements with a great degree of precision
using methods that changed very little up to this century. Their
maps were used to construct roads and aqueducts over
stretches of hundreds of miles.
History of Mapping and Surveying
 Classical Methods of Triangulation, later
combined with trilateration and traversing, was
used in the 19th and early 20th centuries to map
entire continents.
 These methods relied on, and were limited by,
the necessity of “line-of-sight” observations.

The Instruments progression : Chain, Tape,
Theodolites, Compass , Levels , Total Stations,
Digital levels and GPS.
Brief History of Navigation
 PreHistory - Present: Celestial Navigation
 Ok for latitude, poor for longitude until accurate clock invented
 13th Century: Magnetic Compass
 1907: Gyrocompass
 1912: Radio Direction Finding
 1930’s: Radar and Inertial Nav
 1940’s: Loran-A
 1960’s: Omega and Navy Transit (SatNav)
 1970’s: Loran-C
 1980’s: GPS
Ground-Based Radio Navigation Systems

Radio Navigation techniques were used to
position and track ships and airplanes in the
war effort.
 One such Radio Navigation System, The
HIRAN (High Ranging) system was used by
Early Space-Based Radio Navigation System

Launch of Sputnik – Tracking? -------------Doppler Shift.

Frank McClure, of the Applied Physics Laboratory, made a
suggestion: would it be possible to invert this problem? –
given rise to TRANSIT(US- 6 sat)/TSYKLON(USSR-10 sat)

 The Navy Navigational Satellite System (NNSS) or TRANSIT,

built for the U.S. Navy in the late 1950’s early 1960’s, is a
constellation of 6 satellites in near circular polar orbits.
TRANSIT used observed measurements in Doppler shift to
calculate distance and position to satellites.
 A fix requires 40minutes for a static user
Space-based vs. Ground-based Navigation Systems

 High frequency (short wave-length) radio signals,

necessary for optimal atmospheric penetration, require
line-of-sight transmission paths.
 Ground-based systems are limited to objects above the

Space-based systems see much more of the Earth’s
How Well Does It Work?
Navigation Accuracy Comparisons

GPS- 50’

LORAN C- 600’

Transit- 650’

TACAN- 1300’

Inertial- 3500’

Omega- 7200’
Brief History of GPS
 Original concept developed around 1960

Preliminary system, Transit, operational in 1964
 Developed for nuke submarines
 6 polar-orbiting satellites, Doppler measurements only
 Satellites (1967-69) used the first onboard precise clock for
passive ranging

Full scale GPS development begun in 1973
 Renamed Navstar, but name never caught on

First 4 SV’s launched in 1978

Dead Reckoning is the ability to evaluate one’s displacement with no absolute
positioning instrument.
Space Segment
( Initial Operational Capability(IOC)-1993)
(Full Operational Capability(FOC)-1995)

Block I Block II/IIA

First Launch: 22 Feb 78(78-85) First Launch: 14 Apr 89(89-97)

On-Orbit: None, Total=11 Total: 28

Block IIR / IIR-M(L2C civil

signal & new military Block IIF
code M on both L1& L2)
First Launch: 22 Jul 1997/25Sep2005 First Launch: 2009
Total=21/8 Acquiring up to 19 SV’s
(R: Replenishment; M: Modernized)
 The primary goals for developing the GPS were
of a military nature. But the U.S. Congress has
allowed civilians to use this system with some

The first GPS satellite PRN 4 was launched on
February 22, 1978. PRN 4 was the first in a
series of 11 so-called Block I satellites.

The first Block II satellite was launched in
February 1989.
GPS Tidbits

Development costs estimate ~$12 billion
 Annual operating cost ~$400 million

3 Segments:
 Space: Satellites
 User: Receivers
 Control: Monitor & Control stations
 Prime Space Segment contractor: Rockwell International

Coordinate Reference: WGS-84
 Operated by US Air Force Space Command (AFSC)
 Mission control center operations at Schriever (formerly
Falcon) AFB, Colorado Springs
GPS System
Space Segment
NAVSTAR : NAVigation
Satellite Time and Ranging
24 Satellites (30)
20200 Km

Control Segment
User Segment 1 Master Station
Receive Satellite Signal 5 Monitoring Stations
Control Segment
Monitor and Control


