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Lesson 1:


Medieval Music

 Known as the Middle Ages or dark Ages

 Both sacred and secular music
 Gregorian Chant was monophonic
Renaissance Music

 Comes from the word renaitre which means “rebirth,

revival and rediscovery”
 Period of looking back to the Golden Age of Greece and
 Consists of secular and religious compositions
 Polyphonic style
 Madrigal is a classic example of Renaissance music
Renaissance Music

 The humanism surfaced during the Renaissance Period

 Music education is a symbol of social status
 Lute was the prominent instruments of the renaissance era
 Discovery of the actual position of Earth in the solar
system by Copernicus, inventions of compass and Martin
Luther’s Protestant reformation.
Lesson 2:
Baroque Music

 Comes from the Portuguese word barroco which means

“oddly shaped pearl”
 The term itself is a style of Western European.
 Alsoapplied to the architectural design of roughly the
same period
Genres of Baroque Music

 Concerto– a form of music where an orchestra

accompanies a solo instrument
 Concerto Grosso – form of music where the orchestra
(called tutti) accompanies a small group of instruments
called the concertino
 Fugue – has two or more melodies. Made up of atleast
three mainsections: exposition, development and the final
Genres of Baroque Music

 Oratorio – a large scale musical composition which uses

both voices and an orchestra
 Chorale – a polyphonic, harmonious hymn which was
intended to be sung by congregations during Protestant
Lesson 3:
Music of the Medieval Period

1. Sacred Music : Gregorian Chant

*a form of monophonic religious music
* named after Pope Gregory I
2. Secular Music: Troubadour Music
* best known popular secular songs of the later part of
medieval period were performed across Europe
* poet musicians called “troubadours” (men) and
“trobairitz” (women)
Music of Renaissance Music

 Characteristics:
 Polyphonic
 Melodies are blended together, rather than separated by
sharply defined beats
 Tonepainting, which is when the words reflect the literal
meaning of the song became popular
 Melodies are easier to perform
Baroque Music

 Characteristics:
 Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
 One mood was maintained throughout the entire piece
 New music forms, such as fugue and binary, were used
 Rhythms were energetic and melodies were long
 The musical mode was replaced by the major/minor system
Lesson 4:
Adam de la Halle

 Also known as Adfam the Hunchback

 Most of his musical works include music hall and poetic
His works:
• Jeu de Robin et de Marion
• Le Jeu Adan
Composers of Renaissance Period

1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

* considered to be a master of music created for the
Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance.
* most of his compositions are sacred music
Thomas Morley

 He played organ and sang music

 Nicholas Yonge’s Musica Transalpina a collection of
Italian madrigals with translated English text
 His madrigals are light and easy to sing
 He is known as a foremost member of English Madrigal
School of music
Composers of Baroque Period

 Johann Sebastian Bach

 He was taught to play violin and harpsichord by his father, who
was a town musician in Eisenach.

His works:
Fugues in D minor
Cantatas(such as Cantata no. 21)
Concerto Grosso (such as Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D
Antonio Vivaldi

 Known as the Red Priest because of his red hair

 ItalianBaroque composer, Catholic priest and virtuoso
 His famous piece is The Four Seasons
George Friedrich Handel

 Remembered for his operas and oratorios

 Became one of the England’s favorite composer.
 His famous creation is the Messiah
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