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E x p e r i e n c e s
P A G E 2

SimComplexity 01

SIMFlex 07

SIMTeam 08

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

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E F F E C T I V E L E A R N I N G TO O L ?
Visualization of relationships and
Reproducing individual Learning in competition/
interactions relevant for success Multiplayer environment
Mapping of the complexity and business situations
interdependencies of decisions Illustration of a real business Having fun in competition
and behaviors world in the simulation board with other teams

Reason Reason Reason

1 3 5
Reason Reason
2 4 6
“Real time“ Feedback Risk free learning Team working & interaction
Consequences of decisions and “Learning by doing” without economic Networking and exchange of
behaviors are experienced directly or personal consequences experience between the simulation
teams and their members

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

S I M C o m p l e x i t y

Managing & Mastering

t h e V U C A Wo r l d
P A G E 5

What questions can

SIMComplexity answer?
“What are success factors for management in VUCA times?”
“How do we identify factors enhancing complexity and
develop resilience and risk competency?”
“How to tap on intuitive learning and thinking to foster fluid
“How to develop forward practices and recovery systems
when dealing with management situations that are
unfamiliar dynamic and vague”

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 6

With your one - two day simulation your delegates act as managers
in competing teams/business-units. As in real live they take over the
responsibility to lead their employees and the company and have to
deal with a complex, uncertain and ambiguous business
environment. During several decision-making sessions they analyze
and evaluate diverse complex situations in order to find effective
strategies and approaches to address the situation.
Not easy, but full of fun, in-depth insights and learning!

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What does
y” look like –
the simulation

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Depending on your learning goals – as a company as well as for the individual target group –
a multitude of topics can be integrated into the simulation training:

This list is an extract of possible inputs that can be integrated into the simulation flow and
deepened by further exercises:

In which areas can 

Identifying complexity drivers
Classifying problems – reducing complexity


Analyze categories of problems methodically
Using methods of agile management
Master the complete range of options to respond to problems

SIMComplexity 

Creating and sustaining supportive organizational structures
Use emotional intelligence in leadership
Strategies of response according to the quality of complex management

support the 

Resilience, stress management, mindfulness
Risk competence

learning? 

When key figures are not enough: learn the value of Values for orientation
Train fluid reasoning, creativity & inspiration
..... and much, much more!

All inputs and learnings will be instantly applied to the delegates own area of responsibility
and their current teams!

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 9

Gauge efficient use of Identify drivers of complexity
6 2 •Clients
•Products & Technologies
•Processes & systems
Get to
know Experience decision making
Evaluate solution
your team situations

5 3
•Best Practice •Uncertain
•Agile processes •Volatile
•Piloting & testing •Ambiguous

4 Check the “quality” of the problem

•Easy? •Complex?
•Complicated? •Chaotic?

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 10

What elements does SimComplexity consist of ?

Team 5 parallel
member Coins, pins Situative running Event cards
profiles & boxes impulses simulation

A tailor-made mix of these five elements contribute to a learning

experience which is …
•… easy to grasp
•… memorable
•… sustainable

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 11

How will the “Team

Member Profiles”
reflect your company
Team Member Profiles
We integrate elements of …
• … your competency model
• … your performance management
• … your job descriptions
in the profiles to reflect realistic team member
skills & behaviors.

© Boost – Training And Consulting

P A G E 12

T a i l o r i n g t o y o u r c o m p a n y s p e c i fi c s
How will the “Event Cards” reflect your company specifics?

Event Cards
Based on interviews with different departments of your company we design event
cards reflecting unforeseeable events in your delegates’ daily business due to …
 … your industry
 … your external clients
 … your internal processes

© 2018 Brusher – Presentation template

f l e x i b l e

Experience entrepreneurial thinking

& behaviour “live“!
P A G E 14

How does
flexible – full version
Your delegates form up to 5 simulation teams (each of 3-4 people), which compete
against each other in a virtual market during the course of the simulation.