Ascension Kwajalein
Master Control Station Garcia
Monitor Station
Ground Antenna
Control Segment

Master Control Station
 Responsible for collecting tracking data from the monitoring
stations and calculating satellite orbits and clock parameters
 5 Monitoring Stations
 Responsible for measuring pseudorange data. This orbital
tracking network is used to determine the broadcast
ephemeris and satellite clock modeling
 Ground Control Stations
 Responsible for upload of information to the satellites
IIR-15(M) Launch & View From Space
25 September 2006
GPS Segments
Space Segment

Satellite Constellation

User Segment

Master Control Station

Master Control Station (MCS) Advanced Ground Antenna HAWAII Master Control Station
Ground Antenna (GA) Monitor Station (MS) ECUADOR DIEGO
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Tracking Station SOUTH
Alternate Master Control Station (AMCS) NEW ZEALAND
Space Segment

24 Satellites • 12 Hourly orbits
 4 satellites in 6 Orbital – In view for 4-5 hours
Planes inclined at 55 • Designed to last 7.5 years
Degrees • Different Classifications

20200 Km above the Earth – Block 1, 2, 2A, 2R & 2 F

User Segment

 The most visible segment

 GPS receivers are found in many
locations and applications
Who Uses It?
 Everyone!
 Merchant, Navy, Coast Guard vessels
 Forget about the sextant, Loran, etc.
 Commercial Airliners, Civil Pilots
 Surveyors
 Has completely revolutionized surveying
 Commercial Truckers
 Hikers, Mountain Climbers, Backpackers
 Cars now being equipped
 Communications and Imaging Satellites
 Space-to-Space Navigation
 Any system requiring accurate timing
Why GPS ?

Weather Independent

Does not require line of sight

Gives high Geodetic Accuracy

Can be operated day and night

Quicker and requires less manpower

Economical advantages

Common Coordinate System

Wide Range of Applications

Competitively Priced

GPS has many advantages over Traditional Terrestrial
Surveying Techniques
 These traditional techniques rely on line of sight between
the survey instrument and a target
 If an obstructions exists, it must be traversed around

Typically distance measurement is limited to 5 Km

Weather can limit operations. eg fog, rain etc
 Common co-ordinate system

Better accuracy
How It Works (In 5 Easy Steps)

GPS is a ranging system (triangulation)
 The “reference stations” are satellites moving at 4 km/s
1. A GPS receiver (“the user”) detects 1-way ranging signals
from several satellites
 Each transmission is time-tagged
 Each transmission contains the satellite’s position
2. The time-of-arrival is compared to time-of-transmission
3. The delta-T is multiplied by the speed of light to obtain the
4. Each range puts the user on a sphere about the satellite
5. Intersecting several of these yields a user position
Outline Principle : Range

lX l


ll Vl

Range = Time Taken x Speed of Light

Multi-Satellite Ranging

1 range puts user Intersecting with A 3rd range

on the spherical a 2nd range constrains user
face of the cone. restricts user to to 1 of the 2
the circular arcs. points.
Outline Principle : Position

The satellites are like “Orbiting Control Stations”

Ranges (distances) are measured to each satellite using
time dependent codes

Typically GPS receivers use inexpensive clocks. They are
much less accurate than the clocks on board the satellites

A radio wave travels at the speed of light
 (Distance = Velocity x Time)
 Consider an error in the receiver clock
 1/10 second error = 30,000 Km error
 1/1,000,000 second error = 300 m error
 Accuracy of position is only as good as your clock
 To know where you are, you must know when you receive.
 Receiver clock must match SV clock to compute delta-T

SVs carry atomic oscillators (2 rubidium, 2 cesium each)
 Not practical for hand-held receiver
 Accumulated drift of receiver clock is called clock bias
 The erroneously measured range is called a pseudorange
 To eliminate the bias, a 4th SV is tracked
 4 equations, 4 unknowns
 Solution now generates X,Y,Z and b

