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MISOSA Framework

and Implementing

Marcial B. Cubelo, Jr.

PSDI / ADM Division Coordinator

• M-odified
I - n School
S - chool
O - ff
S - chool
A - pproach
Session Objectives:
Discuss the following to aid in making an
informed selection of alternative education
programs to be implemented that are
appropriate to the context:
• Pros and cons of alternative education
programs as applied to emergencies
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats for each alternative education program
• Suitability of alternative education program
• Teaching and learning components of education
in emergencies: curriculum adaptation,
pedagogies, learning materials, learning
 Designed for Grades 4-6
 Best for when children can’t regularly go to school everyday
 Transition from f2f classes to this delivery mode and back is
relatively less challenging
 Best suited for situations when there is lack of learning
spaces, learning materials and educators.
 May be used for learners at risk of dropping out because of
constraints that keep them from attending school (i.e. over-
age learners, learners from GIDA)
 May be combined with school feeding program during in-
school sessions to address issues on hunger
 Remediation can also be included for those who need extra
The ADMs address the learning
needs of the marginalized pupils
and those learners at risk of
dropping out in order to help them
overcome social and economic
constraints in their schooling.
Modified In School Off School
Approach (MISOSA)
as an ADM of education meant to
address the problem of congestion –

 overcrowding due to classrooms

 teachers’ shortage resulting to big
class size, less contact time with
pupils, absenteeism and insufficient
learning materials.
This problem if left unaddressed
results to poor school
performance in terms of learning
achievement, participation and
completion rates.

This approach makes use of

Self-Instructional Materials
(SIMs) in the different learning
1.Use of Self-Instructional
Materials (SIMs).
⚫ that contain the lessons to be
learned for the day.
⚫ include learning objectives,
⚫ activities to work on,
⚫ exercises and questions to
⚫ enrichment activities utilizing the
community resources.
2.Utilization of community school
⚫as a laboratory for learning aside
from the classroom i.e. half of the
class stays with the teacher while
the other half stays with the
teacher-facilitator in the
community school.
3. In compliance with
existing policies:
1. DepEd Order #23, s.2005
re time allotment
2. DepEd Order No. 33, s.
2004 re grading system
3. DepEd Order No. 53, s.
2011 re policy guidelines
4.Involvement of the
following school

1.Grade IV, V, and VI pupils

4.2.Classroom Teachers
Benefits of Implementing MISOSA

resolving the issue of shortage of

instructional materials;
improving classroom management;
promoting equal access and
opportunity for learning;
institutionalizing systematic monitoring;
developing pupils’ study habits, love for
learning and self-esteem;
attending to the unique needs of
individual pupils.
In-School Group Off-School Group
(W/ the Teacher) (W/ the TF)

Introduces the
Working with SIMs
Pupils do the
Monday Presents or
develops lessons
on their own
using textbooks

Tuesday With Teacher Working with SIMs

Wednesday With Teacher Working with SIMs

Thursday With Teacher Working with SIMs

In-school and Off-School Groups

are combined with the teachers
In-school group should not use the
same set of SIMs used by the
previous off-school group.

By the end of the school year, both

groups should have covered all the
skills/competencies lined-up in the
PELC through a combination of
classroom instruction and SIMs.
The Role of the Teachers

work hand in hand with the TF

sort the modules needed for the
give the modules to the TF and
give instruction to the TF
The Role of the Teacher-
gets instructions from the subject
teachers regarding the number of
SIMs that need to be accomplished
by the off-school in a given day
 reports to the subject teacher what
transpired during each day
including the attendance and
performance of the pupils. 
The specific roles of the
Before the actual activity:

Setting the mood of the

pupils in preparation for the
Distributing the modules to
During the activity:
Setting standards for pupils to
follow in the duration of the activity
Clearing out queries from the
pupils when necessary
Giving warm-up activities after
every modules or when
Acting on opportunities for
incidental learning
After the activity:
Making marginal notes in each module for
Listing pupils’ strengths and weaknesses
Organizing a learning group of individuals
(slow with fast learners)
Providing mentoring and tutoring activities
to learners
Conducting assessment of learners. (Use
the available test in the module.)
Coordinating learning activities which may
require expertise of subject area
Frequently Asked Questions

How are the children for the
MISOSA chosen?
  Children are not chosen
individually, but as a whole section.
We implement MISOSA in
congested classes regardless of
who the children are.
Do we need to reassign a child to
another section if the teacher finds
out that he/she is not ready for
  MISOSA is designed for Grades IV,V
and VI classes. It is assumed that all
pupils in these grades are readers.
  Slow learners in these classes need
not be reassigned. More attention can be
given to them by the Teacher-Facilitators.
They can also be tutored by peers, since
the SIMs promote cooperative learning.
Where does the MISOSA off-school
group with the Teacher-Facilitator
hold their classes?
The off school group may hold classes
in any of the following:
 Community learning centers
(including church premises,
barangay halls, public libraries, etc.)
 Any available space within the
school premises (library, roof deck,
LRCs, unused rooms, etc)
What provisions need to be
considered in choosing the venue
for this group?
Provisions for choosing the venue
should include:
 safety and security,
 accessibility,
 conducive to learning (well-
ventilated and lighted, free from
noise, with sufficient space and with
provisions for writing and reading)
Who chooses the
The principal chooses the
Teacher-Facilitator from the
Division Registry of Qualified
Applicants (RQA) .
What are the qualifications /
requirements for Teacher-Facilitator?
When no one from the RQA is
interested or available, the Teacher-
Facilitator can be any of the following:
 retired teacher,
 regular teacher who is willing to serve
opposite his/her official time,
 relieving/ancillary teacher,
 new LET-passer who is not yet
included in the RQA.
What are the tasks of the Teacher-Facilitator?
Will he/she limit her/his task to checking the
activity notebooks of the MISOSA off-school

Aside from the roles stated in Part I. Roles of

Teachers-Facilitators, they are also expected
 work in regular coordination with the subject area
teachers (daily and/or as the need arises);
 conduct priming and motivational activities like singing
songs, playing games, etc.;
 keep track of pupils’ progress, provide feedback to the
subject teachers which in turn take appropriate
 take initiative to maximize opportunities for learning;
 regularly provide the subject teacher with the results of
assessment activities conducted
How will the pupils be graded?

The grading system reflected on

DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2004 -
Implementing Guidelines on the
Performance Based Grading
System for SY 2004-2005 should
likewise be followed.
Will the pupils’ scores in the
exercises provided in the enrichment
activities be included in the
computation of their grades?

The activity notebook will form part

of the pupils’ portfolios; the portfolios
will be rated to constitute a certain
percentage of the grade
Are the pupils in the off-school
group included in the periodical

Pupils in the off-school group will

take the periodical tests and other
assessment activities as
 Does the Teacher-Facilitator have a hand in giving
grades to the pupils? How does he/she go about

The Teacher-Facilitator turns over all

records (including the narrative report on the pupil
s’ behavior, performance, etc.) of the off-school
group to the subject teacher who in turn
consolidates/computes the grade

 Who monitors the activities of the Teacher-

Facilitator? How often and what monitoring
instrument will be used?

The principal shall regularly monitor the activities

of the Teacher-Facilitator in the same manner a
regular teacher is monitored.
What if pupils do not perform in a given
module as expected? What does the
Teacher-Facilitator do?
Teacher-Facilitator should give extra
attention to pupils who lag behind.
To ensure that pupils catch up with the
lesson in the modules the following
may be resorted to:
 peer tutoring,
 mentoring or
 taking home unfinished modules.
What if a learner is too fast in
finishing a module? What should the
Teacher-Facilitator do?
The Teacher-Facilitator should make
sure that fast learners are not idle.
Creative activities may be worked
out by the fast learners such as:

 drawing,
 writing poems,
 jingles, or
 solving puzzles relevant to the lesson.
Will the pupils in the off-
school group be able to
participate in school activities/
programs (Ex. Quiz Bee,

Yes, pupils in the off-school

group can participate in all
school activities/programs.
Will parents be allowed to
observe ongoing activities of the
MISOSA off-school group?

