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Draw as simple illustration of how we and the objects around

us might look like in the future.

In the next 10,000

In the next 10

In the next 100


Why do humans, cultures

and societies evolve? What
are the forces that drive
Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

Charles Darwin theory

of evolution that all
living creatures were
created or reproduced
uniquely with
unchanging biological
attributes through time.
#Survival of the fittest

Change is
constant factor
and survival
becomes a
major driving
Biological and Cultural Evolution

Bioculture- the relationship between human

biology and culture. Along the path of the biological
evolution of man, culture is also changing
Example of Bioculture
Darwin’s theory of Evolution

We humans had evolved, and

thus actually can be traced,
from our ape-like ancestry.
Scientist laid out sequence of human
evolution which traces back our
origins from hominids like
Australopithecus africanus,
Austhralopithecus afarensis, Homo
habilis, Homo erectus, Homo
neanderthalensis, and Homo
Do you agree with Darwin that humans had evolved from
apes or with the Biblical teaching that humans are created
by God according to His own image? Defend your answer.
Did you find our lessons meaningful
to you? In what particular ways?
Share your answer.
Most of the scientists laid facts through the
findings of their discoveries, they will
believe only when there is a certain proof or
evidence, however, we Christians, live on
what we did not see but on the certain
belief on God’s Word through the eyes of

1.The forefather of Theory of Evolution.

2.What theory tells us that we came from an
ape-like ancestry?
3.The relationship between biology and
4.Constant factor of evolution.
5.Major driving force of evolution.
Have a further research
on other theories or
beliefs on where human
came from.
Gerhard Lenski’s 6 types of societies:
1. Hunting
2. Horticultural and pastoral societies
3. Agrarian/Agricultural societies
4. Rise of Early Civilization
5. Industrial societies
6. Post-industrial societies
1. Hunting and Gathering Society
• It is also called “foraging society” because
survival is anchored on searching and
gathering food from the nature
• 5 million years ago, people used their basic
human instincts and skills as a way to acquire
food and shelter
• Later there was a division of labour occured
between men as meat hunters and women as
plant gatherers
Hunting and trapping with the use of woods, stones,
barks, reeds, creative sharpened pebbles
Hunting and Gathering Society
Describe their way of living or culture
base on the pictures above.
Hunting and Gathering Society
Describe the society they had.
Hunting and Gathering Society
2. Neolithic Age- Horticultural and Pastoral
• Ancient people discovered and cultivated the
process of raising crops using handmade
tools like hoe and stick for digging through
soil and for animal domestication
• “Horticulture”-derived from the Latin
“hortus” means garden and “colere” means
to cultivate
• The formation of garden and crop fields gave
the inhabitants stable means of food
production through farming
Farming Animal Domestication

Neolithic Age-Horticultural and Pastoral Society

Describe the life during Neolithic Age.
Neolithic Age-Horticultural and Pastoral Society
3. Neolithic revolution-agrarian/agricultural
• Started the development of permanent
settlements and the establishing of social
classes and eventually the rise of
civilizations in Mesopotamia, India, Egypt
and China
• Storage of food and distribution
• Use of metals, wheels and irrigation system
• Use of fertilization
• Gender differentiation became evident
Systematic Agricultural Activity
Neolithic Revolution-Agrarian/Agricultural society
Proper Storage of Food
Neolithic Revolution-Agrarian/Agricultural society
Permanent Settlement which leads to civilization
Neolithic Revolution-Agrarian/Agricultural society
4. Early Civilization and the Rise of the State
• Ancient civilizations existed in Mesopotamia,
Egypt, China and India
• These civilizations all sprouted near the river
• Settlements grew and become complex
territories and others as ancient empires that
provided the development of writing
systems, wheels and transportation, great
architectural designs, wealth and status, and
establishment of state (organized political
community under the management of a single
Quick Bubble Query:

Do you still remember the name

of great rivers associated with
ancient civilizations? What are
the names of these rivers?
Civilization in Egypt
Early civilization and the rise of the state
Civilization in Mesopotamia
Early civilization and the rise of the state
• Democracy -originated from city-states of
ancient Greece in Athens
- now, it stands government for the people, by
the people as popularized by Abraham
- Give authority to the people to elect their
- Constitutional rules and regulations are used
to guide how the government will function
City-states of Ancient Greece
Political Decisions in Ancient Greece

Pillars of Democracy:
1. Sovereignty of the people
2. Government based upon consent of the governed
3. Majority rule
4. Minority rights
5. Guarantee of basic human rights
6. Free and fair elections
7. Equality before the law
8. Due process of law
9. Constitutional limits on government
10. Social, economic, and political pluralism
11. Values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and
Philippines: Democratic country (Sovereignty resides upon
the people to elect their leaders)

Quick Bubble Query:

Can you say that you are blessed

to have been in the Philippines
for its democratic principles
and system of government?
Why and why not?
5. Industrial Society
• The invention of the steam engine was an
important transition from agricultural to industrial
• American cities were emerging having
manufacturing and industrial sites
• Great Britain in1770s, seat of Industrial Revolution
• Factories rose
• Early capitalist
• Individual skills and talents to operate large
• Urban landscape
• Rapid modernization
Invention of Steam Engine
Industrial Society
Early Workers in Factory
Industrial Society
Structure of Early Capitalist and Industrial Society
Industrial Society
Quick Bubble Queries:

What are the hassles of living in a

highly urbanized city like
Manila? On the other hand,
what are the good points in
living in a city?
6. Post- Industrial Society

• The 20th century marked the beginning of

information revolution because of the
rise of information and communication
technology, specifically personal
computers and internet
• Buzz Words: globalization, network
society, global village and service
Information and Communication Technology
Post-Industrial Society
Post-Industrial Society
Network Society

Post-Industrial Society
International Trade Agreements and Global
or Regional Economic Blocs

European Union Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Post-Industrial Society
Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Post-Industrial Society

Part of evolution is decay or

destruction. What elements of
our society are under the state
of decay? Why?
Let us imagine our Earth in the future. What if in that
future our natural environment is totally used up or
destroyed in the name of progress. NO more trees,
water streams, oceans, clean air and organic food.
How do you think humans would adapt given this
scenario? Get ready for a short play.

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