If Doppler also tracked, Velocity can be computed
Position Equations
P1  ( X  X 1 ) 2  (Y  Y1 ) 2  ( Z  Z 1 ) 2  b
P2  ( X  X 2 ) 2  (Y  Y2 ) 2  ( Z  Z 2 ) 2  b
P3  ( X  X 3 ) 2  (Y  Y3 ) 2  ( Z  Z 3 ) 2  b
P4  ( X  X 4 ) 2  (Y  Y4 ) 2  ( Z  Z 4 ) 2  b

Pi = Measured PseudoRange (Biased ranges) to the ith SV
Xi , Yi , Zi = Position of the ith SV, Cartesian Coordinates
X , Y , Z = User position, Cartesian Coordinates, to be solved-for
b = User clock bias (in distance units), to be solved-for
The above nonlinear equations are solved iteratively using an initial
estimate of the user position, XYZ, and b- same for all satellites
Point Positioning

Accuracy 10 - 100 m

A receiver in autonomous mode provides navigation and

positioning accuracy of about 10 to 100 m due to the effects
of GPS errors!!?
GPS Signal Structure
 Each GPS satellite transmits a number of signals
 The signal comprises two carrier waves (L1-19cm and L2-23cm) and
two codes (C/A on L1 and P or Y on both L1 and L2) as well as a
satellite orbit message
 Bandwidth allocated for L1-24 MHz, L2-22 MHz, & L5-28 MHz

10.23 MHz ÷ 10

L1 C/A Code P (Y)-Code

x 154 1575.42 MHz 1.023 MHz 10.23 MHz

x 120 L2 P (Y)-Code
1227.60 MHz 10.23 MHz

50 BPS Satellite Message (Almanac & Ephemeris)

Coarse Acquisition (C/A) Code

1023-bit Gold Code

Originally intended as simply an acquisition code for P-code receivers
 Modulates the L1 only
 Chipping rate = 1.023 MHz (290 meter “wavelength”)

Sequence Length = 1023 bits, thus Period = 1 millisec
 ~300 km range ambiguity: receiver must know range to better than this
for position solution

Provides the data for Standard Positioning Service (SPS)
 The usual position generated for most civilian receivers

Modulated by the Navigation/Timing Message code
Precise (P) Code

Generally encrypted into the Y-code (A.S.)
 Requires special chip to decode

Modulates both L1 & L2
 Also modulated by Nav/Time data message
 Chipping rate=10.23 MHz (29.30m “wavelength”) i.e. 10 times
faster than C/A code ensuring improved time measurement.

Sequence Length = 2.35*1014 bits, thus Period = 266 days
 P-code rate is the fundamental frequency (provides the basis
for all others)
 P-Code (10.23 MHz) /10 = 1.023 MHz (C/A code)
 P-Code (10.23 MHz) X 154 = 1575.42 MHz (L1).
 P-Code (10.23 MHz) X 120 = 1227.60 MHz (L2).
Navigation Message
 In order to solve the user position equations, one must know where the SV

The navigation and time code provides this
 50 Hz signal modulated on L1 and L2

The SV’s own position information is transmitted in a 1500-bit data frame
 Pseudo-Keplerian orbital elements
 Determined by control center via ground tracking
 Receiver implements orbit-to-position algorithm
 Also includes clock data and satellite status

And ionospheric / tropospheric corrections

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has reserved 1559-
1610MHz band for satellite based navigation through World Radio
Communication (WRC) conferences, held every three year.

GPS bands(US Federal Communication Commission): (1215-1240MHz, 1559-
1610 MHz, L5- 1164-1188MHz)
The Almanac

In addition to its own nav data, each SV also broadcasts info
about ALL the other SV’s
 In a reduced-accuracy format

Known as the Almanac

Permits receiver to predict, from a cold start, “where to look”
for SV’s when powered up

GPS orbits are so predictable, an almanac may be valid for

Almanac data is large
 12.5 minutes to transfer in entirety
GPS Signals
 Most unsophisticated receivers track only L1

If L2 tracked, then the phase difference (L1-L2) can
be used to filter out ionospheric delay.
 This is true even if the receiver cannot decrypt the P-
code (more later)
 L1-only receivers use a simplified correction model
Range Determination from Code Observations

 Pseudoranges (Code) Received Code

from Satellite
 Each satellite sends a unique signal
which repeats itself approx. 1 msec
 Receiver compares self generated Generated
Code from
signal with received signal Receiver

