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Introduction to

What is Self-Questioning?
 Self-questioning is a strategy that involves
querying yourself before, during, and after you
read to make meaning of text. It is part of
active reading. For skilled readers,
questioning becomes automatic—they might
not even realize they are doing it.
What Happens When Students Use
 Before they start reading, skilled readers ask
themselves, “What is this about? Why am I
reading this?” This helps them be clear on the
purpose of reading.
 During reading, skilled readers ask
themselves questions to check their
understanding and stay on course.
 After reading, they ask questions to recheck
and reflect on what they learned.
How is Questioning Important?
 Encourages readers to deeply engage with
and absorb the meaning of text.
 Helps readers tap into and build upon their
background knowledge.
 Supports the development of other
comprehension skills, such as summarizing.
How Does Questioning Help
 Gives students strategies to help them figure
out when text does not make sense.
 Provides students with the tools they need to
tackle confusing or unclear text head on and
make sense of it.
 Helps students feel less frustrated and
become more confident, resourceful readers
and learners.
Discussion Question
In what ways is questioning important for
reading literature and informational text?
Activities Before Reading
 Encourage students to ask themselves
questions such as the following:
 What do I think the text will be about based on
the information I see right away? (headers, type
of text, images, etc.)
 What do I already know about the topic? (Draw
out their background knowledge.)
 What is my purpose for reading this text?
 What do I predict will happen?
Activities During Reading
 Encourage students to self-check by asking
 Does what I’m reading make sense?
 What am I supposed to be learning?
 Where am I getting stuck?
 How does this relate to what I already know?
Activities After Reading
 Ask students to share the questions they
posed to themselves with each other.
 Encourage students to discuss when and how
they posed questions to themselves.
 Identify questions that students can ask
themselves to recheck and reflect.

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