Computer Animation

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Presented by:
Asan Baker Kanbar
Computer animation
 Computer animation is the process used for
generating animated images.
 Modern computer animations usually uses 3D
computer graphics, although 2D computer
graphics are still in use.

Computer Animation
Computer animation generally refer to any
time sequence of visual changes in a picture.
İn addition to changing object positions using
translations or rotations,a computer animation
could display time variation in object size,
color, shape transparency, or surface texture.

Computer Animation
We can olso generate computer animation by:
 Varing camera parameters, such as position ,
orientation, or focal length.
 Variations in lighting effects or other
parameters and procedures associated with
 Rendering can be used to produce computer

Computer Animation
Another consideration in computer_generated
animation is realism . Many applications require
realistic displays. An accurate representation of
the shape of the thunderstorm or other
phenomena described with a numerical model is
important for evaluating the reliability of the

The Basic Methods For
Constructing a Motion
There are two basic methods for constructing
a motion sequence :

 Real-time Animation.
 Frame-by-frame Animation.

The Basic Methods For
Constructing a Motion
 Real-time Animation:

In the real-time computer animation, each

stage of the sequence is viewed as it is
created thus the animation must be generated
at a rate that is compatable with the
constraints of the refresh rate .

The Basic Methods For
Constructing a Motion
 Frame-by frame Animation :

In this method, each Frame of the motion is

separately generated and stored. Later the
frames can be recorded on film or they can be
consecutively displayed on a video monitor in
“real-time playback” mode.

The Basic Methods For
Constructing a Motion

Design Of Animation
A basic approach to design such animation
sequences using the following development
stages .
 Storyboard Layout.
 Object Definitions.
 Key-Frame specifications.
 Generation of In-Between Frames.

Design Of Animation
 Storyboard Layout
storyboard is an outline of the action. It defines the
motion sequence as a set of basic events that are to
take place. Depending on the type of animation to
be produced, the storyboard could consist of a set of
rough sketches, along with a brief decribtion of the
motions, or it could just be a list of the basic ideas
for the action.

Design Of Animation

Orgenally, the set of motion sketches was

attached to a large board that was to present an
overall veiw of the animation project .hence the
name of “storyboard”.

Design Of Animation
 Object Definitions
An object definition is given for each participants
in the action. Object can be defined in terms of
basic shapes, such as polygons or spline
surfaces. In addition a description is often given
of the movements that are to be perfomed by
each character or object in the story.

Design Of Animation
 Key-Frame specifications
key frame is a detailed drowing of the scene at
a certain time in the animation sequence.
Withen each key frame, each object (or
character) is positioned according to the time
squence for that frame. Some key frames are
chosen at extreme positions in the action;
others are spaced so that the time interval
between key frames is not too much.

Design Of Animation
More key frames are specified for intricate
motions than for simple ,slowly varying
motion. Developmemt of the key frames is
generally the responsibility of the senior
animators, and often a separate animators is
assigned to each character in the animation.

Design Of Animation
 Generation of In-Between Frames
In-betweens are the intermediate frames
between the key frames. The total number of
frames, and hence the total numbers of in-
betweens, needed for an animation is detemined
by the display media that is to be used, Film
rquires 24 frames per second.

Using of Computer Animations

 Intertainment
 Advertising
 Education
 Medicine
 Forensics
 Movies
 Astronomy

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Intertainment
The first thing we
remember is the motion
pictures and cartoons and
the computer games.

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Advertising
After using the computers for
advertising many kinds of
advertisings are producted
and they had been more
effective and useful .

Computer Animations Usage Fields

Computer animations makes
the education more exciting
and easier to axplain the
subjects by showing the
examples done by using
animated pictures.

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Medicine
Computer animations brought
great changes to medicine. It
is widely used to show the
body parts of the humen

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Forensics
Cmputer animations widely
used to liven up the
accedents and get a watch
of how the event had

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Movies
In order to add special
effects to the films the
computer animations
are the best way to do

Computer Animations Usage Fields

 Astronomy
Computer animations are
very important to view the
pictures captured by the


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