Week 4 OOW Ship Stability Center of Gravity and Center of Buoyancy

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Centre of

Gravity and
Centre of
Capt. Amin qawasmeh

Consider a ship heeled over by some external force, such as the wind.

It is the relative positions of the center of gravity (G) and the center of buoyancy(B), when the ship is heeled over, that
determine whether or not the ship will return to the upright condition if the healing force is removed.

The Centre of gravity (G) of a ship may be defined as being the

point where the total weight force (Wf) of the ship is considered
to act vertically downwards.

Its position will depend upon the distribution of the weight of

the ship's structure and all the weights that are loaded.

The Centre of buoyancy (B) of a ship is defined as being at the

geometric centre of the underwater volume of the ship at a
particular instant and is the point through which the total
buoyancy force (Bf) is considered to act vertically upwards.
Since the ship is floating, the Law of Flotation applies, where the total weight force acting vertically clown must ec1ual
the total buoyancy force acting vertically up.

Consider what will happen to the ship once the external healing force is removed. If the lines of action of W f and Bf are
considered, they will act to right the ship.

This section concerns

the vertical position of the ship's center
of gravity and how it is influenced
when weights are shifted, loaded, and
Centre of Gravity
The Centre of Gravity (G) of a ship is the point where the total weight force (Wf) of the ship is considered to act
vertically downwards.

Provided weights within the ship are properly secured, the position of G is assumed not to move as the ship heels.
(However, if the ship heels excessively, lashings may give way, causing the cargo to shift.)
Effect of Shifting a Weight Already Onboard

The position of the center of gravity within the ship is the most influential factor in determining ship stability. The officer
in charge of loading the ship must be fully conversant with the way that G moves when shifting, loading, and discharging
weight onboard.
Whenever a weight already onboard is shifted, G will move parallel to and in the same direction as the shift of the
center of gravity of the weight (g).
A ship displaces 5000 tonnes and has an initial KG of 4.5 m. Calculate the final KG if a weight of 20 tonnes is
moved vertically upwards from the lower hold (Kg 2 .0 m)to the upper deck (Kg 6.5 m).
Effect of Loading a Weight

Whenever weight is loaded, G will move directly towards

the center of gravity of the loaded weight (g).
Consider the ship shown where weight is loaded onto the deck
on one side. G moves to G1•

At this stage, it is only the vertical component of the shift of G

that is to be considered since only this component will affect
KG. (The horizontal component is covered in Section 11 - List.)
A ship displaces 12500 tones and has an initial KG of 6.5 m. Calculate the final KG if 1000 tonnes
of cargo is loaded into the lower hold at Kg 3.0 m.
Effect of Discharging a Weight
Whenever weight is discharged, G will move directly away from the centre of gravityof the discharged weight (g).
Consider the ship shown where weight is discharged from the lower hold. G moves to G 1

As before, it is only the

vertical component of
the shift of G that is of
concern at this stage. In
this case, the KG of the
ship will increase.
A ship displaces 18000 tonnes and has an initial KG of 5. 30 m. Calculate the final KG if
10000 tonnes of cargo is discharged from the lower hold (Kg 3.0 m).

Multiple Weight Problems

It would be very tedious to carry out a calculation for every single weight that was either shifted, loaded, or
discharged from the ship.

In practice, moments about the keel are taken to determine the final KG of the ship, where:

Moments (t-m) = Weight(t) x Distance (m)

 If a ship is considered, then:

Moments(t-m) = Displacement(t) * KG(m)

When a number of weights are shifted, loaded, or discharged, the moments for each weight are calculated. These are
added and then divided by the final displacement of the ship to give the final KG.

A tabular approach is adopted and the method is illustrated by way of an example. One important point to note is
that the first weight to be entered into the table is that of the ship's initial displacement, along with the ship's initial
A ship displaces 10000 tonnes and has a KG of 4.5 m. The following cargo is worked:

Load: Discharge:
120 tonnes at Kg 6.0 m 68 tonnes from Kg 2.0 m Shift:
730 tonnes at Kg 3. 2 m 100 tonnes from Kg 6 . 2 m 86 tonnes from Kg 2.2 m to Kg 6.0 m.

Calculate the final KG.


Consider the table shown. Each weight is multiplied by its KG to provide a moment's value. The sign of this value
( + or - ) depends on whether the weight is loaded or discharged.

In the case of the weight that is shifted, this is treated as two separate weights, one that is discharged and another
equivalent weight that is loaded.
Centre of Buoyancy (B)
The Centre of Buoyancy of a ship is defined as the geometric center of the underwater volume of the ship at a
particular instant and is the point through which the total buoyancy force (B f) is considered to act vertically upwards.

Although the center of gravity (G) is assumed to remain in the same place as the ship’s heels (provided weights do
not shift within the ship), the center of buoyancy constantly moves as the ship pitches, rolls and heaves.
As the displacement (and draught) of the ship changes, so will the position of the center of buoyancy when the ship is upright.

For a box-shaped vessel on an even keel, KB is half the draught.

Attempt the self-assessment questions at the end of this section.

Remember the following points when using the formula method for single weights:

When loading or discharging single weights, d is the vertical distance between the center of gravity of the ship (KG) and the center
of gravity of the loaded or discharged weight (Kg).

If weight is loaded or discharged, then W (the initial displacement) must be increased or decreased accordingly, ie W + w or W - w.

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