Yes, parents are partners in the

teaching-learning process. Their
presence is always welcome,
however, they should not
interfere with the conduct of the
activities for the day.
Other Concerns
If a topic doesn’t seem to jibe with
any skill within the prescribed
learning competencies (PELC),
what should be done?

The topics and activities therein

were carefully conceptualized and
developed according to skills lined-
up in the PELC of the different
learning areas.
Will a Teacher’s participation in
the MISOSA Project have a
bearing (plus factor) on his/her
performance for the semester?
For the school year?

If deemed meritorious by the

principal, teachers maybe given
credit points.
Should Teacher-Facilitators be paid
for her/his services?

Yes, Teacher-Facilitators should

be paid for services rendered.
Funds for this may be sourced from
LGU, NGOs/POs, PTA and other
civic-minded individuals.
On Proper Care of the MISOSA SIMs
 Go over the material. The modules may
not be sequentially-arranged.

 Separate the modules according to topics

for convenience, easier handling and use.

 Number or code each module for easy


 Remind the pupils of the proper use and

care of the modules.

 Schools may reproduce the SIMs as

Suggested Line-Up of Activities

By the opening of the school :

 MISOSA class (Grade and section)
 Teacher and Teacher-Facilitator assigned;
 Commitment of Barangay and community
partners secured;
 Off school venue readied; and
 SIMs segregated, numbered and coded,
and readied for use.
By the end of June:

 Teachers, pupils and parents

 Adequate SIMs assured;
 Working relation between Teacher
 and Teacher-Facilitator established;
 and MISOSA program started.
By the middle of the school year

 Feedback conference with the

parents conducted;

 Consultative conference with subject

area teachers and Teacher

 Facilitators conducted;
 Implementation gaps and possible
solutions identified;

 SIMs intended for the 1st and 2nd

grading periods worked on and
accomplished; and

 MISOSA classes monitored.

By the end of the school year

 All SIMs worked on and accomplished;

 Evaluation meeting conducted;
 Implementation gaps corrected;
 Solutions to implementation gaps
 All SIMs retrieved and inventoried;
 Implementation experience and
lessons learned documented.
MISOSA (SWOT) - Strengths
MISOSA (SWOT) -Weaknesses
MISOSA (SWOT) -Opportunities
MISOSA (SWOT) - Threats
Template 1.b. Action Plan
Areas of Objectives Action Time Persons Resour Success
Concern steps Frame Respon ces Needed Indicator/s



Management by
Parents, Community
and Teachers

 Designed for Grades 4-6

 Best for when children can’t regularly go to school everyday
 Transition from f2f classes to this delivery mode and back is relatively less challenging
 Best suited for situations when there is lack of learning spaces, learning materials and

 May be used for learners at risk of dropping out because of constraints that keep them from
attending school (i.e. over-age learners, learners from GIDA)

 May be combined with school feeding program during in-school sessions to address issues
on hunger

 Remediation can also be included for those who need extra help
 Direct involvement of key stakeholders in learning process
can address the possible shortage of teaching personnel
 Program does not require specific learning space
 Supports multi-age learning and will enable teachers to
accommodate more students with different capacities,
needs and learning styles
 However, may not be suitable for children who are
illiterate and those with disabilities
 To adapt IMPACT: modify modules, tools and schedule of
IMPACT (SWOT) - Strengths
IMPACT (SWOT) - Weaknesses
IMPACT (SWOT) -Threats
IMPACT (SWOT) -Threats

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