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Day 1
August 22, 2022
1. Safe Animal Activity (60 minutes)
I AM able to acknowledge and express my feelings.

For learners to express what makes them feel safe.
Because children naturally use symbols to reflect their
inner lives, the use of an animal that may reflect their
experience is used in this exercise.
HEALING OBJECTIVE: Establish a sense of safety,
develop self awareness, self-expression, and self-
regulation, and encourage connection, empathy, and
cooperation with others

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Practice problem-solving;

improve spatial relations and fine and large motor
skills; explore resourcefulness and ingenuity
You will need:
• Paper
• Crayons
• Scissors
• Glue

Groupings: individually but within a bigger group

circle inside or outside the classroom or in their seats in
Imagine you’re (e.g. in your home, in the city or in the
mountains, a garden, or forest), and you come upon an
animal that makes you feel comfortable and safe. What
would that animal be?
• Draw the animal that makes you feel safe and give it
a name.
• Draw a habitat for your safe animal -- where will the
animal live? Be creative.
• Share your artwork with the class.
• You have 3 minutes for your story.
• What is the name of your safe animal and
where does he or she live?
• What are the contents of the safe place and
what makes this place safe?
• Who are the people you trust?
• Why do you trust them?
Wrap Up
In this lesson, we learned about the importance of
safety and what steps you can take when you don’t
feel safe in your bodies or in your environment.
The most important thing you need to know to help
you feel safe is to run to safety (in case of physical
safety) and find an adult. In case of feeling
emotionally unsafe or in your bodies, you need to tell
an adult you can trust (at home or in school).
2. Desert Island (60 minutes)
I AM able to acknowledge and express my feelings.

For learners to imagine a situation where they
have to establish safety for themselves, and
reflect on and identify
what they need to feel safe.
You will need:
• Paper
• Crayons
• Masking tape
• Natural materials : twigs, rocks, stones, other found
objects (can be pictures)
• Recycled materials : paper, cardboard,
boxes, water bottles and caps, string

Groupings: Divide the class into groups of 4 (ideal)

Today we are going to create a group sculpture using
natural materials or recycled materials.

• Go to your respective group.

• Imagine you are on a deserted island, and there is
water all around you. What will you need to be safe
there? What would you need to survive?”
• You have 15 minutes to scout the room or school for
“found” objects you can use for your group
• You can also use paper and pens to draw some items
or people you need.
• Gather everything you need in your island for you to
feel safe and to survive.
• Give your island sculpture a title.
• Share your artwork with the class.
Discussion Guide

• What is the title of your piece?

• “Tell us about each item in your desert island and
how each one helps you to survive and/or feel safe.”
• How does it feel to work with your classmates to
keep your island safe?
3. There’s an Emergency! (30 minutes)
I AM able to acknowledge and express my feelings.

This role play for emergency situations can be a
dry run for an actual situation.
HEALING OBJECTIVE: Develop self-awareness,
self-confidence, self-regulation

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Practice listening and

memory skills
Today we are going to practice handling
emergency situations to be prepared in case
something happens.

Emergency - a life threatening situation, or when you

are being constantly emotionally hurt (e.g. bullying)
Here are the names and numbers to
contact in case of an emergency.
Common disasters in
the Philippines
• Keeping safe in school and at home is important.
• Physical safety means getting to a safe place, or helping
someone feel safe in their bodies. (e.g. someone out of breath, or
in a state of panic, or someone who needs to get to a hospital.
• Emotional safety means feeling free to be yourself in school and
at home without someone putting you down. Discipline is
necessary at school and at home but bullying is not.
What did you learn today? What would you do to call for help? In
school, if a classmate or someone is in trouble, who would you
contact or call?
In case of an emergency, or if
someone in school is physically
hurt and needs to go to the
hospital, what should you do?
Choose 1 emergency and role play
4. Cloud Relaxation (10-15 minutes)
I AM able to acknowledge and express my feelings.

For learners to have the opportunity to relax and
experience feelings of calm in the body
• How do you feel?
• How does your body feel?
• What did you notice about your breath?
• What do you think about breathing?
• How important is it?
Sometimes when we are stressed our bodies feel tight, and our
breath is short; it comes only to our chest. One way to relax is to
breathe. It helps all our organs function well, and helps us to be
healthy, when we breathe properly, all the way to our stomachs.
We may also want to talk about other emotions and how this
affects our breathing patterns (i.e. when we feel angry or scared,
our breathing pattern is short and fast).

Shortness of breath can lead to impulsive actions such as

shouting or throwing so breathing can help us preempt this.
Breathing deeply is a way for us to regulate our emotions.
5. How are you today? (15 minutes)
I AM able to acknowledge and express my feelings.

For learners to explore feelings through an
• Cut out emoticons and tape them on the board.
• Ask each learner to stand up row by row (if you want there to
be order in the classroom) or randomly, to write their names
underneath the emoticon that represents how they are feeling
in the moment.
• When everyone is done, ask them what they noticed about the
class, and how the class in general is feeling today.
• You can have a brief discussion on how to support each other
as classmates, especially those who are not feeling so good.
Ask for examples on how to help others feel better.
• What different emotions did you learn about today?
• What does that emotion feel like in your body?
• How do you feel when you are moving?
• How do you feel when you are breathing?
• How do you feel now?
• What did you learn about emotions today?
Remember: It’s okay to feel different feelings, what’s most
important is that you don’t hurt yourself or anyone or destroy

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