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• Is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood.

• Although sometimes described as beginning in parallel with fertility or puberty

and ending with maturity and independence, adolescence has a very variable
and imprecise duration.

• It is a stage of being logical, creative, and idealistic thinker this is the time
when puberty takes place.

• It begins with rapid physical changes such as dramatic gains in height and
weight, changes in body contour, and the development of sexual characteristics.
Early Adulthood

• Establishing personal and economic independence, career development,

selecting a mate, learning to live with someone in a intimate way.
• This stage of setting down, building family after marriage.
• There are more problems and tensions.
• A lot of commitments.
• It also involves financial maturity.
Middle Adulthood

• It refers to the period of the life span between early adulthood and late

• They aim to develop generativity, or the desire to expand one’s influence and
commitment to family, society, and future generations.

• In this stage, the responsibilities to career, family and society is starting to grow,
so this is why people in this stage experience stress.
Late Adulthood (61 years and above)

• It is a time for adjustment to decreasing strength and health life review,

retirement and adjustment to new social roles.

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