 From the time difference (dT) a range

observation can be determined
 Receiver clock needs to be T

synchronized with the satellite clock D = V (T)

Receiver/Signal Code Comparison

Initial Phase Ambiguity

Initial phase Ambiguity must be determined to use carrier phase data as
distance measurements over time

Time (0) Time (i)



Phase Measurement
Counted Cycles

Phase Measurement

D = c TN
Resolving the Ambiguity
 The effect of resolving the ambiguity is shown below

Note that once the ambiguities are resolved, the accuracy of the
measurement does not significantly improve with time

Accuracy (m)

Not resolved



Time (mins)
0 120
0 2 5
Rapid Static
Range Determination from Phase Observations
 Phase Observations
 Wavelength of the signal is 19 cm Received Satellite
on L1 and 24 cm on L2 Phase

 Receiver compares self-generated

phase with received phase
Number of wavelengths is not
 Phase from

known at the time the receiver is Receiver

switched on (carrier phase

 As long as you track the satellite, T
the change in distance can be
observed (the carrier phase
ambiguity remains constant)

D = c TN
Modernized GPS – New Signals
 Second civil signal (“L2C”)
Designed to meet commercial needs
Higher accuracy through ionospheric correction
Began with GPS Block IIR-M in Sep 2005; 24 satellites: ~2014

 Third civil signal (“L5”)

Designed to meet demanding requirements for transportation safety (safety-of-life)
Begins with GPS Block IIF
First launch: ~2008 (GPS IIR-M Demo); ~2009 (GPS IIF); 24 satellites: ~2016

 Fourth civil signal (“L1C”)

Designed with international partners to enable GNSS interoperability
Begins with GPS Block III; First launch: ~2014; 24 satellites: ~2021
GPS Error Sources
(uncertainities based on Satellite, signal propagation, and receiver based)

Standard Positioning Service (SPS ):

 Satellite clocks: < 1 to 3.6 meters
 Orbital errors: < 1 meter
 Receiver noise: 0.3 to 1.5 meters
 Ionosphere: 5.0 to 7.0 meters
 Troposphere: 0.5 to 0.7 meters
 Multipath: undetermined
 User error: Up to a kilometer or more

Errors are cumulative

Satellite Geometry
 Satellite geometry can affect the quality of signals and
accuracy of receiver trilateration.

Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) reflects each
satellite’s position relative to the other satellites being
accessed by a receiver.

PDOP can be used as an indicator of the quality of a
receiver’s triangulated position.
 It’s usually up to the GPS receiver to pick satellites which
provide the best position trilateration.
 Some receivers do allow PDOP manipulation by the user.
Dilution of Precision (DOP)
 Satellite geometry can affect the quality of signals and accuracy of
receiver trilateration.
• A description of purely geometrical contribution to the uncertainty in
a position fix.
• It is an indicator as to the geometrical strength of the satellites being
tracked at the time of measurement
– GDOP (Geometrical)
• Includes Lat, Lon, Height & Time Good GDOP
– PDOP (Positional) Poor DOP
• Includes Lat, Lon & Height
– HDOP (Horizontal)
• Includes Lat & Lon
– VDOP (Vertical)
• Includes Height
Very Good 1-3
Good 4-5
Fair 6
Suspect >6
Ideal Satellite Geometry


Good Satellite Geometry
Poor Satellite Geometry


Poor Satellite Geometry
Atmospheric Refraction
Ionsospheric Refraction
Tropospheric Refraction

Depends on:
Sun’s activity,

Ionospheric thickness & proportions/concentration of ionized

Actual path (i.e. relative position of satellite & receiver) of the

wave i.e. signal

Two measurements at two different frequencies(P-code) can

remove ionospheric error.
Atmospheric Delay
GPS signals are delayed
as they pass through
the atmosphere

er e

< 10 km > 10 km
Satellite Mask Angle
 Atmospheric Refraction is greater for satellites at
angles that are low to the receiver because the
signal must pass through more atmosphere.

 There is a trade off between mask angle and

atmospheric refraction. Setting high angles will
decrease atmospheric refraction, but it will also
decrease the possibility of tracking the
necessary four satellites.
Sources of Signal Interference
Multipath Error
Signal Obstruction

 When something blocks the GPS signal.

