PPG LESSON 3.1 - The Executive - The Role and Responsibilities - Students

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The Executive - The Role and

Responsibilities of the Philippine

President in Relation to His/Her

1. Identify the Qualifications for Presidency and

Successors to the Position.
2. Create a graphic organizer on the Roles and
responsibilities of the President.
3. Realize the value of understanding the roles and
powers of the president.
The Executive Branch

 Charged with the execution and administration of a

country’s laws
 In general, the executive branch sets the direction of
national policy
 Executive power in the government is vested in the
office of the President of the Republic
Qualifications of President and Vice-President

• Natural born citizen of the Philippines

• Registered voter
• Literate (can read and write)
• At least 40 years old on election day
• Resident of the country for 10years
• Elected at large by plurality
Term Limits

• The term of the President is for six years which shall

begin at noon on the thirtieth day of June following the
day of election. It shall end on the at noon of the same day
and month six years after.
• No person who has succeeded and served as President for
four (4) years can run again to the same office at any time
Roles and Responsibilities
• Appoints the head of the different executive departments (Appointing power)
• Appoints ambassadors, consuls and public ministers
• Serves as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Military power)
• Appoints Armed Forces Personnel from the rank of colonel or naval captain
• Contracts/guarantees foreign loans (Borrowing power)
• Negotiates foreign treaties
• Makes appointments not otherwise provided for by law
• Suspends the writ of habeas corpus (Control Power)
• Declares martial law
• Prepares the national budget
• Refuses or approves a bill or joint resolutions thus prevent its enactment (veto)
• Performs acts of clemency
Acts of Clemency
• Pardon – which is an act of grace that sets aside punishment for a crime. 
• Commutation – which is an executive clemency that changes a punishment to one which
is less severe as from execution to life imprisonment.
• Reprieve – which means temporary relief from or postponement of execution of criminal
punishment or sentence.
• Remission of fines and forfeitures – which is the condonation of the financial obligation
and the return of properties confiscated by reason of the commission of the offense and
conviction of the offender.
• Amnesty – denotes the general pardon to rebels for their treason and other high political
offenses, of the forgiveness which one sovereign grants to the offender of the law of
The President Cannot (Limitations)

• Holds any other office or enjoy any other form of employment

• Makes appointments two months prior to the next elections
• Makes appointment within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity
• Increases his/her salary or that of the Vice-President during his/her term
• Ratifies foreign treaties
• Grants clemency in cases of impeachment
Privileges of the President

• Official residence – the president shall have an official residence. He is the only official
of the government provided with a residence maintained by public funds.
• Salary – is also entitled to a salary like all other public officers. The salary of the
president shall be determined by law and shall not be decreased during their tenure.
• Immunity from suit – the president is accorded the immunity from suit, both civil and
criminal. The rationale for the grant to the President of this privilege of immunity from
suit is to assure the exercise of presidential duties and functions free from any hindrance
or distraction.
Causes of Vacancy

• Death
• Permanent Disability
• Resignation
• Impeachment
• Written declaration that he/she is unable to discharge the powers and
duties of the office
• If a majority of the cabinet makes a written declaration that the
President cannot discharge the powers and duties
More on Vacancy

• The President can, at a later time, inform

congress that he/she is fit to perform his/her
duties again
• Congress can judge otherwise by a two-thirds
votes of both houses voting separately

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