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Fall 2022 before mt

Topographic Maps
• Topographic maps show the shape and elevation of Earth’s surface:
mountains, valleys, sinkholes, etc. above sea level. The elevation is the
height above sea level, the top of the ocean.
• Contour lines= lines of equal elevation. Every point on a contour line is
the same height above sea level. These lines never touch or cross
because each point on Earth’s surface can only have one elevation.
• The closer the lines are, the more change of elevation exists – and the
steeper the land.
• Further apart lines represent land that changes less – and is shallower.
• Contour lines that are labeled with their elevations are called index
contours. These help to determine the contour interval, which is the
elevation between every contour line.
• What is a topographic map? represent geographical features of a region,
including hills and valleys. Is used to display 3-dimensional features on a 2-
dimensional map.
• What is a Contour line?Contour maps show the shape of the land by
connecting points of equal elevation.
• The index contours contour lines that are clearly labeled with their
• Contour interval tells us elevation changes from one line to another.
• Map scale to determine real distances.
• Compass rose direction
Objects on the Topographic map
• Rivers are always shown on topographic maps as a line running
perpendicular to contour lines. These lines bend, or “V”,
upstream, meaning that they curve along the river, towards where it’s
coming from
• Hachure lines are lines within a closed contour line that point inwards
to indicate that the land is going down, as opposed to going up. This
could be a crater, sinkhole, lake, volcano – anything that is a drop in
• In 1854, London was in the middle of a cholera pandemic. At the time, there was limited understanding
of how pathogens and germs spread. Most people believed that cholera was spread by miasma through
the air. Dr John Snow did something GIS researchers and analysts do now: he mapped cholera-related
• John Snow produced a famous map in 1854 showing the deaths caused by a cholera outbreak in Soho,
London, and the locations of water pumps in the area. By doing this he found there was a significant
clustering of the deaths around a certain pump – and removing the handle of the pump stopped the
• Globalization According to the Financial Times, globalisation can
be defined as the integration of economies, industries, markets,
cultures and policy-making around the world.

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