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Digital Marketing

Applied Project
Lucile Albegiani ; Bastien Henaff ; Elisa Lapuente ; Félix Roué
Group 12 1
Objective : Raise awareness of our target to clean up, respect and conserve our oceans.

How ? The project consists in the sensibilization of the students through a large panel of activities
(cleanups, sportive activities, and sensibilization experiences with traditional communities, etc.) for
the conservation of the oceans.

This project is closely related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 14:
"Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources" but can also be related to
the SDG 10, since the project is also about integrating the traditional communities : "Reduce
inequality within and among countries". 2
Three activities to collect resources  :
- Organize a kind of green class in partnership with schools for young
people in fishing communities / local inhabitants to make them discover
how these communities live and how they manage to live and consume
without negatively impacting their environment

- Propose a Sportive X intergenerational sailing regatta committed to

the fight against ocean pollution

- Organize an exhibition on the theme of the ocean and its

preservation / pollution of young committed artists (photographers,
painters, videographers, etc.) to raise awareness among the older public
and those with better purchasing power and offer their works for sale and
use part of the profits generated to reinvest them in the association and in
other activities. 3
Target Group
Who is the campaign directed to? 4
Target group
• Geography: Brazil and its coastlines

• Demographic characteristics: The fight for the preservation of our oceans and coastal
environments is a multigenerational commitment, that's why with BLUE we want to reach a
maximum of new prospects from children to seniors, Male, female and gather a whole
population around a common goal.

• Socioeconomic characteristics: Students/ proffessionals, NGO'S activists, media,

celebrities/ influenceurs, athletes and traditional communities.

Since we organize several types of activities for all types of budgets or even free for some, we do
not target any particular socio-economic category. The goal is to unite everyone around its cause! 5
We identified two different personas for our campaign.

● Chloé (Student at Insper) & not much income

● Passive participation in our cause
● Wants to participate and spread the word for our cause

● Bob the surfer & financially stable

● Active participation in our cause
● Willing to give time to our cause 6
Concerning Chloé
Demographics :
- Age: 19 years old
- Gender: Female
- City : Sao Paulo
- Living situation : Life in a student residence

Studies :
- Training : Studying in business school
- Later, she wants to help large companies to improve their CSR

Personnality :
- Social and extraverted : she always wants to meet as many people as possible 7
Hobbies & Interest :
- Sport : She plays many team sports
- Student Association : She is very involved in her school's community life
- Food : She likes to cook and pays attention to the welfare of animals. She is vegan.
- Fashion: She spends a lot of time at weekends in vintage shops.
- To finance her activities, she sells donuts on the beach in Santos on weekends

- Friendship
- Sustainability

- Climate change : Like many people her age, she knows that limiting global warming is
the challenge of her generation

Life Goals :
- Leaving a better world for the next generation and enjoying student life 8
Her Social Media Usage :

- She is part of the Z generation and has always grown up with new technologies. She
spends a lot of time on social networks, more than 2 hours a day.

- She always wishes she had the latest smartphones

- She uses Instagram a lot to follow the activities and trips of her friends from INSPER, her
sports teams and associations.

- On Instagram, she shares her daily activities as she is always busy. She also follows a lot
of accounts that raise awareness about the impact of our activities on the environment.

- She also uses TikTok a lot because she likes creative content

- She uses Youtube to follow cooking tutorials 9
Concerning Bob the surfer
Demographics :
- Age: 25 years old
- Gender: Male
- City : Rio
- Living situation : he lives alone
- Profession : Surf teacher in the summer and salesman at QuickSilver during the rainy

Studies :
- He did not have a long education. He always wanted to be a surf teacher

Personnality :
- He is social, he likes to show his sport and help his pupils progress
- But he can also be introverted, he sometimes likes to do activities alone in nature 10
Hobbies & Interest :
- Watersport & nature

- Likes to help others progress
- Likes to share his passion

- Ocean pollution: he is confronted with it every day. For him the situation is worse than
before. He wants to find a solution. He wants to give his free time for the cause.

Life Goals :
- Wants to live from his passion 11
His Social Media Usage :

- He is young but not a member of generation Z

- He has little free time and can spend days in the sea and therefore without his phone

- He does use Instagram to share photos of himself with his students, his region and his
sporting activities. His news feed is therefore strongly oriented towards water sports and

- He also uses youtube to watch replay of surfing competitions 12
Video Campaign
The content of the campaign? 13
Our video 14
Video Campaign
Inventory of own, earned and paid media. 15
Firstly, our paid media will be collaborating with famous influencers on Tiktok to have more
audience and reach more people to our cause. 
Moreover, we will use earned media through live videos on different platforms (like Tiktok,
Instagram…) where people can ask us questions about what we do, how to help and what our
main activities are. 
Finally for our own media, we will create attractive and creative videos on our social

networks to show concrete statistics and ways to help us and more information about us . 16 17
Video Campaign
Our social media and content strategy 18
We chose the Tiktok platform to promote our video to help us attract more people to discover
our videos, guide more people to our website and improve our chances of gaining
subscribers. This means that our video will be displayed as an ad for the duration of our
video promotion.

Also, we chose to adapt a TikTok trend to make it an awareness video to attract maximum
views by the creativity of the video first and then by the interest brought to our cause.

Finally, we have chosen to raise awareness among our targets with the help of photos of the
activities we offer and also with pictures of the beaches and oceans destroyed by plastic. 19
Video Campaign
Digital channels and contact points that we will use to engage with our customers 20 21
Our social media strategy is supported by the regularity in publication. The objective is to
post on every social media once a day or once every two days in order to create a real
meeting for Internet users. 22
How will we measure the success of the campaign? 23
Mesure the success of our activities :
Regatta :

How many sailing teams will come back the next year - nps (net promoted value) create a
quizz at the end (how many ppl enjoyed, will recomend the activity, or come back next

Green Class :

How many Kilos of waste will the children pick up during the trip and be recycled ?

Art exibition :

How many people will buy artist’s work (and therefore invest in the protection of the oceans) ? 24
Mesure the success of our digital campaign :
- Impression: number of people who have "seen" your video.

- Number of views: number of times your video has been watched.

- Viewing time: the amount of time someone has spent on your video.

- Read rate: the number of times someone chose to watch your video when it was not pushed to
them. For example, on a website with a video on a page. If 90% of the people who arrive on the
page click on the video to watch it, then your read rate is 90%.

- Engagement rate: This is the number of shares and comments your video generates. This tells
you if your content is resonating with your target audience

- Click-through rate: This indicator allows you to know if your video encourages your audience to
take a concrete action (redirection to the site / leaving contact details / etc...)

- Conversion rate: This shows the percentage of people who have converted after watching the
video (post-view or post-click conversion). This conversion can take different forms (purchase /
quote / registration / download / etc.) and is therefore to be defined upstream of your broadcast
from the creation of your video content. 25
Thank you for your attention 26

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