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Preventive Measure and

Avoid DDoS Attack

Over IoT Network

To: Eng. Alaa Ahmed

By: Wafaa Abed Al-lateef

 Introduction

 Current DDoS Defense Strategies

 Constructing Preventive Systems against DDoS Attack in IoT Network

 Proposed Methodology

 Modeling IoT End Network

 Simulation Platform

 Experiment Results
 Conclusion & Future Work
1. Introduction
Internet Of Thing( IOT)

Internet Of Thing( IOT)
 IoT, is networked interconnections among various objects
which interact and communicate with each other in real-

 IoT network consists of uniquely addressable data

communicating and collecting objects, data transmission
network, computing platform, and customized user
IOT has many properties including:
 IoT network is not integrated with traffic policing mechanism.

 IoT network is designed to be open to new devices.

 IoT connected heterogeneous objects diverse largely in power

supply and computing capability.

 IoT enables automated communication among interconnected

nodes without human interaction.

 IoT could be powered by cloud and grid computing and scale up

fast. 6
DDOS Attack

DDOS Attack

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is one of the most notorious

attacking behaviors over network which interrupt and block genuine user
requests by flooding the host server with huge number of requests using a
group of zombie computers via geographically distributed internet
connections. DDoS disrupts service by creating network congestion and
disabling normal functions of network components, which is even more
disruptive for IoT.
2. Current DDoS Defense
Current DDoS Defense Strategies
▪ preventive approaches have been added to eliminate the
attack traffic.

▪ Attack detecting and identifying mechanism is implemented

to monitor the coming traffic. Three parameters are often
examined in this link including resource IP address, traffic
increasing degree, and similarity among the traffic.

▪ Firewall is a common options which be used to stop the
traffic upon identified attackers’ IP.

▪ Conventional DDoS preventive measures and defenses too

heavily rely on power supply, computing resources, and
longtime processing.

▪ Considering all the device and environment constraints of

IoT network.

3. Constructing Preventive Systems
against DDoS Attack in IoT Network
Constructing Preventive Systems against DDoS
Attack in IoT Network

▪ Learning Automata (LA) is proposed as a strategy to

prevent DDoS attack by intelligently determining the
packet sampling rate from the environment .


The design of the defense algorithm is guided by several

research motivations including how to make working
nodes which are mostly data collecting nodes in an IoT
network intelligently detect and avoid

5. Modeling IoT End Network
Modeling IoT End Network

▪ In a typical IoT end network involved with DDoS attack scenario, four
different types of nodes including:

▪ working node.

▪ monitoring node.

▪ legitimate user node.

▪ attacker node .
Working node
▪ is the device collecting information and executing simple tasks in an
IoT network.
▪ During the request serving stage, the service of a node should be
blocked by a previously validated request and not be available to server
other request when it is busy.
▪ The node will notify the requesting entity whether its request has been
▪ a list of records of served request is maintained. Each record contains
the information including sender address, the most recent request
content, and a flag to mark whether a sender has been determined as an
attacker. 18
Legitimate user node
is distinguished from an attacker by sending request for service
with a lower frequency and reasonable content. To implement this
feature, a legitimate user node is designed to unicast its request
with a frequency of 10 seconds after initiation to one of the
working node in an IoT end network. It will wait and print the
response from the working node.

Attacker node
▪ Attacking node An attacker’s behavior could be differed from that of a
legitimate user by its high frequency of sending requests and the same
content in those sent packets.

▪ To implement this feature in a simulation, an attacking node is

designed to always send same request with certain higher frequency
compare to that of legitimate user node. To detail, a timer to be expired
in random seconds between 1 to 3 second is set.

6. Simulation Platform
Simulation Platform

Contiki OS COOJA Rime stack

▪ is an open source ▪ is a Contiki network ▪ As part of Contiki’s
operating system simulator. It stands system core
for sensor network out from other ▪ is a lightweight layered
▪ emulators by communication stack
is developed at the
allowing cross-level for sensor networks.
Swedish Institute
simulation in the
of Computer
Science since WSN.

7. Experiment Results
8. Conclusion & Future Work
Conclusion Future

According to the results, For future work, an

the proposed defending additional type of node
algorithm could could be used for
effectively help the handling the “running out
working nodes in an IoT of list space problem”. A
network to distinguish monitoring node could be
malicious requests from specifically designed for
legitimate ones and the extra demand in
process them differently. storage space.

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