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Company Profile
Company Profile
Redgate is a software company based in Cambridge, England. It develops tools for
developers and data professionals and maintains community websites such as SQL
Server Central and Simple Talk.
Redgate produces specialized database management tools for Microsoft SQL
Server, Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft Azure. It also produces advanced developer
tools for .NET Framework, such as Smart Assembly and .NET Reflector.
Redgate provides Compliant Database DevOps solutions for the finance,
healthcare, and technology sectors, plus ingeniously simple tools for Microsoft SQL
Server, Oracle, MySQL and Microsoft Azure.

Redgate helps teams balance the demand to deliver software fast with the need to
protect and preserve business critical data. Your business, teams, and databases
benefit from fast delivery, low downtime, and strong collaboration, while
minimizing any risks to your data.
Products and Solutions
Automate database deployments across teams and technologies
Increase the frequency and reliability of deployments with Database DevOps

Standardize deployments for SQL Server, Oracle, and 18 other databases

Increase frequency and reliability of database deployments
Flexible toolchain for easy adoption across teams
Catch errors and speed up development with Continuous Integration
Get oversight of every change to your databases

From version control to continuous delivery, Redgate Deploy lets your teams automate database
development processes so you can accelerate software delivery and ensure quality code.
Monitor performance and availability
The world's most popular tool for monitoring your SQL Server estate.
SQL Server monitoring for your entire estate. Understand server performance in an instant with fast deep-dive analysis.
Manage your entire SQL Server estate from a single pane of glass.
Whether your databases are hosted on premises, in the cloud or both, you’ll have the answers to the health of your
estate at your fingertips. With instant problem diagnosis and intelligent, customizable alerts, you’ll know about any
potential issues before they impact your users.

Keep pace with growing estates

Whether your servers are hosted locally or in the cloud, you can see them in all-in-one place

The right data at your fingertips

Know instantly the status of all your servers and databases, and drill down to issues so you can take action immediately.

Unrivaled support and community

With Redgate you get all the resources you need to get up and running quickly.
SQL Toolbelt Essentials helps you and your teams reduce manual, time-consuming work
and increase productivity. It's the set of industry-standard tools built by SQL Server industry
leaders to standardize SQL development across organizations. You'll save time, increase
code quality, and gain greater confidence in more frequent releases.

Toolbelt Essentials helps your teams work with SQL Server to

Double your team's productivity

Standardizing team-based development
High quality code as standard
Explore, document, and query your database

The tools in the Toolbelt Essentials work together as part of an end-to-end process
to simplify your workflow. By supporting database development best practices it
paves the way to automation.
Some essential SQL Server tools for releases and productivity

• SQL Compare Pro SQL Compare is the industry standard for comparing and releasing SQL Server database
schemas quickly and accurately.71% of the Fortune 100 use SQL Compare to compare SQL Server databases –
because its relentlessly tested, easy to use, creates flawless deployment scripts, and saves time.

• SQL Data Compare Pro SQL Data Compare is the industry-standard tool for comparing and deploying SQL Server
database contents. You can work with live databases, backups, or SQL scripts in source control. Damaged or
missing data can be restored to a single row, without the need for a full database.

• SQL Source Control Version control schemas and reference data, roll back changes, and maintain the referential
integrity of your database. And because it works with the tools you already use, it's an easy setup.

• SQL Prompt An add-in for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio, SQL Prompt strips away the
repetition of coding. As well as autocompleting your code, SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming,
and other distractions, so you can concentrate on how the code actually works.

• Flyway Version control for your database Robust schema evolution across all your environments With ease,
pleasure, and plain SQL.
• SQL Data Generator SQL Data Generator is a fast, simple tool for generating realistic test data.It can instantly provide
generators based on table and column names, field length, data types, and other existing constraints. They can be
customized to meet your requirements.

• SQL Doc Document your databases automatically. Create documents as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, or Compiled
HTML Help files.

• SQL Test If you want to do SQL Server unit testing in T-SQL, and run it as part of your automated builds, SQL Test is
the place to start It's simple to set up, you don't need extra tools, and you don't need to learn

• SQL Multi Script Run multiple scripts on multiple servers with just one click SQL Multi Script lets you execute multiple
scripts against multiple SQL Servers.

• SQL Dependency Tracker Visualize complex databases simply Dynamically explore and document all your database
object dependencies.

• SQL Search SQL Search is a free add-in for SQL Server Management Studio that lets you quickly search for SQL across
your databases.
Protect and
preserve data
SQL Provision
combines SQL Clone and Data Masker for SQL Server to enable software teams to deliver database environments at the
speed required by modern development practices, while ensuring the security of sensitive data subject to GDPR, HIPAA,
CCPA, and other regulations.

Data Masker Masking sensitive data across your estate enables you to deliver secure data to downstream environments
in non-production databases for development and testing. Enabling this automatically ensures your data is secure across
your organization – therefore minimizing data risk, and ultimately protecting your business.

SQL Clone Take the pain out of creating and managing copies of production databases, so you and your team can ship
changes faster. SQL Clone is a database provisioning tool that lets you create full copies of SQL Server databases and
backups in seconds, using around 40 MB of disk space per clone. Instead of spending hours provisioning multiple copies
of your database for development, testing, or diagnostics, SQL Clone creates a single ‘image’ of a SQL Server database or
backup, which is used as the source for multiple clones. Each clone works just like a normal database but takes only a
few seconds to create and requires only around 40MB of disk space.
SQL Backup Backup, restore, and verify – the three main features of any good backup strategy – are simple with
SQL Backup Pro.It takes fast, small, secure SQL Server database backups, based on whatever schedule you set.
Once you've made your backups, it can check they're free from corruption with optional Checksum and Restore
verify only Steps. With automated backup verification, you'll gain peace of mind, and save time, hassle, and

SQL Data Catalog SQL Data Catalog rapidly accelerates the classification process, using intelligent rules and
recommendations based on automated data scanning to remove much of the manual effort. With domain
knowledge centralized, and a shared understanding across your organization – data risks can be exposed, avoided,
and regulatory compliance met.
Redgate's Compliant Database DevOps solution
An end-to-end framework for extending DevOps to your database
What does the process look like?
Redgate partners
Worldwide Partner

Component Source
•Visit website

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