Several business periods are simulated, in which the delegates make independent
management decisions as a leadership team. The objective is to lead the business in a
successful and profitable manner and to develop it strategically. Thereby delegates
receive insights into the success factors of business thinking and trading and can
transfer these to their own real-life fields of activity and responsibility.
The training excels by providing an effective interchange between the simulation and
topic-specific inputs and reflections, each of which builds upon the other.
At the end of each business period the following take place:
Comprehensive subject-specific inputs related to your pre-defined learning goals
Intensive reflection and discussion phases to identify the success factors in decision-
making and behaviour
Complementary talks by internal and external guest speakers on business-specific

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 15

What content can

SIMDUSTRY® flexible full
• version cover ?
Oriented to your individual learning goals (within the company as well as in the respective
delegates group) the training content is tailored to your needs – with a focus on "financial
and business knowledge“, or "strategic knowledge and action“, or both!
• Here is an summary of options:
 Understanding of business fundamentals
 Insights into balance sheet, profit & loss statement, cash flow statement
 Overview of the basics of controlling and insight into the cost-management (cost
types and cost center accounting, direct costs and overheads, etc.)
 Understanding of your company‘s decision-relevant indicators (KPIs)
 Understanding and interpretation of business and economic reports/press
 Strategy development & strategic decision-making process

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

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How does
SimFlex Look

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How does
SimFlex Look

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Which topics does SimFlex focus on ?

Focus – “Financial Knowledge“!

The value flows in your business are displayed with

the help of coins, credit markers, pins, boxes and
other simulation materials.
This is the highest form of sustainable learning –
learning on a visual & haptic level of consciousness.

Your delegates
• work out the three elements of the annual
accounts at the end of each business period
• calculate relevant key figures and cost
• analyse financial models as basis of decisions
• ... etc. (acc. to your learning goals)

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 19

Which topics does SimFlex focus on ?

Focus - “Strategy”!

As competing companies your participants

develop their individual corporate strategy by
making decisions about products, locations,
capacity, price structures, sales channels, process
optimization, quality management, etc.

After each annual period the effects and

interdependencies of short and medium-term
corporate decisions are reflected upon and

Also the wider changing competitive situation is

taken into consideration and the appropriate
response discussed and anchored individually.

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 20

Which topics does SimFlex focus on ?

Focus - “Corporate processes & interdependences”!

Do Based on the linking of strategic decisions as well as the

visualization of value flows in the company with the help of the
simulation materials such as coins, boxes, credit markers, pins
your delegates also find out:

plan check • Which departments collaborate when and in what manner

and so shape the company‘s success? What interdependences
exist in this cooperation?
• Which strategic decisions have which impact on the
improvement or the deterioration of business processes and
consequently on the company‘s success?

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 21

What components does SIMDUSTRY® flexible full consist of?

Team 5 parallel
member Coins, pins Situative running Event cards
profiles & boxes impulses simulation

We tailor SIMDUSTRY® flexible full to your company and your learning goals!
We incorporate your internal company specifics and the specifics of your sector by....
 Tailoring of the simulation check lists
 Development of tailor-made event cards

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

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Ta i l o r i n g t o y o u r
company specifics
C h e c k l i s t s – t h a t ’s h o w w e m i r r o r y o u r b u s i n e s s !

Goal: illustration of internal & external company activities and associated value flows
Based on the checklist your delegates simulate the business processes during the course of the

Adaptation potential
In the checklist we incorporate:
• the specifics relevant to your business
as well as
• based on your learning goals the main themes that occur in a business year

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P A G E 23

Ta i l o r i n g t o y o u r
company specifics

Event cards – that‘s how we reflect your business!

Event cards
Goal: Portrayal of unforeseen internal and external events
The event cards are introduced into the simulation at predetermined times during the
business year.

Adaptation potential
We develop tailor-made event cards for you, which depict the following “unforeseen“
• in-house events
• Industry sector-related events
• regional or global economic events

© 2018 Brusher – Presentation template


Experience entrepreneurial thinking

& behaviour “live“!
P A G E 25

What questions can

“What are success factors when building or taking over a team?”
“How do we communicate effectively ?”
“How does my role develop as leader?“
“How can I boost a the team’s performance ?“

Within the one-day (+x) simulation SIMTeam your delegates are turned into managers in
competing companies taking over the leadership for a team and competing for the
“Highest Team Performance Score”.
In teams they perform 4 simulation phases leading and developing teams of individuals!
Not easy, but full of fun, in-depth insights and learning!