Areas of Great Elevation Differences
 Canyons
 Mountain Obstruction
 Urban Environments

Selective Availability (SA)
 To deny high-accuracy realtime positioning to potential enemies, DoD reserves the
right to deliberately degrade GPS performance
 Only on the C/A code

By far the largest GPS error source

Accomplished by:
 “Dithering” the clock data
 Results in erroneous pseudoranges

 Truncating the nav message data

 Erroneous SV positions used to compute user position

Degrades SPS solution by a factor of 4 or more
 Long-term averaging is the only effective SA compensator


Selective Availability (SA)

• In theory a point position can be 30m

accurate to 10 - 30m based on

the C/A Code
 The USDoD degrades the
accuracy of the broadcast
information P
 Dither the Satellite Clocks
 Satellite Orbital
 Positional accuracy 100m +/- 100m (95%)
P = True Position
Human Error
Error Budget
Typical Error in Meters (per satellite)
Standard GPS Differential GPS
Satellite Clocks 1.5 0
Orbit Errors 2.5 0
Ionosphere 5 0.4
Troposphere 0.5 0.2
Receiver Noise 0.3 0.3
Multipath 0.6 0.6
SA 30 0

Typical Position Accuracy

Horizontal 50 1.3
Vertical 78 2
3-D 93 2.8
Trimble Navigation Limited

Master Control 1station in US 1 in Russia 2 in EU

Surveillance 11 stations 7 30-40

Satellites 30(03/2007) 19(03/2007) 30(2011)

Orbital planes 6 Minm 4 sat Ø=15° 3(120°/45°) 3(9+1-40°)

Inclination 55° 64.8° 56°

Altitude (Km) 20180near-25820far 19100-24680 23222-28920

Ground track repeatition 1 day 7d 23h 27m28s 10 days

Revolution time 11h 57m 58s 11h 15m 44s 14h 4min

SelectiveAvailability Off No No

Anti-spoofing YES No No

services 2(SPS,PPS) 2(SPS,HPS) OS, SoL,CS,PRS,SAR

Frequency bands 3(L1,L2, M) 3 5(L1,E5a,E5b,E6,L6)

Velocity(m/s) c=299792458m/s 3870 3950 3675

PropagationTime(T-ms) 67-86 64-82 77-96

Distance travelled during T 260-333m 252-325m 285-355m


Standard Positioning Service(SPS)

Precise Positioning Service(PPS)


Standard Precision Service(SPS)

High Precision Service(SPS)


The Open source (OS)

The Safety of life (SoL)

The Commercial Service (CS) by Galileo Operating Concessionaire

The Public Regulated services: European Police/Antifraud offices.

The Seaarch & Rescue(SAR-L6) Service:+ to COSPAS-SARSAT system
How do I
Improve my Accuracy ?

Differential GPS
(Receiver position, satellite position, frequency-
ionospheric corrections, time-ambiguity of carrier phase
Differential Positioning

 It is possible to determine the

position of Rover ‘B’ in relation to
Reference ‘A’ provided

– The coordinates of the

Reference Station (A) are

– Satellites are tracked

• Differential Positioning
– eliminates errors in the Baseline Ve
sat. and receiver clocks A B
– minimizes atmospheric
– Accuracy 0.5 cm - 5 m
Differential Positioning

 If using Code only

accuracy is in the
range of 0.5m - 5
 This is typically
referred to as
DGPS Baseline Ve
Differential Positioning

 If using Phase or
Code & Phase
accuracy is in the
order of 5 - 10 mm +
Baseline Ve
Summary of GPS Positioning
• Point Positioning Methods using stand alone receivers
provide 10 - 100 m accuracy
– Dependent on SA
– 1 Epoch solution

• Differential Positioning Methods using 2 receivers,

simultaneously tracking a minimum of 4 satellites
(preferably 5) will yield 0.5 cm to 5 m accuracy with respect
to a Reference Station

• Differential Techniques using Code will give meter accuracy

• Differential Techniques using Phase will give centimeter
GPS Surveying Techniques

 Static
 For long baselines (>20Km), where the highest
possible accuracy is required
 This is the traditional technique for providing
Geodetic Networks
 The only solution for large areas

 Rapid Static
 For baselines up to 20Km
 Short Occupation times
 Normally used for high production
GPS Surveying Techniques
 Stop and Go
 Detail Surveys. Any application
where many points close
together have to be surveyed
 Fast and economical
 Ideal for open areas
 Kinematic
 Used to track the trajectory of a
moving object (continuous
 Can be used to profile roadways,
stockpiles, etc.
What is Real Time ?

lX l

In a scientific sense Real Time can be defined as any

action undertaken that results in an instantaneous Vl
response. Look at your watch. The time displayed is

happening in Real Time.

