Laws Relating To Advertising in India

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Laws relating to advertising in India

PPT Advertising : Deptt. of JMC, SSJBC,Sirsa

Prepared by: Dr. Anil Beniwal

Advertising Laws: intro
 Laws relating to advertising for consumer’s safety
during promoting the products.
 Consumers should also be aware of the rules,
regulations and laws regarding advertising so that
false advertising may be checked.
 Different laws relating to advertising in India with
article 19 (1 & 2) of Indian constitution including IPC
1860 and Indian Contract Act.
 Laws can be protected against misleading
Various laws related to advt.
1. India Penal Code1(860) Prohibits any obscene matter under
section 292 and 293:
 This act prohibits the publication of matter connected with
unauthorized lotteries and publication of appeals using national
 It prohibits spreading of any rumors or reports, against the state or
against public peace and community religious feelings or any class
of citizens.
2. Official Secrets Act, 1923 : Prohibits obtaining, collecting,
recording or publishing of secret government documents or
photographs or sketches or models.
 This Act prevents Indian journalists from publishing inside
information about the government.
Various laws related to advt….
3. The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
Advertisements) Act, 1954:
 This act to control the advertisements of drugs with magic
 To be punished upto six months imprisonment with fine or both.

4. Prize Competitions Act, 1955 (Act 42 of 1955): prohibits the

publication of matter with unauthorized prize competition.
5. The Young Person (Harmful Publications) Act, 1956:
 Prohibits the publication likely to provoke a persons under the
age of twenty for anti social activates.
 Punishment is given up to six month imprisonment or with fine
or with both.
Various laws related to advt….
6. The Copy Right Act, 1957 (as amended upto August,
1984), which protects the original work of writers, artists,
musicians, dramatists, film and video producer and other
creative persons from being pirated.
7. The children Act, 1960 prohibits the disclosure of names,
address and any other particulars of any child involved in
any proceedings.
8. The Prevention to Insults to the National Honor Act,
1971 : Wrong use of the national flag or the constitution
of India in any manner.
Various laws related to advt….
9. The Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes
(Banning) Act, 1978 imposes a prohibition in respect of
chit and money circulation schemes.
10. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition)
Act, 1986 forbids the depiction of women in an indecent
or derogatory manner in mass media.
 Such offences are punishable with imprisonment up to
two years and with a fine.
Lecture Delivered by:
Dr. Anil Beniwal

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