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Meaning and Importance of Communication
“Communication is the solvent of all problems and is the
foundation for personal development.” Peter Shepherd
Communication is a two-way process wherein the
message in the form of ideas, thoughts, feelings,
opinions is transmitted between two or more persons
with the intent of creating a shared understanding.
It is also the exchange of thoughts, ideas,
concepts, and views between or among two or more
people, (Madrunio& Martin, 2018).
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all
different in the way we perceive the world and use this
understanding as a guide to our communication with others. “ 
Tony Robbins
Effective communication is important for the development of an
organization. It is something which helps the managers to
perform the basic functions of management- Planning,
Organizing, Motivating and Controlling.
Communication plays a vital role in human life. It not only helps
to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge,
but also helps people to develop relationships with others.
1. Types of Communication according to mode
a. Verbal- face to face communication (phone, voice
b. Non-verbal communication entails
communicating by sending and receiving wordless
messages ( facial expressions are the most
common example)
Examples of non-verbal cues
1. Body language- rule of thumb, handshake, smile
2. Eye contact- looking someone in the eye is
considered a sign of trustworthiness
3. Facial expressions- ex. Fitting eyes and pursued
lips convey a lack of trustworthiness
4. Posture- The position of our body relative to a chair
or another person is another powerful silent
messenger that conveys interest, aloofness, and
5.Touch- The meaning of a simple touch differs
between individuals, genders, and cultures.
c. Visual communication – a communication through the
use of visual aids such as signs, drawing, graphic design,
illustration, color and other electronic resources.
2. Types of Communication according to context

a. Intrapersonal communication involves

communicating with yourself
b. Interpersonal communication means communicating
with other people. (dyadic, group, mass, public speaking)
c. Extended communication involves the use
of electronic media.
d. Organizational communication focuses on
the role that communication plays in organizational
Two types of organizational structure
1. formal structure allows communication to
take place via designated channels of message
a. downward communication- from upper to
lower positions ex. Manager to an ordinary staff
b. upward communication- from subordinates
to superior ex. Crew members to captain
c. horizontal/lateral communication- same level but
coming from different departments/units ex.
Administrators coming from JBLFMU- Arevalo, Molo,
and JBLCF Bacolod

d. crosswise /diagonal communication- employees from

different units or departments working at various levels
ex. Administrator of MARINA to the dean of Maritime
2. informal comes from unofficial channels of message
flow , it is also known as “grapevine,” messages coming
from different levels of organization are transmitted.
This occurs due to the dissatisfaction of some employees
because of the superiors playing favorites and
unfavorable or unacceptable company rules.
e. Intercultural communication is referred to
communication between or among people having
different linguistic, religions, ethnic, social and
professional backgrounds.

a. Formal communication employs formal language

delivered orally or in written form. Ex. Lectures,
public talks/speeches, research, project proposals,
reports, business letters etc.
b. Informal communication certainly does not employ
formal language. It involves personal and ordinary
conversations with friends, family members, or
acquaintances about anything under the sun.
Communication process,
principles, and ethics
Communication Process

The communication process is the guide toward

realizing effective communication. It is through the
communication process that the sharing of a common
meaning between the sender and the receiver takes
The communication is a dynamic process that
begins with the conceptualizing of ideas by the sender
who then transmits the message through a channel to
the receiver, who in turn gives the feedback in the
form of some message or signal within the given time
Sender: The sender or the communicator is the person who

initiates the conversation and has conceptualized the idea

that he intends to convey it to others.
2. Encoding: The sender begins with the encoding process
wherein he uses certain words or non-verbal methods such
as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc. to translate the
information into a message.
3. Message: Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets
the message that he intends to convey.
4. Rules are guidelines that we establish for conducting
transactions (ex. Formal as parliamentary procedure for
meetings, informal casual conversations and intimate)
5. Communication Channel: The Sender chooses the medium
through which he wants to convey his message to the
recipient. Oral, virtual, written, sound, gesture, etc. are some
of the commonly used communication mediums/channel.
.5. Receiver:
The receiver is the person for whom the
message is intended or targeted.
Decoding: Here, the receiver interprets the sender’s
message and tries to understand it in the best possible
manner. An effective communication occurs only if the
receiver understands the message in exactly the same
way as it was intended by the sender.
6. Communication takes place within a particular
CONTEXT, or setting
The four most common context are dyadic, small group, mass,
and public speaking.
a. Dyads are those situations that place us in a communication
encounter with another person.
b. The small group context is communication within six to ten
other people.
c. Mass communication represents those situations when we
communicate through some electronic device.
d. Public speaking is communication before a greater number
of people compared to the small group context.
Three aspect of context
a. The first aspect of context is physical setting in which the
episode occurs. (components of physical context; location,
time, light, temperature, distance, and seating arrangements)
b. The second aspect of context is historical setting- the
previous communication episodes that have occurred affect
the meanings currently being shared
c. The third aspect of context is psychological setting- The
manner in which people perceive themselves as well as how
they perceive those whom they communicate with.
7. Feedback: The Feedback is the final step of the process
that ensures the receiver has received the message and
interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender.
Note: The Noise shows the barriers in communications.
There are chances when the message sent by the sender
is not received by the recipient.
1. Internal noise happens within yourself. Ex. students who
are not paying attention.
2. External noise refers to any physical phenomenon that
might impair the a receiver's ability to decode a message.
3. Physiological noise involves biological factors that
interfere with accurate reception
4. Psychological noise involves mental factors within a
receiver or sender that might inhibit his or her ability to
encode or decode a message correctly.
Ex. Someone who is suffering from low self esteem
5. Semantic noise refers to when a speaker and a listener
have different interpretations of the meanings of a certain
6. Syntactical noise refers to mistakes in grammar. Ex. Subject-
verb agreement
7. Organizational noise – Poorly structured messages can also be a
barrier. Ex. Unclear and badly worded directions
8. Cultural noise – Making stereotypical assumptions, such as
greeting a non-Christian person by wishing them a “ Merry
Christmas” can also destruct from communication.
1. Dynamic – it is constantly active and
2. Ongoing – it has no fix beginning and end
3. Transactional – those communicating are
mutually responsible for the success of the
communication, which involves the
interaction of many elements

