E-Com Lec#1

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Explain Concept and

E-Commerce Lecture# 1

Naima Ibrahim Joo
What is E-commerce?

Electronic commerce (ecommerce) refers to companies and

individuals that buy and sell goods and services over the
Internet. Ecommerce operates in different types of market
segments and can be conducted over computers, tablets,
smartphones, and other smart devices. Nearly every imaginable
product and service is available through ecommerce
transactions, including books, music, plane tickets, and 
financial services such as stock investing and online banking.

Type Of E-Commerce
Following are the most traditional types of e-commerce
models and examples of what they mean:

1. Business to Consumer (B2C): 

B2C e-commerce is the most popular e-commerce

model. Business to consumer means that the sale is
taking place between a business and a consumer, like
when you buy something from an online retailer.

Type Of E-Commerce

Following are the most traditional types of e-commerce

models and examples of what they mean:

2. Business to Business (B2B): 

B2B e-commerce refers to a business selling a good or

service to another business, like a manufacturer and 
wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business to
business e-commerce isn’t consumer-facing, and usually
involves products like raw materials, software, or products
that are combined. Manufacturers also sell directly to
retailers via B2B ecommerce.

Type Of E-Commerce

Following are the most traditional types of e-commerce

models and examples of what they mean:

3. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) 

is a type of e-commerce in which consumers trade products, services and

information with each other online. These transactions are generally
conducted through a third party that provides an online platform on which
the transactions are carried out.

Type Of E-Commerce

Following are the most traditional types of e-commerce

models and examples of what they mean:

 4. Consumer-to-business (C2B) 
 is a type of e-commerce in which consumers make their products and
services available online for companies to bid on and purchase. This is the
opposite of the traditional commerce model of B2C.
 A popular example of a C2B platform is a market that sells royalty-free
photographs, images, media and design elements, such as iStock. Another
example would be a job board.

Type Of E-Commerce

Following are the most traditional types of e-commerce

models and examples of what they mean:

 5. Mobile e-commerce 

(m-commerce) refers to online sales transactions using

mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It includes
mobile shopping, banking and payments. Mobile chat bots
 facilitate m-commerce, letting consumers complete
transactions via voice or text conversations.


Naima Ibrahim


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