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of the

Angelica Varias, Reinelle Quiday, Kassandra Viado, Aleena
Mohamed BJ Reblando, Carlos Arzaga
• A Greek philosopher belonging to the
Great Triumvate of Ancient Greek
• Philosophers alongside Socrates &
Aristotle, was born in Athens during
the Classical Period during Ancient
Personal background
 His father Ariston was said to descent from
the King of Athens named Crodus, while his
mother Perictione is blood related to the
famous oligarch regime lead by The Thirty
 Among his siblings, he included Glaucon to
one of his works that tackled their
conversations that delves into his teachings.

 Plato passed away at the age of around 80

years old on 348 BC and allegedly on the
same day he was born.
Affiliations with notable

• Socrates, "The Father of Western Philosophy", was his teacher and one of
the many philosophers who influenced him and his philosophies.
• He has also published several books like "The Last Days of Socrates",
"Apology" where it was inspired by Socrates' court speech during his trial
before he was executed.
• Aristotle, when turned
eighteen, joined Plato's Academy
in Athens.
• He remained there until the
age of thirty-seven after Plato
• Other influences of Plato's
Philosophies came from the
following: The Sophists,
Pythagoras, Homer, Hesiod,
Orphism and more.

• Metaphysics - These include religion

and science, human nature, love, and sexuality.
From here, he arrived to one of his famous
theories called The Forms.
According to his theory of Forms, there are at
least two worlds:
- The apparent world of concrete objects-
grasped by the senses, which constantly
changes, and an unchanging and unseen
world of Forms
- Abstract objects-grasped by pure reason
which ground what is apparent.
• His influence through his teachings • He wrote his teaching in Books, The
and philosophies were later on labeled Republic, Apology of Socrates, Ion,
and widely known as Platonism, also The Symposium etc.
called as Platonic realism . • Plato learned from and influenced
• He is also the reason behind the many Greek philosophers, including
famous term "Platonic love". Socrates (his teacher) and Aristotle
(his most famous student), and the
pre-Socratic scholars Pythagoras,
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Cratylus.
•In several of Plato's dialogues,
Socrates promulgates the idea that
knowledge is a matter of
recollection of things acquainted
with before one is born, and not of
observation or study.
• From here, he made the Classical
Theory of Knowledge where he
stated that knowledge is justified
true belief.
Ethics –
Several dialogues discuss ethics including virtue and
vice, pleasure and pain, crime and punishment, and
justice and medicine.
• Plato views "The Good" as the supreme Form,
somehow existing even "beyond being"
• In his most popular and widely interpreted
doctrine called 'The Republic', he talked about
Justice and what it means
• He did not only incorporated metaphysics, but
also included ethics and politics upon asking
"What is the basis of moral and social
obligation?" and even tackled the ideally good
communal life.
• He also contributed many
philosophies in the fields of
Politics, Arts & Poetry, Rhetoric,
Theology and so on that until now
are viewed fundamental and
significant, proving his many
teachings to be effective, true, and
• The Academy, also called as the
Platonic Academy or Akademia was
founded by Plato in 387 BC in
• Doctrines and books like 'The
Republic', 'The Symposium',
'Timaeus', 'Gorgias', 'Protagoras',
'Meno', 'Statesman', 'The Seventh
Letter', 'The Atlantis Dialogue', 'The
Allegory of the Cave', and so on.
• Scholars widely consider him one of the
most important figures in Western
philosophy and human history.

• Around the age of forty, possibly after a

trip to Egypt or Sicily, Italy, Plato founded
what became known as the Academy, the
earliest recorded institution of higher

• It was at the Academy that Plato tutored

his most famous student, Aristotle.
• The Republic of Plato analyzes
the idea of justice, asking
whether a just person lives a
happier life than an unjust one.

• Plato also discusses different

forms of rule, from oligarchy to
democracy, eventually proposing
a utopian city-state under rule by
a philosopher-king. Plato’s
Republic contains many
allegories, including “Atlantis”
and the “Myth of Er”

• “The Allegory of the Cave,”

illustrates the role of education in
a person’s understanding of the
physical world.
• Regardless, his body of
ETHICAL BELIEFS work is one of the best-
preserved of all ancient
Greek philosophy,
Moreover, if Plato’s
Seventh Letter is to be
believed (its authorship is
• Plato’s works argued for moral intellectualism—the
idea that no human being consciously chooses to do
disputed), the treatment
bad. of Socrates by both the
• In Plato’s view, the only way to stop bad behavior is oligarchy and the
through epistemology, or knowledge of the good. democracy made Plato
wary of entering public
life, as someone of his
background would
normally have done.

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