Models of Communication are

conceptual models used to explain the
human communication process. It helps
us understand how communication
process works.
Models represent relationships, flows, structures,
or interactions.
Advantages of Shannon and Weaver’s
model: simplicity & generality.
Disadvantage is that the model is linear,
one way model, ascribing a secondary
role to the “receiver”, who is seen as
absorbing information. Some critics
argue that the model improves a
communicator’s ability to manipulate a
a. No feedback / don’t know about the effect
b. Does not mention barriers to communication
c. No room for noise
d. Complex model
e. It is a linear model of communication
f. Needs people to be on same level for communication
to occur but not true in real life
Advantages of Lasswell model:
It is Easy and Simple
It suits for almost all types of communication
The concept of effect

Disadvantages of Lasswell model:

Feedback not mentioned
Noise not mentioned
Linear Model
Activity - DYAD

Students will make their own model

of communication and be ready to
present it to the class.
1. Know your purpose in communicating
* To inform, to entertain or to persuade
2. Know your audience
* consider their age, educational background,
profession, culture and any other salient
3. Know your topic
* To share something/to learn something
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context
of the situation.
* The environment in which your speech writing is
to be delivered determines the kind of language
you will use.
5. Work on the feedback given to you.
* Once you receive comments from the listeners,
work on them. Constructive criticisms will prove
beneficial to you as you learn to address them.
1. Be clear with your purpose. You should know by heart
your objective in communicating.
2. Be complete with the message you deliver. Make sure that
your claims are supported by facts and essential information.
3. Be concise. You don’t need to be verbose or wordy with
statements. Brevity is a must.
4. Be natural with your delivery. Execute appropriate
gestures and movements. Exude a certain degree of
confidence even if you don’t feel confident enough.
5. Be specific and timely with your feedback. Inputs are most
helpful when provided on time.
1. Be clear- Always be guided with your purpose
in communicating.
2. Be concise- Be brief by focusing on your main
topic. Stick to the point. Do not run around the
3. Be concrete- Support your claims with enough
4. Be correct- Always observe grammatical
correctness in your writing. (revise, edit)
5. Be coherent- Your writing becomes
coherent only when you convey logical
message. (use of transitional devices)
6. Be complete- Include all relevant
information so that the audience will not
be left wanting of any information.
7. Be courteous – The tone of your writing
must be friendly.
Communication ethics emphasizes that morals
influence the behavior of an individual, group or
organization thereby affecting their

Code of Ethics sets the standards to be observed

by a person or a company that will create a good
reputation or positive image not only for an
individual but also for the organization.
It is important that whatever we
communicate we should be guided by certain
principles. The US National Communication
Association (NCA, 1999) discusses this in
their Credo for Ethical communication that
states , ““Ethical Communication” is
fundamental to responsible thinking, decision
making, and the development of relationships
and communities within and across contexts,
cultures, channels, and media.
In their credo, there are four ethical principles of
communication that are especially relevant for
students today.

First, they “advocate truthfulness,

accuracy, honesty, and reason as
essential to the integrity of
communication” (NCA, 1999).
* Nowadays, social media and speeches in public
have been so filled with black propaganda and
whitewashing that there is a call to reiterate the
need for truth and honesty.
* It is really important to be accurate when we
communicate and to have facts to prove it.
*It is important to be reasonable, rather than to
be emotional or threatening when we
Second, the NCA encourages
“freedom of expression, diversity of
perspective, and tolerance of dissent to
achieve the informed and responsible
decision making fundamental to a civil
society” (NCA,1999).
*In certain political climates, people may feel
threatened to the point that they no longer feel
that is safe to express what they feel or think.
This is not a good environment to live in.
*It is important to create an environment
where people feel safe enough to express what
they think and feel, and for these expressions
to be met with reasonable dialogue and debate,
rather than outright censure or violence.
Third, the NCA states that they
“condemn communication that
degrades individuals and humanity
through distortion, intimidation,
coercion, and violence, and through the
expression of intolerance and hatred”
(NCA, 1999).
This condemnation is important because it
safeguards society from racism, sexism,
and violence against oppressed peoples.
Lastly, the NCA (1999) believes that
communicators should “accept
responsibility for the short and long term
consequences for our own communication
and expect the same of others.”
It could not be denied that
sometimes some people do not feel
accountable for their actions.
Therefore, if you communicate
maliciously, it will spread false news,
or incite hatred or violence, thus you
must be ready to face the
consequences of such actions.
Every time we communicate, we should
consider the consequences of our actions.
If people were more responsible in their
use of communication, there would be less
conflict in this world. Even though the
four principles mentioned are short and
concise, they are important because they
help us discern the difference between
ethical and unethical communicators.


Role play a situation in the workplace

where ethical communication is put into
question. Make sure that someone
explains the situation first before the
group presentation. (Five members in a

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