Real Time
No post processing required
Results are instantly available
Can operate in two modes
Real Time Kinematic (RTK)

The Relative Positioning procedure whereby
carrier phase measurements (or corrections) are
transmitted in real-time from a Reference or
Base Station to the user's roving receiver.
Centimetre accuracy is achieved without the
need to record and post-process double-
differenced carrier phase observables.
Real-Time DGPS
 A Base Station computes, formats, and transmits
pseudo-range corrections via some sort of data
communication link (e.g., VHF or UHF radio, cellular
telephone, FM radio sub-carrier or satellite com link). The
roving receiver requires some sort of data link receiving
equipment to receive the transmitted DGPS corrections so
that they can be applied to its current observations. Most GPS
receivers are so-called "RTCM-capable", which means that
they can accept industry standard DGPS correction
messages if the real-time data link is provided.
Real Time Differential Code

 At Reference Station
 Reference Station on a Known Point
 Tracks all Satellites in View
 Computes corrections for each satellite
 Transmits corrections via a communication link
in either propriety format or in the RTCM

 At the Rover Station

 Rover unit receives the corrections via the
communication link
 Rover position corrected by applying the
received corrections

ACCURACY 0.3m - 0.5m

Real Time Phase

• At Reference Station
– Reference Station on a Known Point
– Tracks all Satellites in View
– Transmits via a communication link GPS
Measurements along with the Reference Station Coordinates

• At the Rover Station

– Rover receives the GPS Measurements and Reference Station
Coordinates via the communication link
– Rover undertakes computations to resolve Ambiguities

ACCURACY 1 - 2cm + 2ppm

What equipment bests suits my
Dual Frequency Receivers
 The “high end” of the GPS Market
 Baseline Accuracy 5mm + 1ppm (rms)

Used in all GPS Surveying tasks :-
 Geodetic Control Networks, Tectonic Plate Monitoring,
Network Densification, Phogrammetric Control, Detail
Surveys etc.

New applications are found on a daily basis
Single Frequency Receivers

 Baseline Accuracy 1cm + 2ppm (rms)

 Uses Post process L1 carrier phase

Used for all Surveying tasks with baselines up
to 15Km
 Network Densification, Detail Surveys
 Less expensive alternative to Dual frequency
Single v’s Dual

Single Frequency Dual Frequency

Less expensive option  Unlimited baseline length
 Limitation on baseline length 
Short occupation times
(15Km).  Real Time

Longer occupation times.  Supports all GPS modes

Real Time 
More reliable results
 Depending on application
can be ideal solution
GPS Data Post Processing
• Commercial Software
Post Processing Software
• Scientific Post Processing
– BERNESE from University of Berne,
– GIPSY from Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– DIPOP from University of Brunswick, Canada
– GEONAP from University of Hannover,
Use of GPS Precision farming

Power Grid
Interfaces Personal Navigation
Surveying &
Trucking &

Railroads Communications

Fishing &
Off shore

Topo and Locations  Boundaries
 Mapping 
Seismic Stakeout
 Monitoring 

Volumes 
Establishing Portable Control
 Photo control Stations (sharing with Total
 Construction Control and Stations)
Stakeout 
Agriculture - Slope Staking

Emergency services

Tracking of people, vehicles

Plate movements

Sports (boating, hiking,…)


Public Transport
Military Uses

Navigation (night & bad weather)

