Lecture 6 - 7oct2022 - R

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DSM-5 Categorization
■ Depressive disorders
– Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
– Major depressive disorder
– Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
– Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
■ Bipolar and related disorders
– Bipolar I disorder
– Bipolar II disorder
– Cyclothymic disorder

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 2

Overview of depression and mania
■ Mood disorders = gross deviations in mood
■ Composed of different types of mood “episodes”
– Periods of depressed or elevated mood lasting days or weeks,
■ Major depressive episodes
■ Manic episodes
■ Hypomanic episodes

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 3

覺得自己無所不能 know everything, do everything , superman ,superwoman

Manic episode 一種表現出過高水平的活動或精力、情緒或行為的情況。這種提升必須是


■ Elevated, expansive mood 膨脹 for at least 1 week

■ Finds extreme pleasure in every activity, persistently increased goal-directed
activity or energy; irritability shows up near the end of the episode
■ Examples of symptoms:
– Inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, excessive talkativeness,
flight of ideas or sense that thoughts are racing, easy distractibility, increase
in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation, excessive involvement in
pleasurable but risky behaviors
■ Impairment in normal functioning
■ Hypomanic episode : shorter, less severe version, last at least 4 days, associated
with less impairment

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 4

Vieta et al., 2019; Nature
Review Disease Primer
PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 5
Unipolar: depression does not cycle through other mental states, such as mania

Structure of mood disorders

■ Unipolar mood disorder: Only one extreme of mood is experienced
– E.g., only depression or only mania
– Depression alone is much more common than mania alone

■ Bipolar mood disorder: Both depressed and elevated moods are experienced
– Travel from one pole to the other and back again, E.g., some depressive
episodes and some manic or hypomanic episodes
– “Mixed features” = term for a mood episode with some elements reflecting the
opposite valence of mood
– E.g.,: Depressive episode with some manic features (e.g., distractibility, flight of
ideas, agitation)
– E.g.,: Manic episode with some feature: 是指在躁狂、輕躁狂或抑鬱發作期間同時出現相
depressed/anxious features
PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo 同時,這個人可能會經歷絕望、絕望、易怒和自殺的感覺。 
Lau 6

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 7

Bipolar disorders 描述了短暫的輕躁狂症狀與短暫的抑鬱症

Bipolar I disorder Bipolar II disorder Cyclothymic disorder


• Manic episodes • Major depressive • Mood instability with

狂症发作,此发 episodes hypomanic and
作前后有轻度躁 • *Diagnosis of Bipolar I • Hypomanic episodes depressive symptoms
requires only a history that do not meet the
躁狂症可能会导 of mania. Major criteria for hypomanic
致患者脱离现实 depressive episode is or depressive episodes
not required, BUT 一種較溫和的情緒升高形式,包 • Chronic version (last
most patients 鬱期交替出現。
for 2 years+)
experience both types • Increased risk for
of mood disruptions bipolar I and II
從躁狂症到抑鬱症的嚴重情緒 及至少一次轻度躁狂发作,但
發作期 从没发生过躁狂症发作。
 For manic episode to be considered separate, there must be a symptom free period of at
least 2 months between episodes. Otherwise, one episode is seen as a continuation of the

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 8

Bipolar I

Bipolar II

Vieta et al., 2019; Nature

Review Disease Primer
PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 9

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 10

Diagnostic specifiers for bipolar
Mood episode specifiers:
– With anxious distress
– With mixed features
– With psychotic features
■ Catatonic feature seldom apply to manic episode
■ Delusion of grandeur is common in manic episode
– With peripartum onset
– With melancholic features and with atypical features during depressive episodes (only)
Course specifiers:
- With seasonal pattern
- Manic episode is common during summer
- With rapid cycling

