Academic Writin WPS Office

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Academic Writing

(scholarly writing)
Repoter: April Jane T. Rabor
Significance of
Academic writing
in the
Academic realm
To have the ability to write is a skill that has
been taught. We take for granted the fact that
we write every day on various mediums. You
can write a letter to your friend or an update
on Facebook, but there are different levels of
writing. Academic Writing is a skill that many
don’t learn. Even if you were to write a few
essays in school, it does not necessarily make
you an academic writer. Before you can
identify how to write an academic piece, you
need to understand what it is.
It is more than just sounding
professional. You could be editing a
linked-in profile for yourself and still not
be an academic writer. The proof lies in
the structure, referencing, and quality of
your writing. Academic writing is like an
assignment, and each task comes with
its instructions. If you are able to adhere
to instructions, have an academic tone
when writing, and write high-quality
content, you are an academic writer. If
you do not understand why we need to
learn this skill, let’s break it down into
sections of importance.
Analytical Way of Thinking
Academic writing kind of forces you to think analytically.
You have to take information and communicate it in a way
that makes sense to the reader. Research can only give you
the information you need to write. After that, it is your
responsibility to analyze that information and have an
opinion on your findings. When you have the ability to
analyze anything, you are learning a skill that stays with
you forever.

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