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Foundations of Education

Lecture 03

1.3 Elements of
the Process of
Elements of Education
• Aims and objectives
• Curriculum
• Pedagogy
• Evaluation

• A general statement, written in broad
terms, explaining what is intended to
achieve, is called aim. 
• Objective is what society expect from
• Philosophy of life and society provide
guidance to education as what it
should do, what objectives should
achieve, what changes they should
produce in individuals
• After the aims are set by the organization,
the next step is to formulate objectives.
Objectives are concrete targets or goals of
the company, that needs to be fulfilled within
a time frame and with limited resources.
• Objectives act as an instruction, what you
need to do, to attain the desired result. They
have a short range perspective, i.e. they are
small steps taken by the entity to reach the
long term aim.
Objectives should be SMART
• Specific
• Measurable
• Achievable
• Realistic or Relevant
• Time bound
Importance of Aims
• All our methods of teaching, our
curriculum and our system of
evaluation are shaped and molded
according to our aim of education
• Aims and objectives are
an important part of
the educational process, assisting in
clarifying the relationship between the
learner and the educator.
• we might have observed when you were a
little kid; you want to be an astronaut, doctor,
teacher or any other successful person. These
are the aims of a person’s life which he/she
want to achieve in the lifetime. The word aim
is often misconstrued with objective, as they
talk about what an individual or entity may
want to achieve. Both are the desired result
of the work performed by an individual,
however, they entail different concepts
• Education
Passing an exam is an objective that is
necessary to achieve the goal of graduating
from a university with a degree.

• Career
Gaining public speaking experience is
an objective on the path to becoming a
senior manager.
Characteristics of Aims
• General /Overall Purpose
• Long Range / No time bound End Point
• For example, for a project, an aim would be
something like, increasing the sales of the
company from 20% to 40 %. But an objective
would be increasing the sales of the
company from 20% to 40% in 4 years.
Education is a purposeful activity

• Education is a conscious effort and, as such,

it has definite aims and objectives. In the
light of these aims the curriculum is
determined and the academic
achievements of the student are measured.
• Education without aim is like a boat
without its rudder.
• Aims give direction to activity.
• Absence of an aim in education makes it a
blind alley. Every stage of human
development had some aim of life.
Aims Objectives
The term aim is described as the ultimate The objective is something a person/entity
goal, which an individual or the entity seeks to achieve, by continuously chasing it.
strive to achieve.

Aims are long term statement of purpose Objectives are bound in a short and specified
that may be achieved over a long period time say one teaching learning period or
of time, say one or more years. during teaching learning of one chapter.

Aims are broader in sense. You may need to state a number of objectives
to achieve one aim. In this sense objectives
are narrower.

The aim is related to the  mission objectives are concerned with the
achievements .

Aim answers the question, what is to be objective answers, How it is to be achieved?

• Curriculum encompasses a variety of
technical and non technical courses
that are required to complete a
specific degree
• Curriculum is the outline of concepts
to be taught to students to help them
meet the content standards
• Curriculum is necessary to achieve
• There is a close relationship between
curriculum and objectives of education.
• For example we want to make a individual
a good citizen now through curriculum we
will teach them social norms or we will
include Politics, Sociology and Islamic
studies in the curriculum to achieve our
• Sometimes co-curricular activities
are also arranged to achieve
• Now we will also add co-curricular
activities e.g., discussion, speech
competitions or exhibitions.
• These activities will be helpful for
curricular activities.
• Pedagogy is defined simply as the
method, and practice, of teaching
• In the act of teaching there are two
parties (the teacher and the taught)
who work together in some program
(the subject matter) designed to
modify the learners’ experience and
understanding in some way.
• The study of teaching, and how
content is presented and delivered
to a learner. It is the creation of an
educational process that leads to
knowledge gain in the learner.
• Effective teaching involves using the
ideal pedagogy at different times, in
different contexts to support the
very best learning outcomes.
• Having a well thought-out pedagogy
can improve the quality of your
teaching and the way students learn,
helping them gain a deeper grasp of
fundamental material.
• Teacher should carefully provide
instructions keeping in mind the
mental level and psychological needs
of the students.
• Different teaching methods should be
used to teach different subjects.
• Different Audio Visual aids should
also be used e.g., Charts, maps,
models, radio, television, internet etc.
• By Keeping in mind these things the
instructional process become
• It is through pedagogy, the science
of teaching, that the skillful teacher
ties these elements together. The
ways in which a teacher interacts
with students and organizes
instruction are critically important
aspects of helping each child learn
(Tharp, 1999; Tharp et al, 2003).
• “The process of determining to
what extent the educational
objectives are actually being
(Tyler, 1950)
How much and How good
• For example when we say Rohan secured
45 numbers in Arith­metic. It just indicates
‘how much’ Rohan has successfully
answered. It does not include any
qualitative description i.e. ‘how good’ he is
in Arithmetic. Evaluation on the other
hand includes both quantitative
description (measurement) and qualitative
description (Non measurement) along
with value judgements.
What is Value judgement
• Value judgement is a statement of how good or bad
 you think an idea or action is.

• A value judgment is a claim about something's

moral, practical, or aesthetic worth.  Value
judgments do not simply describe the world;
they prescribe certain attitudes or behaviors toward
the world.

That's good.
That's bad.
That's wonderful.
• Evaluation is a process through which we
can see to what extent we have been
achieved our objectives
• For this purpose we take test,
assignments, quizzes and presentations
after different intervals during the whole
academic year and we also take the
examination at the end.
• Mid terms, final terms are also examples
Characteristics of evaluation in education

• Continuous process:-Evaluation is a
continuous process. It leads together
with Teaching-learning process.
• Comprehensive:-Evaluation is
comprehensive as it includes
everything can be evaluated.
• Cooperative process:-Evaluation is a
cooperative process involving students,
teachers parents, and peer-groups.
Advantages of evaluation
• To clarify the objectives of education:-An
another importance of evaluation is to clarify the
objectives of education. The objective of
education is to change in learner’s behavior. By
evaluation, a teacher can prove of change to
learner’s behavior.
• It provides Guidance:-if a teacher has the proper
knowledge and about his learners only than he
can guide him. And guidance can only after
proper evaluation which involves all dimensions
abilities, aptitude, interest, and intelligence, etc.

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