Call in target coordinates
 Locate squad for retrieval
 Guidance system for missiles
 Ships used them for minesweeping, rendezvous,
and aircraft operations
GPS for Photo flight missions
GPS is being used
extensively as a navigation
aid in airborne photo flight
missions for planning as well
as execution. With the use of
GPS navigation lot of time
and efforts are saved without
reflights. The data acquired is
also of good quality thus
making the surveys as very
LIDAR- 3 D city model mapping
Tool for GPS ground control for
photo/image rectification
A tool for map updation AND GIS
Attribute data collection
Again GPS has a
strong role for
mapping the new
areas that is used for
map updation which
is very critical and
common requirement
for town planners and
decision makers
Transport Applications

increase Safety
 improve Efficiency
 Easy Navigation
 Monitoring and Tracking
Sports Applications - Example

Transatlantic Balloon Racing
 Five balloons with crews from different countries
 GPS receivers carried in each balloon as navigational
aids and to verify world records
 Velocity and direction information from the GPS
allowed users to identify wind currents
 Position information supplied by the GPS allowed
rescuers to pick up several drowned crews.
Business Solutions

Location Based Services (LBS)
 Companies are able to provide custom services
and information delivery based on a a customer’s
 GPS enabled laptop computers, PDA’s and other
mobile devices
• Emergency response
• Nearest restaurant, gas station, hospital, etc..
• Routing services
• Targeted advertisements based on location
GPS – Plate Movements

Carrying out Control surveys using Differential GPS
for Photogrammetry for aerial and satellite imageries.
 GPS for navigation of aircraft
 Kinematic GPS for determination of principal points of
 Differential Kinematic GPS for radar calibration of the
 Geodetic network for India in WGS Datum using
GPS survey method.
User requirements in positioning accuracies

Accuracy Geomatics Land Marine Airborne

Geodetic Infrastructure Earth Moving Dredging
Fault Monitoring Road Grading Pylon Positioning Sensor
< 20 cm Construction Surveys Agriculture (air- spaceborne)
Engineering Surveys Mining
Geodynamics Urban cadastral survey

Resource Mapping Facility Surveys

GIS Database Mapping/GIS Docking
0.2 - 1.5 m Utility Mapping Highway Surveys Buoy Position
Highway Surveys Rural cadastral survey
Legal Surveys Precision farming

GIS Data Collection Automobiles Channel Navigation Sensor

1-5m Site Specific Farming Emergency Cabling Oceanic
Navigation Public Transport Research
Tracking Harbor Entry


10 - 100 m Reconnaissance Navigation Harbor Approach

Area Navigation Oceanic iirs
Indian Initiative

GPS And GEO Augmented Navigation – GAGAN
 Spearheaded by ISRO and Airport Authority of India
 Eight reference stations in Bangalore, Ahmedabad,
Calcutta, Guwahati, Jammu, New Delhi, Port Blair and

Bangalore is also the control centre and satellite uplink

Source: IEEE Spectrum Online, March 2002 Issue

GPS Opportunities in India
• Indian GPS market can be broadly divided in following segments
• National Survey Agencies(NRSA, SOI,Mil. Survey,NHO,)
• Land Records (Kerala,TN,J&K, Rajasthan,Gujrat, etc.)
• Oil and Energy( OIL, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL)
• Power(NHPC Assam, Himachal, J&K,Arunachal, Kaveri Basin)
• Defense
• Scientific Institution(IIGM,CMMAC,CESS,WIHG, NGRI, SAC,GSI)
• Mining and Geology(CMPDIL,WCL,MCL, SECL, NCL,BCCL)
• Engineering /Infrastructure(IRCON,RITES,Delhi Metro, NHAI)
• Private Surveying Companies(ICT,Theowell,Secon,Shiv Vani)
• Marine and Maritime Boards(DGLL,Port Trust,MMB, ICMAM, NIO)
• Remote Sensing and Forestry
• Education

GPS is no longer primarily a military tool

Now a product with vast commercial potential
 From aviation to outdoor recreational activities

Applications will change our lives and save money
 GPS with computer mapping will help manage our natural
 Vehicle location and navigation lets us avoid congested
freeways, find more efficient routes and save $ millions in fuel,
tons of air pollution
 Ships and aircraft are safer in all weather conditions
 Businesses with large outside plant (railroads, utilities) will
manage resources more efficiently, reducing consumer costs

The GPS technology is evolving rapidly

Never get lost again
 More accurate and affordable today than ten years ago.

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