The Surfer and The School Paper Adviser

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The Surfer

and the
School Paper Adviser
on a Ride
Imagine a surfer, poised atop a
wave. Hurtling toward shore at
breakneck speed, the rider seems
master of the moment.
And what a moment.
The sea, the sky,
the wave, the wind,
the board . . .
The risks of getting
to know the unknown.
But there is exhilaration,
jubilation, power . . .
All come together in this
one breathtaking
Imagine a school paper
adviser, pen poised above
the page.
As ideas pour forth
at breakneck speed,
the school paper adviser
seems the master
of the moment.
Words, feelings, plans,
and things to be done,
tumble out in a
breathtaking, inspired
flow which seems
effortless to achieve.
The school paper adviser finishes the
action plan with a flourish, smiling
with a sense of commitment.
What a ride.
What is it that lures them, surfer
and school paper adviser?

Whoever they are, whatever

work they are engaged in,
how they do the work,
the Ocean is welcoming them,
because surfing and school paper
advising are very much like.
For one thing, the Ocean's vastness can
evoke feelings of fear and uncertainty
in the beholder.
The waves can smash anyone and bury
any creature with its deadly might.
But the Ocean CLEARS
when the waves are gone.
And suddenly it becomes paradise.
The surfer and the school paper
adviser are often fearful
and helpless in the face
of the mysterious, unknowable
workings of the stumbling blocks.
But the mystery can be unfolded
only if one is strong, firm
and indomitable to fight all odds.
With calmness of spirit,
hard work and persistence,
one can experience the vastness,
richness and inexhaustible wealth of
potentialities to dig
from the deep blue sea
of promising gems
that no wave can hide.
Surfing is terrific and there are
many ways to enjoy the water:
swimming, boating, diving . . .
even just splashing around.
Oceanin then can be
school paper
advising, of funcan beonce
lots ofone
basicmaster how to
skills in coaching,
overcome or developing the
the wave
learners’ skills, the school paper
adviser can marvel the
joys of
The surfer poised atop a wave
is a smart figure to look at.
And so with the school paper adviser poised
on stage receiving the award.
He / She looks smarter to the tune
of resounding applause for a job well done.
Like the surfer, the school paper adviser can
master the waters.
In fact, You, school paper advisers, are both
the Ocean and the waters. Needless to say
you are the sparkling
mirror of life.
So may I ask of you now
to use that Ocean in you for
the enrichment of life in
school, community and the
world. Share the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and the
beauty within you.
Say your thoughts, share your
dreams, write your truth,
your turn to inspire the
Celebrate yourself in God’s grace
so others can celebrate
themselves, too.
Continue to work in the fullness
of your being.
Who knows if enough of you and
me work for the truth, perhaps this
world of ours will soon become all
the beauty that it was meant to be.
Be the BEST school paper
adviser, always the BEST
until you reach 100 years
old and beyond.

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