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Presented by:
1. Introduction

2. History

3. Characteristics of Data in GIS

4. Types if GIS

5. GIS Sub-Systems
6. Advantages

7. Applications

8. Conclusion
What is GIS?

Creates Manages Analyzes Maps

• Computer-based mapping tool manipulate large sets of

data as layers or themes (Graphics map or orthographic
aerial photo)
• Connects data to a map, integrating location data with all
types of descriptive information.
• Foundation for mapping and analysis
• Utilized in multiple technologies, processes, techniques and
o Science o Transport/logistics
o Engineering o Insurance
o Planning o Telecommunications
o Management o Business

Understand patterns,
relationships, geographic

improve communication,
efficiency, management and
decision making
• 1960s  computers and early concepts of quantitative and
computational geography emerged (research by the academic
The First GIS- 1963
• Developed by Dr. Roger Tomlinson  Canada Geographic
Information System (CGIS)
automated computing to store and
process large amounts of data 
national land-use management
manageable inventory of its natural
• “Father of GIS”  use of overlays
in promoting the spatial analysis
of convergent geographic data.
• 1964, Northwestern University, Howard Fisher SYMAP
• 1965, established the Harvard Laboratory for Computer
Graphics; research center for spatial analysis and
• 1969, Jack Dangermond and his wife Laura founded
Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc. (Esri)
o computer mapping and spatial analysis  help land-use planners
and land resource managers make informed decisions.
• 1981, Esri developed ARC/INFO—the first commercial GIS

GIS Today
• create their own digital map layers  solve real-world
• data sharing and collaboration; a continuous, overlapping,
and interoperable GIS database
Characteristics of data in geographical
information system (GIS)
1. Location – 
(a) spatial location  coordinates in a specific reference system. 
(b) points, lines or polygons. 
(c) geometry  three dimensional representation in space. 
2. Temporality – 
(a) existence and change over time of this features. 
(b) dynamic data such as land parcels; represent current, valid data. 
3. Complex spatial – 
(a) several spatial representations point, lines, polygons and rasters. 
(b) allows to associate; for example, a three dimensional object with
different polygon of its facets. 
4. Thematic Values – 
different properties and qualities  attributes
5. Fuzzy objects – 
(a) uncertainty of an object’s location and thematic classification. 
(b) The location of the object is represented by coordinates and is
associated with a degree of error. 
(c) The thematic aspect  degree or percentage of certainty
(d) no guarantee of topological features accuracy 
6. Entity versus field based data – 
(a) set of discrete entities – forests, rivers, roads and buildings
Entity based approach 
(b) continuous function; vary in space - Natural phenomenas air
pollution distribution and terrain field-based approach
7. Generalization – 
level of scale and details associated with the object.
larger to lower scale, while the opposite process is very limited.
8. Roles – 
different roles according to the universe of discourse.
application dependent. 
9. Object ID – 
uniquely identified.
10. Data Quality – 
(a) credibility and accuracy of the data. 
(b) Quantitative qualityspatial accuracy. 
(c) Qualitative quality - non-measured components entire data
set and not to specific objects. 
Types of GIS Hardware

1. DATA: thematic layers; Each data set has an attribute table
that stores information about the feature.
Raster Vector
grids  store data in rows & columns. points, lines and polygons with
discrete or continuous. vertices.
-- land cover, temperature data and -- fire hydrants, contours and
imagery administrative boundaries
2. HARDWARE: runs GIS
• powerful servers, mobile
phones or a personal GIS
workstation. Dual monitors,
extra storage, and crisp graphic
processing cards are must-
haves too in GIS.