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 26

How does
SIMTeam look
like – the
simulation board

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P A G E 27

What are the overall learning

g o a l s o f S I M D U S T RY ®
S I M Te a m ?
The SIMDUSTRY® SIMTeam training will support your delegates on …

 ... knowing the key-success factors for building & leading teams as a manager
 ... further develop (or learn) leadership skills
 ... learn and apply new leadership approaches
 ... deepen their relationship-building and communication skills to create and sustain a
positive team atmosphere and performance
collecting leadership & communication tools help unleashing & fulfilling the different
needs of the team members
experiencing dealing with real-life “events”*
preparing individual action plans for working on their real-life team (or upcoming
team): all inputs and learnings will be instantly applied to the delegates own area of
responsibility and their current teams!
* our SIMDUSTRY® simulation experts create with its clients real-life event cards
reflecting on their industry specifics, company specifics and their strategic goals

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 28

What topics can be deepened

b y S I M D U S T RY ® S I M Te a m ?

A multitude of topics can be integrated into the simulation training – find below an
extract of possible inputs that can be deepened by specific exercises:

 Team development phases and dynamics (Like Tuckman, Lewin)

 Team roles
 Diversity in teams
 Values and norms in teams
 Goal setting and evaluation of team performance
 Communication and feedback
 Sources of conflicts & conflict solving styles
 Employee motivation & development

…. and much, much more!

All inputs and learnings will be instantly applied to the delegates own area of responsibility
and their current teams!

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 29

What are the 5 phases

S I M D U S T RY ® S I M Te a m t a k e s
your delegates through?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Focus on Focus on Focus on Focus on

Design & composition Structure your team Manage your team Create your sustainable
Collect information on Work on … Establish good
communicatio n, solve Evaluate the team’s
team,  … values
conflicts & handle perfor- mance, provide
 ... roles
Establish ground rules,.. unexpected events feed- back & handle
 … norms
unexpected events
 … decision

© 2019 Boost – Training and Consulting

P A G E 30

What elements does SIMDUSTRY® SIMTeam consist of?

5 competing Action plans for Event

Team member teams on Value coins, communication Cards/Un-
profiles simulation pins & boxes strategies & expected
boards team events

A tailor-made mix of these five elements contribute to a learning experience

which is …
•… easy to grasp
•… memorable
•… sustainable

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H o w d o e s a “ Te a m m e m b e r P r o f i l e ” l o o k

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P A G E 32

H o w d o e s a “ Te a m m e m b e r P r o f i l e ” l o o k
Team member RED - EVENT

You are informed, that team member RED is having a problem with one of his/her customers
The basic probability that you will find a solu on is 20%

Rela onship RED/TL Belongingness Awareness of Role/Func on

 +5%  +5%  +5%

Define your probability and throw the dice! Rela onship RED/TL  +5%
Successful ? Belongingnessd  +5%
Receve fini ng card Card no. #1
Not successful ? Sa sfac on  -1
Competence TL  -1

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P A G E 33

Ta i l o r i n g t o y o u r c o m p a n y s p e c i f i c s

Team members Profiles

We integrate elements of …

• … your job profiles

• … your company´s location (regional or international spread)

• … your current projects

• … your company´s personality indicator models (if existing)

in the team profiles to reflect your

company´s specifics.

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P A G E 34

How will the tools “Get to know your team” &

“Lead your team” reflect your company

Activities/tools to “Getting to know

& leading my team”
We supplement in the activities &
tool lists specific for …

• … your industry
• … your company
• … your strategic goals

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P A G E 35

How will the “Event Cards” reflect your company


Event Cards
Based on interviews with different departments
of your company we design event cards
reflecting unforeseeable events in your
delegates’ daily business due to …

 … your industry
 … your external clients
 … your internal processes

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Let Boost s(t)imulate

your business?

Let's talk!

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P A G E 37

Thank you

Phone: + 971 2 449 6000

Fax: +971 244 96 777
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