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Writing skills?

• Writing skills are an important part of

communication. Good writing skills allow you to
communicate your message with clarity and ease to a
far larger audience than through face-to-face or
telephone conversation.

• You might be called upon to write a report, plan or

strategy at work; write a grant Application or press
release within a volunteering role ; or you may fancy
communicating, your ideas online via a blog. And, of
course ,a well written CV or resume with no spelling or
grammatical mistakes is essential if you want a new

• What do we write?
• Why do we write?
The differences between spoken
and written texts

• Written language is complex at the level of

clause while spoken language is complex in the
way clauses are linked together
• Written language is also reinforced by the
tendency of create nouns from verbs
• Writing is often decontextualized
How to improve writing skills

• Grammar
• Spelling
• Punctuation
• When to Use Capital letters
• Using plain English
• Know your medium
• Writing styles
• Reread
• Importance
• Stick to your main idea
1- English Grammar
There are twelve verb tenses in the English language.
•Present Indefinite
•Past Indefinite
•Future Indefinite
•Present Continuous
•Past Continuous
•Future Continuous
•Present Perfect
•Past Perfect
•Future Perfect
•Present Perfect Continuous
•Past Perfect Continuous
•Future Perfect Continuous
Present Tense :
Past Tense :
Future Tense :
Correction Of Spellings

Spellings are very Important in English comprehension.

Good spellings facilitate communication & avoid confusion.
Poor spellings distract the reader.

Check whether the spellings are correct or not. (Activity)

1. New fone inbox for the number.
2. Jim studied in the libarary for his english quiz.
3. The pirat, looking manacing, drew his svord.
4. Screeching in deleight, the parot soared over the trees.

“Punctuation means the use of points, stops or marks Mark Symbol

to separate one sentence from another or one part Full Stop .

of a sentence from another.” Comma ,

Question ?

(Activity) Apostrophe

•Jeans wrote A few stars are hardly bigger than the earth Exclamation !
•--------------------------------------------------------------------------- “”
•She advised we should try our luck at more places than one Commas
•--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash -

Semi Colon & ;&:

•The selfish leader cried vote for me or you are lost Colon
•--------------------------------------------------------------------- Brackets ()

•The Lahore Karachi Dubai flight slash /

Capital ABC
General Skills of writing

• Ability to put sounds down on graphic form

according to the conventional sound-spelling
• Ability to spell English words correctly, including
using correct punctuation and capitalization.
• Ability to do writing practice, such as dictation,
grammar exercises, constructing dialogues according
to the model, simple translation exercises.
• Ability to write short compositions, including
functional writing skills, such as writing simple
letters, taking notes, writing outlines and summaries.
Major types of writing -1

1. Explanation and analysis

(a) a process
(b) an opinion or point of view
(c) event(s) and phenomena
(d) instructions and directions
2. Argument
(a) persuasion
(b) refutation
(c) examining both sides of a
Major types of writing - 2

5. Description and summary

(a) a thing
(b) a person
(c) a place
(d) an event
(e) concepts
6. Narration
(a) a series of events; a report
(b) biography or autobiography
(c) historical events
(d) fiction or nonfiction
How do we design writing tasks

• Product and process

• Information gap
• Recursive activity involving revision of successive
• Three-stage process: pre-writing ,writing,
• Interesting
• Co-operative
• Purpose
• Linking different skills
• Various
Product-oriented Approach -1

• Focusing on the end result of the learning process

• Students producing texts for teachers to evaluate,
not to communicate meaningfully with another
• Classroom activities in which the learner is
engaged in imitating, copying and transforming
models of correct language.
• At the level of sentence
• Students are passive
• Individual work
• Quality rather than quantity
Process-oriented Approach - 2

• Focusing on the various classroom activities

which promote the development of skilled
language use
• At the discourse level
• Focusing on quantity rather than quality
• Collaborative group work between learners as
a way of enhancing motivation and developing
positive attitudes towards writing.
• Linking with other skills
Written Practice/Activities

• Sentence writing
• Parallel writing
• Fluency Writing
Sentence writing -
(a)Sentence completion: look at Your Presenter
and then complete the sentences.
He/She is Speaking Development of
Writing Skills.
(b) What are they doing?
Write four sentences about what the people
in Your Surrounding are doing.
(c)Time clauses: write four sentences using
‘after’, ‘before’and ‘while’.
Parallel writing -
Write a paragraph by seeing the domain given below.

Just Let, Here is the entry for the hotel Concorde.

Good dinner
Tel 8866 15
City centre 25
All year
40 ------- 1
Central heating
B 7---9

Parallel writing – Activity
The Hotel Concorde in Paris is a good hotel.
The telephone number is 8866. It is in the city
center. The hotel is open all year, and there
are forty bedrooms .There is central heating in
the hotel. Breakfast is from seven to nine.
Lunch is from eleven to three, and dinner is
from eight until eleven. There are twenty-five
bathrooms and fifteen showers. There is also
swimming pool in the hotel.
Fluency Writing

The picture story – Activity

Students are given a series of pictures just as they were
for oral composition. They are given a time limit and
told to write as much as they can about the

Stage 1 Students are told that they are going to do some free writing, and that the
objective is to write as much as they can within a certain time limit.

Stage 2 Students are shown a picture sequence and told to write about it.

Stage 3 When the time limit expires the teacher stops the students and collects the
The picture story – Activity 1

Complete The Story

The picture story – Activity 2

Creative Writing About The

Any Questions?


Madeeha Saeed

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