QGIS are the leaders in GIS
software  spatial analysis by
using math in maps.
• blends geography with modern
technology to measure, quantify
and understand our world.
GIS Sub-systems
• Data input subsystem
• Data storage, editing, and retrieval subsystem
• Data manipulation and analysis subsystem
• Data output and display subsystem

Advantages of GIS
i. Exploring both geographical and thematic components of data
in a holistic way
ii. Stresses geographical aspects of a research question
iii. Allows handling and exploration of large volumes of data
iv. Allows integration of data from widely disparate sources
v. Allows analysis of data to explicitly incorporate location
vi. Allows a wide variety of forms of visualisation 
1. Agriculture:
Agriculture is one of the important tasks of human civilization. It is not
only done for feeding e bellies but also to run the global business. GIS
spearheaded into this field with many of the applications.
A. Drought: Identifying the drought area or land to avoid further damage
of plant seeds, human effort, and costly fertilizers.
B. Pest control: Predicting the pest attacks like locust and rodent
attacks from the available spatial data sets of particular agricultural
lands. This will allow the governing body and farmers to plan out on
various things.
C. Land and Soil Analysis: Using previous data sets, satellite imagery or
even the field analysis, which field workers do. 4. Planning of future
food demand: Depending on the population's need, the 111
governing body and the farmers can plan out on the production of
sufficient level
D. Planning of future food demand: Depending on the population's
need, the governing body and the farmers can plan out on the
production of sufficient level crops. Geo-Spatial data sources and
GIS will allow great decision-making and avoid further hassle.
2. Urban and Town Planning :
• Developers, Builders, Architects, and Engineers are now using spatial
data sets to plan on the futuristic township.
• With the help of granular information, it becomes easier for engineers
and architects to hardly miss out on any of the parts. Governing
bodies like CIDCO for New — Mumbai and BMC for greater Mumbai
have also used GIS data and tools for planning out on various mega
• The data is also useful to tackle water clogging during the time of
flood and cloud burst in monsoons. It has also helped in redesigning
the sewage models.
• areas like hospitals and isolation centres near the risk-prone Its, quick
habitation centres, history of the calamities in that area, and the effect
of the past
3. Oil Spill
• Oil Spill can be intentional or accidental, depending on the conditions.
The price is always paid by the Marine life and the humans who have
fluent access to that particular sea route. GIS and geospatial data
sets are used to curb such havoc spreading spills
According to various reports, most oil spills happen in the Malaysian
coastal areas. Governing bodies have implemented GIS to tackle such
spills. It is cost-effective than the hazardous oil spill, which is also
harmful to marine life.
4.Disaster Management:
• GIS is used to monitor disaster and natural calamity prone areas.
The geospatial data sets and databases allow organizations to store
data of all levels.
• The database can contain all the information related to risk-prone
areas like hospitals and isolation centres near the risk-prone Its,
quick habitation centres, history of the calamities in that area, and
the effect of the past calamities in that area, and effect of the past
disaster to plan for further contingency plans.
• Most Remotes Sensing and GIS is used on the areas which are
prone to Volcanic eruptions and —earthquakes. With the help of both
the technologies, organizations and municipality of any city or admin
can be prepared and ready to avoid the maximum effect. Using a
GIS in a disaster is to create more awareness and be prepared and
ready for the future.
5. Mapping and Navigation

_The best example of today's world mapping and navigation is Google Maps. It is the most widely used
service of Google by people. Humans around the world use it while travelling to a new place and also to
review any place. It has also become a popular tool within Cab and carpool service providers. GPS, with
the help of GIS, adds crisper and edge to the experience of navigation. It is not just about looking at the
data on an application, but consumers are also allowed to post any unknown or unnamed information in
the map data set. Google accepts consumer map edits and also has its map maker. However, Here Maps
also collects data from local consumers and people in its proprietary tool, which is known as Map

6. Reservoir and Dam Site location

Geo-Spatial data is used to find the perfect 41cation for constructing a reservoir and dam. For selecting
any dam site location, various factors should be looked after, Like economic factors, environmental
conditions, and engineering factors. Geo-spatial data have all the information concerning this; hence it's
feasible to use GIS before implementing any of such major engineering projects
7. Deforestation and Vegetation Management :

Using GIS and geospatial data of forest lands allows organizations and governments to keep track of the
rate of deforestation. The past information of different periods is used for analysis to plan for
reforestation and vegetation. due to the increasing number of deforestation, government bodies are
also keeping track of forest and tree-related data. The datasets are used for the further analytical
purpose of reforestation. With the help of heat maps and imagery sources, the data can be classified
and visualized to take further actions.

