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Community Development Project On

Joy Of Giving
Submitted By
Sanjay. p

In partial fulfilment for the requirements of the award of




Lovely Professional University


As we all know that God has not created all creates equally. Some are poor
and some are rich and there are people who waste food in their daily life
and also some who does not have at least one meal fully. So, we can help
at least to give them a meal, the project is decided is “JOY OF GIVING"
we humans need to help one another and care each project
initiative is to provide food to people who are physically and mentally
challenged children as they cannot go to work to earn money to get
I decided to help them with “CHEST AANGELIN SCOOL FOR
DIFFERNTIALLY ABLED”, so I along with the organization helped few
children there were many kids whose parents left them or dead and the
children were sent to, the organization takes care of these
children. The happiness on seeing people faces with happiness cannot be
bought with money and I would like get that by helping these children.

The main problemis not thatthey are physically ormentally challenged

children,the main problemisthatthey do not have parents or guardianswho
could give themlove, who could give them confidence,who could say them
they are special and need and need to take good care but the parents are rally
the one who are mentally challengedwho left their children alone due to
theirinabilities.itno the children faultto be born challenged theirlonelinessisthe
real challenge they feel. The main cause of the problemisthatthe parents do not
have much awarenessto handle these specially abled children,the
governmentmust give special trainingand awarenessto the parents on
handlingthese children and kids whose parents are dead must be taken care by
the government and provide all facilitiesfor their education and survival and
also to improve theirstandards of livesimproved
The objectiveof the projectisto provide food to the children who are
physically andmentally challenged and also to provide awarenessto the
parents of the children to provide confidence and love and help in
stepping up of their future. The objective ca only be achievedwith all
the effects of not government and people.Parents of the specially abled
childrenmust be trained awared of the children characterand mentality.
The governmentmust provide parents with financial and
educationalsupportthey need to grow their children and also
providework to those educated children after degree. The physically
and mentally challenged children needed to be treated equally among
the society and get equal rights. If they were given educational and
financial support. There will be no need to show pitiless or care on
them as they can handle them

The physically andmentally challenged children are helpless,so they
should n=be provided with educationalsupport,so they can handle their
liveswith their own hands.they should be taught about good and bad and
to keep their confidence so that they should not be demotivatedon the
pain they handle. They should also be providedwith recreation
activitiesso that their painful life can be erased and acceptit. the
government must help these children and give motivation to live and
achieve theirfuture, asthere are more people who achieved being
challenged even,they get to learn the mistakesand challenge faced and
can avoid it. Special teachersshould be hired who should be
providedwith propertrainingand specialskillsso they will be able handle
those children and educate them in a good way
The parentsof the physically andmentally challenged children are
needed to be awared of that condition's children get felt into afterthey
leave their children alone,the parentsare needed to motivate and
should providemutualsupport on growing the especially abled
children and help to step up in future and help to overcome
difficulties. The poor parents who are underthe poverty line must be
helped financially and providewith better circumstancesto grow the
childwithout any challenges The parentsshould be awared and
punished if they leftthe child alone asif they leave,they should pay a
huge amount as compensation to take care of the children
financialsupportso thatthey can handleproblems by own
People who are physically and mentally challenged should be
providewith financialsupportfor their shelter, food, education and
other business plans. companies must hire physically challenged
people so that they can earn for theirlivelihood. The
governmentshould provide educational loansand business loansfor
their future thatthey do not wantto be worried of future. NGO (NON-
organizationstake care of these children by provided them with food,
shelter, education.NGOtake these childrenwho are left from
parentsand whose parentsare dead and so they take and help these
children as a guardian and provide education so thatthey can be aware
of the outside world and learn to adoptthemselvesto survive
The projecteffectivenessis that helped to have a good meal for the
entire children in that organization.myself and other people funded
and helped the children asto get a satisfyingmeal, humans basic need
is a mealso at least we can do it to fulfill their hunger and most of
them even had not seen good meal. Only finds provided by us can
give them a good meal .so my project effectivenessisto
providepeople awarenessand the joy you get on seeing happy faces
enjoyingfood. So, if manypeople helped and gathered funsso
thatthey can good meal alwaysso thatthey feel happy as well as we
feel also happy on seeing them
The conclusion ofthe projectisthatif all people of aware of that he
difficultiesand challengesface by physically and mentally
challengingchildren then there would be no parent leavingtheir child
and also food isthe most importantneed to live so we must at least help
to give a good meal to these children and the “JOY OF GIVING”
cannot be bought in any other way. So, we need help anyonewe see if
we are able to do as gods may be there but hey are invincible to us but
humans are visible and we should treat equally and try to at least give
them food as god did not give them, he letit to our handsso let's fulfill
our duty and help anyone suffering from hunger asthere is no medicine
for hunger exceptfood so at leasttry to give food anyone ask you

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