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Distributed Real Time Systems

Course Code Distributed Real Time Systems L T P J C

2 0 2 4 4
Pre-requisite None Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
1. The objective of this course are:
2. Intends to give a deeper understanding of the problems involved in designing real-time
systems based on multiprocessor architectures.
3. Designs real-time systems and apply techniques to verify whether the real-time requirements
are met or not.

Course Outcomes:
1. After successfully completing the course, the students should be able to
2. Explain fundamental principles for programming of real time systems with time and
resource limitations
3. Describe the foundation for programming languages developed for real time programming.
4. Account for how real time operating systems are designed and function.
5. Describe what a real time network is and use real time system programming languages and
real time operating systems for real time applications.
6. Analyze real time systems with regard to keeping time and resource restrictions.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1, 2, 4

1. Ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications.
2. Clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of contemporary issues.
4. Sense-Making Skills of creating unique insights in what is being seen or observed (Higher
level thinking skills which cannot be codified).
Module:1 Introduction 3 hours
Introduction; Real - Time System Characteristics; Safety; Reliability; Safety critical systems;
Advantages and disadvantages of open source operating systems
Module:2 Modelling Timing constraints 3 hours
Hard and soft real time systems; Timing Constraints; Classification of different types of timing
constraints; Finite State machine; Extended Finite State machine
Module:3 Scheduling Real-Time Tasks 6 hours
Basics of Real - Time Task Scheduling; Types of Schedulers, Table -driven scheduling, Cyclic
schedulers; Event - Driven Scheduling; Rate Monotonic Scheduler; RMA Scheduling : Further
Issues; Deadline Monotonic Scheduling and Other Issues; Few Issues in Use of RMA
Module:4 Handling Resource sharing among real time tasks 4 hours
Resource Sharing Among Real-Time Tasks; Highest Locker and Priority Ceiling Protocols; An
Analysis of Priority Ceiling Protocol; Handling Task Dependencies
Module:5 Scheduling Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor and 4 hours
Distributed systems
Real-Time Task Scheduling on Multiprocessors and Distributed Systems; Clock Synchronization
in Distributed Real-Time Systems; Internal Clock Synchronization in Presence of Byzantine
Module:6 Commercial Real-time operating systems 4 hours
General concepts; A Few Basic Issues in Real-Time Operating Systems; Unix and Windows as
RTOS; Real - Time POSIX; Open Source and Commercial RTOS; Benchmarking Real - Time
Computer & Operating Systems
Module:7 Real-Time Communication and Real-Time Databases 5 hours
Real - Time Communications; Few Basic Issues in Real - Time Communications; Review of
Computer Networking; Real - Time Communication in a LAN; Performance of Two Real -Time
Communication Protocols; Real - Time Communication over Packet Switched Networks; Real -
Time Databases
Module:8 Industry Guest Lecture 1 hours

Total lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
1. Rajib Mall, "Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice," Pearson, 2008.
2. Jane W. Liu, "Real-Time Systems" Pearson Education, 2001
Reference Books
1. Krishna and Shin, "Real-Time Systems," Tata McGraw Hill. 1999.
2. Alan C. Shaw, Real-Time Systems and Software, Wiley, 2001
3. Philip Laplante, Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of
Project List (Indicative)
Distributed real time systems can be studied in various application fields to produce highly
reliable systems with predictable behavior. Some of these domain are listed below followed by
the indicative project list.

Large scale distributed systems and Cyber Physical Systems

Hard real-time systems: avionics and space.

Real-time video transmission: video surveillance, remote monitoring, command and
control stations.
 Medical systems (e-health).
 Automotive and transport.
1. Develop Software Architectures for Highly Reliable Distributed Real-Time Systems and
2. Develop Real-Time Middleware to mask out system and network heterogeneity
3. Design Quality of Service metric and Combined Resource Management of Real time
4. Develop Service Oriented Architectures: predictable service-based composition and
execution, etc for industrial automation
5. Develop Real-Time Languages: Distributed RTSJ for distributed safety critical systems
6. Design and develop Distributed Real-Time Operating Systems and Mobile Operating Systems.
Course Plan
Lecture Topic
1. Introduction to Real Time Systems : Real time systems and its applications
2. Basic Model of Real time Systems, Characteristics of Real Time Systems
3. Types of Real-Time tasks, Safety critical systems
4. Disadvantages and advantages of open source operating systems
5. Timing Constraints and its classifications
6. Modelling Timing Constraints
7. Finite State machine, Extended Finite state machine
8. Basics of Real - Time Task Scheduling
9. Types of Schedulers
10. Table-driven scheduling
11. Cyclic schedulers
12. Event - Driven Scheduling
13. Rate Monotonic Scheduler
14. RMA Scheduling
15. Deadline Monotonic Scheduling
16. Issues in RMA

17. Resource Sharing Among Real-Time Tasks

18. Highest Locker and Priority Ceiling Protocols, Analysis of Priority Ceiling Protocol
19. Handling Task Dependencies
20. Real-Time Task Scheduling on Multiprocessors and Distributed Systems
21. Clock Synchronization in Distributed Real-Time Systems
22. Internal Clock Synchronization in Presence of Byzantine Clocks
23. Basic Issues in Real-Time Operating Systems, Unix and Windows as RTOS
24. Real - Time POSIX; Open Source and Commercial RTOS
25. Benchmarking Real - Time Computer & Operating Systems
26. Real - Time Communications and issues
27. Real - Time Communication in a LAN
28. Performance of Two Real -Time Communication Protocols
29. Real - Time Communication over Packet Switched Networks
30. Real - Time Databases

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