8. GIS for Business, Marketing, and Sales

Apart from all the above applications, GIS also has unusual usage in making business and marketing
sales. Geospatial databases store data of target customers, marketing campaigns and sales territories.
This application enables companies and organizations to become strategically more competitive and
strong in the market.

Conclusion :

Looking at this robust system, its applications and laare never-ending, just like its vast amount of
geospatial data sets and databases. Day by day,
1. Cost savings resulting from greater efficiency:
• These are associated either with carrying out the mission (i.e., labor savings
from automating or improving a workflow) or improvements in the mission
itself. A good case for both of these is Sears, which implemented GIS in its
logistics operations and has seen dramatic improvements. Sears
considerably reduced the time it takes for dispatchers to create routes for
their home delivery trucks (by about 75%). It also benefited enormously in
reducing the costs of carrying out the mission (i.e., 12%-15% less drive time
by optimizing routes). Sears also improved customer service, reduced the
number of return visits to the same site, and scheduled appointments more
• 2. Better decision making. This typically has to do with making better
decisions about location. Common examples include real estate site
selection, route/corridor selection, zoning, planning, conservation, natural
resource extraction, etc. People are beginning to realize that making the
correct decision about a location is strategic to the success of an organization
3. Improved communication. GIS-based maps and visualizations greatly assist in understanding
situations and story telling. They are a new language that improves communication between different
teams, departments, disciplines, professional fields, organizations, and the public.

4. Better geographic information recordkeeping. Many organizations have a primary responsibility of

maintaining authoritative records about the status and change of geography (geographic accounting).
Cultural geography examples are zoning, population census, land ownership, and administrative
boundaries. Physical geography examples include forest inventories, biological inventories,
environmental measurements, water flows, and a whole host of geographic accountings. GIS provides a
strong framework for managing these types of systems with full transaction support and reporting tools.
These systems are conceptually similar to other information systems in that they deal with data
management and transactions, as well as standardized reporting (e.g., maps) of changing information.
However, they are fundamentally different because of the unique data models and hundreds of
specialized tools used in supporting GIS applications and workflows
5. Managing geographically. In government and many large corporations, GIS is becoming essential to
understand what is going on. Senior administrators and executives at the highest levels of government
use GIS information products to communicate. These products provide a visual framework for
conceptualizing, understanding, and prescribing action. Examples include briefings about various
geographic patterns and relationships including land use, crime, the environment, and defense/security
situations. GIS is increasingly being implemented as enterprise information systems. This goes far
beyond simply spatially enabling business tables in a DBMS. Geography is emerging as a new way to
organize and manage organizations. Just like enterprise-wide financial systems transformed the way
organizations were managed in the '60s, '70s, and '80s, GIS is transforming the way that organizations
manage their assets, serve their customers/citizens, make decisions, and communicate. Examples in the
private sector include most utilities, forestry and oil companies, and most commercial/retail businesses.
Their assets and resources are now being maintained as an enterprise information system to support
day-to-day work management tasks and provide a broader context for assets and resources

For example, using GIS, a single map could include sites that produce pollution, such as factories, and
sites that are sensitive to pollution, such as wetlands and rivers. Such a map would help people
determine where water supplies are most at risk. GIS applications include both hardware and software
The bottom line; Geographic information systems (GIS) let
us interpret data understanding relationships, patterns, and
trends. Then, viewing and analyzing data geographically
impacts our understanding of the world we live in.
• GIS technology is a crucial part of spatial
data infrastructure, 
• GIS can use any information that includes location. The
location can be expressed in many different ways, such
as latitude and longitude, address, or ZIP code.  
• GIS systems are dynamic and allow speedy change,
analysis, and display.
• They use knowledge from several various sources like
satellite imagination, aerial photos, maps, ground surveys,
and world positioning systems (GPS).

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