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Learning To Be a
Lesson1 :
Better Learner
Leader: Janille Salahog
Members: Riza Aligarbes
Jasmine Maquiling
Stefanie Sernal
Joel Baliguat Jr.
Jay Serrano
Donie Lumatac
At the end of the lesson, you should
be able to:
1. Explain how learning occurs;

2. Enumerate various metacognition and studying techniques; and

3. Identify the metacognition techniques that you find the most

appropriate for yourself
 Knowing the “self” is not enough. Since “who you are” is partly made up of your
choices you must also have the ability to choice especially to be better “you”. In
school, setting your knowledge of yourself should at least enable you to become a
better student.

 This lesson will present several techniques that you can adopt depending on your
situation and preferences to make you a better learner. Learning should not just mean
studying for your quizzes and exams in school. Learning could also occur outside the
confines of a book or classroom, just like when you want to acquire a new move in
your favorite sport, the skills for a certain hobby, among others. Furthermore, the
techniques here are not the only techniques available and months or years from now,
new ways on how to study better will be discovered or rediscovered. What is important
at this moment is that you learn how to learn these things.

 We are Homo Sapiens or the “Wise man”.

 We think in a more complex level than our ancestors and most, if not all, of the other
beings. But being called wise not only do we think, but we are also capable to think
about thinking, like how we think of things and why we think in a certain way about
things. It is like your brain thinks about itself, then thinks about how it thinks about
 Is also not limited to the thinking process of the individual. It also includes keeping one’s emotions of
motivations while learning in check (Papaleontiou-Louca 2003). Some people learn better when they like
the subject, some when they are challenge by topic, and others if they have a reward system each time
they finish a task. The emotional state and the motivation of a person then should also be in preferred ideal
state for that person in order to further facilitate his or her learning.
• As seen from the definitions, metacognition basically has to aspects:(1) self-appraisal and (2) self-
management of cognation (Paris and Winnograd 1990 in Papaleontiou-Louca 2003).
1. Self-appraisal is your personal reflection on your Knowledge and capabilities
2. Self-management is the mental process you employ using what you have in planning and adapting to
successfully learn or accomplish certain task (Paris and Winnograd 1990 Papaleontiou-Louca
2003).Similar concepts , usually called elements of metacognition, are metacognitive knowledge or
what you know about how you think, and metacognition regulation or how you adjust your thinking
processes to help you learn better (American Institutes for Research 2010).
 However , it must noted that in order to make self-appraisal and self-management work , you
must have an accurate self-assessment you must honest about what you know and capable of
in order to find ways to utilize your strengths and improve on your weaknesses (Schoenfield
1987 in Papaleontiou-Louca 2003).

1.Knowing your limits.As mentioned earlier, one cannot really make any significance advancement in
using metacognitive skills without having an honest an accurate evaluation of what you know and
what you do not know. knowing your limits also looks at the scope and limitations of your resources
so that you can work with what you have at the moment and look for ways to cope with other
2.Modifying your approach. It begins with the recognition that your strategy is not appropriate with
the task and/or that you do not comprehend the learning experience successfully. Recognizing, for
example, that you are not understanding what you are reading, you should learn to modify your
strategy in comprehending your material. You might want to read and reread a page in five-minute
intervals instead of trying to finish the material in one setting. You may want to make a summary or
code for yourself instead of using keywords or highlighting sections of what you are reading.
3.Skimming.This is basically browsing over a material and keeping an eye on keywords, phrases, or
sentences. It is also about knowing where to search or such key terms. For example, you might want
to look at the introduction first or the abstract. The table of contents can also provide you with a
quick guide the to contents of the books. Introductory paragraphs, headings or subheadings, and
conclusions can also provide you with an overview of the whole material. This technique works best
when you want to get an idea about the contents of a reading material.
4.Rehearsing. This is not just about repeatedly talking, writing, and/or doing what
you have learned, but also trying to make a personal interpretation are summary of
the learning experience. One of the fun ways to do this is by imagining yourself
being interviewed about your task. As to try to convey what you have learned from
the resources, you also insert your opinions or other personal take on the matter. Just
be sure that the key concepts are well understood and are still in-line with the source
material even with multiple rehearsals.

5.Self-Test. As the name implies, this trying to test your comprehension of your
learning experience or the skills you have acquired during learning. While some
materials already come with tests like this book, you can still create tests for yourself.
You can make essay questions or definition of terms test while you are reading or
watching a material .You can challenge yourself in completing a task successfully,
maybe in a given period of time for example doing 50 free throw with at least 90%
success rate. Self-test does not only focus on what you have learned but also on how
you learned it. After the experience, you should also ask questions like, “What
strategies I use?” “How successful were my learning strategies?” “How can I further
improve my learning skills?’’
6.Engage what you have learned. Do something about it. On reading material for
example, highlight keywords and phrases, write your opinions about the mater on a
separate notebook, or create a diagram or concept map. Some people also learn best by
copying the key paragraphs word for word. You may want to look for other definitions
and compare or contrast materials. Use your new knowledge during discussions just do
something about it.

As you were reading this topic, were you aware of your metacognitive processes?
What changes did you feel as you try to use the metacognitive strategies and skills? We
encourage you to utilize and adapt the aforementioned techniques in whatever learning
experiences your are about to accomplish and find enjoyment and success in learning.

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