Daedalus and Icarus

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Docencia de las habilidades

receptivas del inglés (2)

Diseño de actividad
Por: Emmanuel Valenzuela Hernandez y Vladimir Orozco Camacho
Stage 1
Pre-text: Introduce the topic

What is a myth ? Understanding

the meaning

it is important to introduce the

student to the subject to activate
previous knowledge
Create interest
Objective:Make the students guess
what would happen with the
characters and start a discussion
sharing their ideas.

Present little information

about the topic and the
First Activity
Ask specific questions:
OBJECTIVE: The students will be able to answer specific
questions by scanning the text it is important that they
read and understand the questions before looking at
the text

Where were they imprisoned?

What did daedalus create?
What did he use to create his invention?
Objective:Start an intensive reading
that will provide the necessary
knowledge to answer the questions

10 - 15 minutes for reading and 3 - 5 to

answer the questions presented lately.
Read again, out loud this time
supported by the teacher.
Objective:Clarify any doubts about
what could be the plot, complicated
words etc.…

What are your answers?

Once the text has been read ask for volunteers to share their answers
Watch a video: https://youtu.be/3nuAEYkzKHg
Ask open questions:
Objective:Make students reflect on the characters
actions, they can form groups to discuss their answers
and then teacher should ask for participation or pick
students randomly to speak out loud their answers.

· What do you think icarus felt while flying?

Would you have followed Daedalus warnings?

Teacher must explain:
What is the message\ moral of the myth?

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