Lesson 3 The Human Person A An Embodied Spirit

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PERSON as an
Imagine that you are asked to write
a description of the human species
for the Golden Record, how will
describe human beings to aliens.
The human person is an
important subject in Philosophy
and an understanding of the
nature and condition of the
person is one of the
foremost goals of the discipline.
What makes us (human
Person) special?
-determine the special traits
that make us human unique as
a species.
Man- general term commonly used to refer to the entire race
Human- refers to man as a species
Human being- used to distinguish man from other animals.
Person- refers to human being granted by recognition of
certain rights, protection, responsibilities, and dignity, above
Personhood-refers to the state of being a person.
Human Nature-refers to the characteristics that distinguish
humans from all other creature.
What is the human
Through drawing: present the traits or
characteristics that makes the human
person special and what makes him/her
DIFFERENT from other beings (living
and non-living things).
Classify the following pictures
if they are living things or non-
living things
Am I a rock?
Am I a lamp?
Am I a dog?
How to you treat your pet
“there are certain things that we
possess- traits and capabilities- that
are not found in other organisms”.
Traits that defines a
1. Self-awareness
-refers to the person having a
clear perception of oneself,
including his or her
thoughts, emotions, identity,
and actions.
-a person is aware of both his/her
surroundings and him/herself
-a person knows that he/she is
living an experience and is active
participant in this experience.
Notion of the “Self”
-philosophers describe as the
person who is actively aware
that he/she is perceiving and
experiencing reality.
-enables us persons to experience
an “inner world” that is defined by
our personal thoughts and ideas.
*interiority- the quality of being focused on one’s inner
life and identity.
- daydream, lost in our thoughts, imagine,
-enables a person to exercise creativity.
-allows us to imagine the sky in
different colors, draw fantastic animals and landscapes,
create new music.
2. Self-determination
-the capability of a person to make choices
and decisions based on their own
preferences, monitor and regulate their
actions, and be goal-oriented and self-

*we are persons because we act

and we are aware of our actions.
enables us to do actions whenever
we want to and makes self-
determination possible

the result or effect of an

action or condition
-assume that a person acts
freely and with due regard for
the consequences of his or
her actions.
What are the intended
consequences of your everyday
“normal” actions?
What are the consequences of waking up early?
-Eating breakfast?
-taking a bath?
-going to school?
-sleeping on time?
-doing homework?
-going home early?
Reflection is needed to
uncover the intentions and
consequences of our action

the goodness or badness of

an act.
“Man is a social
-the capability to reach out
and interact with others and
the world.
Have you experienced being
valued by others?
What is the feeling of being
respected by others?
4. Dignity
– the innate right to be
valued and respected.
Who is the human

1. 3.

Reflection paper:
How are you going to
uplift/uphold the Human Dignity
of others?
1. Refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including
his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions.
2. refers to the capability of persons to make choices and decisions
based on their own preferences, monitor and regulate their actions, and
be goal-oriented and self-directed.
3. the goodness or badness of act.
4. the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.
5. the innate right to be valued and respected.

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