Software AG

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Company Profile

Company Profile

Software AG (SAG) is a technology company. The company provides enterprise integration software
solutions. It offers digital business platform with integration, business process management, adaptive
application development, real-time analytics, and enterprise architecture management. SAG’s services
include Adabas and Natural, IoT analytics, IT transformation, business process transformation, APIs,
integration, and Microservices. The company also offers professional services, support, and training
services. It serves banking, education, energy and utilities, government, healthcare and life sciences,
insurance, manufacturing, retail, and telecommunication industries sectors. The company operates in North
America, Latin America, Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East, and Asia
Pacific. SAG is headquartered in Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany.

Software AG operates as a software development company. The Company enables enterprises to integrate,
connect, and manage IoT components, as well as analyse data and predict future events based on artificial
intelligence. Software serves customers worldwide.
About Software AG
We give businesses the power to instantly see, decide, act—and thrive

Role of Software AG products

The entire job of Software AG products is to be able to help the companies to bring the data together being
able to breakdown the Silos its technologies are hybrid integration , API management platforms and then
IoT platforms and with these technologies its able to first collect data from assets ,mobile devices etc bring
the data together and bring it together with the data that is created with your ERPs or your customer
interface systems and then make that data accessible through cloud data link technology Allow the
business to access the data through API and that’s how it help customers to be able to truly connected.
Power of data is when you can merge bring the data together create access to the data and that’s what
role of Software AG products is.
Products & Solutions
Software AG (SAG) provides Products and Solutions mainly
associated with:

Software for digital transformation

Digital Business Applications
Digital Workplace technologies
The SAG Platform provides Solutions in

IoT & Analytics

APIs, Integration & Microservices

Business Process Transformation

IT Transformation

Adabas & Natural

IoT & Analytics
Innovate new services & experiences, optimize operations and accelerate outcomes
with an ecosystem ... in short, become a truly connected enterprise with the Internet of
Put the power of IoT data in the hands of many across your organization—because the
more accessible your IoT insights, the greater their business impact. From connected
product manufacturers to machine operators and plant managers, your team can quickly
connect devices and sensors, and integrate and analyze the data they generate by
using Cumulocity IoT from Software AG. 

IOT refers to the collection of all those devices that have ability to connect to the internet
and collect and share data . Cumulocity IoT platform We know IoT projects can be
complicated. That's why the Cumulocity IoT platform simplifies things for you with self-
service tools and a configuration-driven approach It also provides

•IoT Application Development

•IoT Device Connectivity
•IoT Device Management
•IoT Edge Computing
•IoT Integration
•IoT for Industries
APIs, Integration & Microservices
With Software AG There are Modern solutions for modernization problems

Agility isn't reserved just for cloud-native companies. It's possible for all, as long as systems, things,
applications and partners are relentlessly and seamlessly connected. 

Those connections are made possible by APIs, integration and microservices. Our web Methods
platform helps you manage them so that nothing is impossible.

You can unlock innovation by delivering new business models made possible by a connected digital
ecosystem. You can modernize without building from scratch - connecting the systems and apps that
you trust with those that will help you scale. And you can bring digital transformation within reach,
allowing existing resources to enable new digital products.

•API Management
•Application Integration
•B2B Integration
•Mainframe Integration
•Managed File Transfer
Business Process Transformation

Put a structure around your strategy Get ready for business during an eruption of disruption with a
digital business transformation program that works. How? By grounding your transformation strategy
on an actual operational model, not just on presentations and spreadsheets.

A business process analysis (BPA) and management platform is the foundation to keep strategy and
operations aligned, and to orient all employees around a "single way of working" through process

For over 30 years ARIS has been leading business process analysis (BPA) and management software
helping organizations to embrace digital transformation.

ARIS improves efficiency, saves time and money, and make processes more sustainable. It offers
true business process transformation via tightly managed and controlled change. With ARIS, you
can create, manage, and analyze your end-to-end business processes—the key to operational
excellence that gives stakeholders the tools and insights they need to make better decisions every
IT Transformation

Why Software AG for IT transformation?

Make the best IT investment decisions by understanding when, where, how and why to make
changes. Using Software AG’s Alfabet, you can link the interdependent perspectives of IT,
business, finance and risk for a full analysis of how IT can support business change. That
reduces your transformational risks

With built-in enterprise architecture capabilities, Alfabet describes complex IT systems in terms

of their business, application, information, and technical layers and helps develop standards for
change—so you can see, decide and act on your IT landscape. Broad management and
governance of multiple IT and non-IT portfolios inform your strategic decisions.
Adabas & Natural

Why Adabas & Natural 2050+?

In an age of ever-faster change, you need a forward-thinking partner with a vision ...
someone who can help you take your powerful Adabas & Natural applications to 2050
and beyond. You’ve relied on Adabas & Natural to get the job done—for decades.

Look ahead to a future where you can continue to make the most of that investment
and the unique business logic built into your core applications.

We’re that partner, committed to helping you digitalize your legacy, fast and risk-free.
Together, let’s manage the generational change of developers, modernize your
applications to save costs, expand the reach of your core apps, and accelerate
development in an ultra-modern environment.

Software AG markets software products in technologies like DBMS, application modernization, Service

Oriented Architecture, Business Process Management and Enterprise Service Bus. Below are a few of
their products on the market.

•ADABAS – a high performance transactional database management system. Adabas, a contraction of

“adaptable database system, is a database package that was developed by Software AG to run on IBM
mainframes. It was launched in 1971 as a non-relational database. As of 2019, Adabas is marketed for
use on a wider range of platforms, including Linux, Unix, and Windows.

•Alfabet – IT Planning, Portfolio Management, and Enterprise Architecture Software.

•Apama – Apama is a complex event processing (CEP) and event stream processing (ESP) engine,

developed by Software AG. Apama serves as a platform for performing streaming analytics over a range
of high volume/low latency inputs and applications, such as IoT devices, financial exchanges, fraud
detection, social media and similar. Users can define data patterns to listen for and actions to take when
these patterns are found, which are defined in the provided domain-specific language called the Event
Processing Language (EPL). The core Apama engine is written in C++.

•ARIS(Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) aims to ensure that an enterprise information system can
completely meet its requirements. – acquired business process analysis platform. And a free version is
available as ARIS Express.
•Centrasite – a flagship SOA governance application which provides UDDI as well as governance

•CONNX - Data Access, Data Movement (ETL), Streaming Analytics.

•Cumulocity – an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that provides services for connectivity for networked digital
devices and sensors

•Natural – an English-like fourth-generation programming language for application development

•NaturalONE - Eclipse-based integrated development environment natural applications

•Presto – Self-service, real-time data visualization and exploration tool combines data from different applications
to create mashups, which can be displayed on any device.

•Tamino Information Server – Information server based on XML for the storage, management and transfer of
structured and unstructured data, now called web Methods Tamino.
•Terracotta, Inc. –is a computer software company that specializes in increasing scalability and
performance of real-time Big Data applications. The company's flagship product is Terracotta DB, an in-
memory distributed data management platform which provides persistent storage, caching and compute
capabilities. Terracotta is used in 190 countries by over two million developers and has more than 2.5
million deployments. The company is owned by Software AG.

•webMethods – Integration enables you to automate tasks by connecting apps and

services, such as Marketo, Salesforce, Evernote, and Gmail. It lets your favorite apps exchange data
and talk to each other seamlessly, and eliminates the need to hire expensive developers to build your
favorite integrations.

•Cumulocity IoT - an IoT product, providing hardware, Cloud and Edge Services as well as platforms
adaptable to the Software AG Cloud

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