T A o I S M

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Axel Galia
Jlord Virtudazo
Juvylle Cuadra
What is Taoism ? •A quietist mysticism, taken up by Chan
Buddhism (ancestor of Japanese Zen).
•A libertarian ethic that inspired literature
Taoism "teaching of the way" is above all.
both a philosophy and a Chinese •A sense of Yin Yang balance pursued by
religion. Diving its roots in Chinese medicine and personal
ancient culture, this current is •A visible naturalism in calligraphy and art.
based on texts, including the Tao
Te King of Lao Tseu, and is These and other influences
expressed through practices, encourage an understanding of what
which influenced the entire Far this teaching may have been like in
its most flourishing times.
East. It brings among others:
Symbol of Taoism
☯ Taijitu or named symbol of
Yin and Yang is a Chinese
symbol associated with Taoism
and neo-confucianism. It is the
thinkers of this last current,
especially Zhu Xi, who
popularized it from the Song.
Other forms exist used for the
practice of internal Taoist neidan
alchemy or surrounded by the
eight trigrams (bagua).
Taoism Beliefs and Practices
According to the Taoists, Tao is the absolute principle at the base of the
universe. It combines the principles of Yin and Yang and means "The Way" or
"The Code of Conduct". The power of this way is called Te.

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According to the Taoists, Tao flows through all forms of life and the believer
inextricably inextricable inextricably inextricable inextricably inextricable inextricably inextricable

must strive to harmonize his life with this force. The Taoists believe that the
Supreme Being or ultimate truth is beyond words and is impossible to
conceptualize. This idea of God is similar to that of other religions, but Taoists
hardly ever use the word "god".
Originally, Taoism did not include belief in a creator in its philosophy. It was clearly
non-theistic and the teachings of Lao Tzu never implied that the Tao (The Way) was
linked to any deity. There is no concept of good versus evil in Taoism; rather, it affirms
the interdependence of all dualities, hence the concept of the opposites of Yin and Yang.

Every action has a negative (Yin) and a positive (Yang) component. Thus, when a
person describes something as good, it automatically creates evil. Taoists also do not
accept the idea of salvation versus damnation. There is therefore no concept of heaven or
hell, the ultimate goal being to return to the Tao, i.e. to the universal life force.
Living simply and in harmony with the Tao, as well as avoiding excessive
materialism and the quest for prestige will lead to a satisfying life. Taoists believe
that there are "three jewels" upon which they should live their lives: compassion,
moderation and humility.

Taoism is a polytheistic religion because it believes in a number of deities, each of

which is a manifestation of one of the aspects of Tao. Taoists do not, however,
worship these deities, nor are they personified. Nor do they use them to solve their
problems; rather, they tend to solve their problems through meditation and reflection.
The heart of the Taoist ritual is the concept of bringing order and harmony to the
cosmos. Taoist rituals include purification, meditation and offerings to the
deities. The details of these rituals are often complex and technical and therefore
only priests perform them.

These rituals include singing, dancing, and the use of musical instruments by
priests and their assistants. Taoism also includes various physical practices such
as ️️breathing exercises, massage, martial arts, yoga and meditation ‍♂.️These
exercises aim to transform people both mentally and physically and to make them
live in harmony with Tao.
Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism are the three dominant religions in China.
They all have long and original histories and have all, at some point in their
history, been considered philosophies rather than religions.

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Only Taoism was initially a philosophy that later integrated religious aspects
derived from Chinese folklore in order to satisfy all believers and potential
03 believers. 04
Origin of Taoism
The origins of Taoism are obscure. Its first teachings date back
to Lao Tzu who, in the 5th century B.C., wrote the influential
Taoist work Dao De Jing.

While the only other Chinese popular philosophy of the time,

Confucianism, emphasized ethical action, Taoism encouraged
the virtue of Wu Wei (non-action, or taking things as they
The power of emptiness, detachment, receptivity and
spontaneity, the power of gentleness, the relativism of human
values and the quest for long life are values of Taoism. At that
time, the Taoist was mainly concerned with achieving
immortality and this led to the development of alchemy and
meditation methods.
☯ Taoism provided an alternative to the
Confucianist tradition in China, and the
two traditions often coexisted in
individuals. Over time, however, Taoism
increasingly found itself in direct
competition with Buddhism.

In order to survive, it was forced to

integrate Buddhist and ancient Chinese
folk practices into its midst in order to
meet the demands of the teachers of the
time. This more philosophical Taoism
inspired several Chinese painters and
poets through the centuries...
"In the end, the treasure of life is missed
by those who hold on and gained by
those who let go."
-Lao Tzu

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