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 11

Diagnostic specifiers for bipolar
■ Rapid cycling specifier
– Moving quickly in and out of mania and depression
– Individual experiences at least four manic or depressive episodes within a year
– Occurs in between 20 to 50% of cases
– Severe case: increase in frequency and alternations without any break
– Associated with greater severity that does not respond well to standard treatment
– Ultra-rapid : cycle lengths only last for days to weeks
– Ultra-ultra-rapid : cycle lengths < 24 hours; switches into depression at night, and
into mania during daytime (related to circadian cycle?) Such as manic at morning, and depression at night
– 80% of rapid cycling individuals return to non-rapid-cycling subtype within 2 years
Easy to suicide, mood change like 過山車

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 12

Onset of bipolar disorder
■ Average age of onset of bipolar I = 15-18; bipolar II = 19-22
■ More acute onset than depressive disorder
■ Relatively rare for people age 40+
■ Highly recurrent, chronic course
■ 67.5% of unipolar depression patient experience manic symptoms
=> What is the true distinction between unipolar depression and bipolar
depression? Mood disorder spectrum?
■ Suicides are very common, almost always occurring during depressive episodes
– 1/3 to ½ patients with bipolar disorders will attempt suicide at least once, and
15-20% of the attempts are lethal.

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 13

Prevalence by age and sex
■ Generally speaking, the prevalence of bipolar disorders is >1% of the global
■ Sex :
– Bipolar disorders approximately equally affect males and females
– Women more likely to experience rapid cycling and in depressive period
■ Age :
– Bipolar same in childhood, adolescence, and adults

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 14

Difficulties in diagnosis

■ An average of 5-year delay to diagnosis from onset of symptoms

■ Time to diagnosis is even longer in patients with comorbidities and
depressive onset polarity.
自己 Detect 不到
■ Individuals are typically very conscious of their depressive symptoms,
but are not aware of their hypomanic or manic symptoms.
■ One question used to identify hypomanic / manic symptoms is to ask
patients “whether they have excessive energy or periods of extreme
irritability and high activity”

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 15

The role of genes
■ Heritability is estimated to be up to 85%, one of the highest estimates for
psychiatric disorders.
■ Bipolar disorder confers increased risk of developing some mood disorder in
close relatives, but not necessarily bipolar disorder (Bipolar disorder is just a
more severe form of mood disorder?)
■ For identical twins, 80% concordance for polarity.
親戚如果 bipolar 的話,遺傳性較強,對比 depression

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 16

Environmental and medical risk factors
■ Perinatal risk factors – Caesarean section delivery, maternal influenza
infection, material smoking during pregnancy, high paternal age
■ Life events – Childhood adverse events
■ Drug misuse – Consumption of cannabis
■ Use of antidepressants – which may induce hypomanic or manic episode
and “unmask” the underlying bipolar disorder
■ Change of season – From winter to spring, From summer to autumn,
increased light exposure

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 17

For your reference only
Vieta et al., 2019; Nature
Review Disease Primer

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 18

Medical treatments - Lithium
■ Treatment of choice for bipolar disorder
■ Considered a mood stabilizer because it treats mania and relieve / prevent bipolar
■ May lower thyroid and renal function (leads to low energy), toxic in large
amounts - Dose must be carefully monitored
■ Effective for 50% of patients: Those who don’t respond well to Lithium may take
other anti-manic drugs (e.g., antipsychotics, anticonvulsants (Valproate) and
calcium channel blockers)
■ Why lithium works is partially understood
■ Relapse is still common despite the use of Lithium
■ Patients may enjoy the manic episode and stop taking Lithium to return to the state

PSY300 Abnormal Psychology by Dr Bobo Lau 19

Psychological treatments for bipolar
■ Medication (usually Lithium) is still first line of defence
■ Psychotherapy helpful in managing the problems (e.g., interpersonal,
occupational) that accompany bipolar disorder
■ Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy :
– Social rhythm therapy : regulate daily routines and emphasizes link
of circadian cycle to mood
– Interpersonal therapy : emphasizes link between mood to life events,
counter socially based stressors
– Education : habits and routines regarding medication

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