Equations, Inequalities

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Equations and

Equation: relation between two algebraic expressions symbolized by the sign
of equality between them. Example: 3x + y = 2x – 9. Give other examples.

Components of an equation: variables, coefficients of variables, power on

variables, constant – illustrate;
Identities: equations which hold true for any value of the variables. Example:
the equation 3x + 5 = 2x + 7 holds true for x = 2 only or the equation x 2 – 5x +
6 = 0 holds true for x = 2 or 3 only. But (x – y)2 = x2 – 2xy + y2 holds true for
any value of x and y. Other primary identities are:
(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2;
(x2 –y2) = (x +y)(x – y);
(a +b)(c+ d) = ac + ad + bc + bd);
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 +2ab + 2bc + 2ca;
(a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b);
a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2); etc.
Secondary identities:
a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 – 2ab;

(a +b) =
a3 – b3=(a – b)3+3ab(a+b);
(x + y)2 = (x – y)2 + 4xy etc

Expressions like a>b, a <c, a ≤ b, d ≥g, m ≠ n, p>q, p< q etc

Exercise I: If 2x – 3 < 7, find the value of x.
Soln: Add 3 to both sides to get 2x < 10, therefore, x < 5
Exercise II: If – 6x =24, find the value of x
Soln: Divide both sides by 6 to get – x = 4 or x < – 4
Exercise III: Solve the inequality 2(x + 1) – 3(x – 4 ) > 7x
Soln: 2x + 2 – 3x + 4 > 7x Or, – x + 6 > 7x
Or, x – x + 6 > x + 7x Or, 6 > 8x Or, 8x < 6 Or, x < ¾
Equations - Types

Linear Equations: if an equation when shown in graph,

represents a straight line it is called a linear equation and
the general form of a linear equation is ax + by + c = 0,
where a and b are coefficients of variables x and y and c
is a constant. Another version of the genera; form of a
linear equation is y = mx + c, where, m is the slope and c
is the intercept (refer to coordinate geometry for
interpretation of slope and intercept).
Example: 2x – 3y = 9 => the equation can be written as
(a) 2x – 3y – 9 = 0 and here a = 2, b = – 3 and c = – 9 or,
2 2
(b) y = 3 x – 3, where m = 3 and m = – 3
2x – 3y = 9 is a linear equation [it can be expressed in
either form of the general equation of a linear
Quadratic Equations
Degree/power of an equation : The highest power on
variables of an equation. Quadratic equation is one with
degree 2 i.e., x2 + 5x + 6 = 0. If the highest power of a
variable in an equation is 3, it is a cubic equation, if the
degree of an equation is 4, it is a bi-quadratic equation, if
the highest power on a variable in an equation is 8, it is
an equation of eighth degree.
A quadratic equation containing a variable with power 2
and also a part with variable having power 1 is called an
‘adfactor’ or a complete quadratic equation and the
general form of a quadratic equation with one variable is:
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where, a, b, c are any real numbers and
a≠0 and the general solution of the equation is:
 b  b 2  4ac 2
x= 2a ; The part  4ac is called discriminant.
Roots of a quadratic equation means2 the values for the
variable/s. If we have an equation 2x – 10x + 5 = 0, the
roots will be
x =10 10 2  4.2.5 5 5 = . The nature of the roots is
2.2 by 2

b 2  4ac called as the discriminant (∆) as under:

If ∆ > 0 and is a perfect square, the roots are rational;
If ∆ > 0 but not a perfect square, the roots are irrational;
If ∆ = 0, the roots are rational and equal and finally,
If ∆ , 0, the roots are imaginary and complex. Also, the roots of a
quadratic equation are usually represented
 b  b  4ac  b  b 2  4ac
symbols as α and β where α = 2a and β =2a
And the equation whose roots are α and β can be formed as:
x2 –x(sum of the roots) + (product of the roots) = 0 i.e.,
x2 – (α + β )x + αβ = 0
Equations: Problems
Problem: In the two consecutive numbers one-fourth of
the smaller one exceeds one-fifth of the larger one by 3.
Find the numbers.
Soln. : Let the smaller number = x; In that case the larger
number = x + 1 and according to the problem,
/4 x – 1/5(x + 1) = 3, solving which we get x = 64 and the
other number = 65.
Problem: a person receives a total return of Tk 402 from
an investment of Tk 8001 in two debentures: one carrying
an interest of 6% p.a. and bought for Tk 110 each, the
other carrying interest 5% p.a. for Tk 105 each. Find the
sum invested in the two debentures separately.
Soln. : Let the sum invested in the first debenture = x; In
that investment in the other debenture = 8001 – x, and
according to the problem,
/110 + 5/105(8001 – x) = 402, solving which we get
x = 3032 and investment in the other debenture = 4969.
Equations: Problems
Problem: The speed of a boat in still water is 10 km per hour.
In a given amount of time the boat can travel 24 km
downstream and 14 km in the upstream. Determine the
speed of the flow of the stream
Soln. : Let the speed of flow of the stream = x; In that case the
speed of the boat downstream = 10 + x and that in the
upstream = 10 – x.
Time taken by the boat to travel 24 km downstream = 24/10 + x
Time taken by the boat to travel 14 km upstream = 14/10 – x
According to the problem statement, 24/10 + x = 14/10 – x
solving which we get x = 100/38 = 2.63km per hour.
Problem: by selling a table for Tk 56, the gain is as much
percent as it costs in Tk. Determine its purchase price.
Soln.: Let the purchase price of the table = x; In that case, the
profit = x% of x = x /100 and the sale price = x + x /100 and
2 2

according to the problem statement, = x + x2/100 = 56,

solving which we get x = 40 or, –140. Ans: Tk 40
Equations: Problems

Problem: Solve the equations:

x 1 x 1 6
A.   2 B. x2 – 6x +9 =4 x 2  6 x  6 C. x + √x = 25
1 x x 6
D. x – 4x – 12
2 x  4 x  19  51 E. x10 – 33x5 + 32 = 0
Soln: x
A. Let 1  x , the equation converts into y + 1/y=13/6
Or, 6y2 – 13y + 6 = 0, solving which we get,
= 3
/ 2 or 2
/3 ;
x 3 

Now, if y = /2 ,
1  x 2, which means 1 x or,
4 x = 9/ ;

also get the value for x if y = 2/3 as x = 4/13;

B. Let x2 – 6x +6 = y, the equation converts into y + 3=4√y
Or, y2 + 6y + 9 =16y, solving which we get y = 9 or 1.

Now, if y = 9, x2 – 6x +6 = 9 from where, x = 3 2√3 and
y = 1, x2 – 6x +6 = 1 from where, x = 5 or, 1
Equations: Problems
C. Let √x =y, the equation converts into y + y =
, or,
25y2 + 25y = 6, solving which we get y = –6/5 or 1/5. Now,
If y = –6/5 , x = –36/25 and if y = 1/5, x = 1/25.[ 
x = y2]
D. Let, x2 – 4x = y, the equation converts into
y – 12 y  19  51 = 0 or, y + 51= y  19 ; squaring both sides,
y2 – 42y – 135= 0, solving which we get y = –3 or 45;
Now if y = –3, x2 – 4x = –3, from where, x = 1 or 3 and
y = 45, x2 – 4x = 45, from where, x = –5 or 9
E. Let x5 = y; in that case, x10 – 33x5 + 32 = 0 will convert
into y2 – 33y + 32= 0, or, y = 32 or 1.
Now, if y = 32, x5 = 32 or x = 2 and
if y = 1, x5 = 1 or, x = 1.
Equations: Problems

A. If α and β are the roots of the equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0 find the value of α2 and β2 and (    )2
 
B. If α and β are the roots of the equation
x2 – px + q = 0 find the equation whose roots are α2 and β2
C. If α and β are the roots of x2 = 2x – 3, find the equation
whose roots are 2α – 3β and 3α – 2β.
D. If α and β are the roots of the equation 2x2 – 4x + 1 = 0,
find the equation whose roots are α2 + β and β2 + α
E. Find the condition that the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0, may
differ by 5
F. Find the value of k if the roots of 2x2 + 3x + k = 0 are equal.
Equations: Problems

A. For the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, (α + β) = – b/a and αβ = c/a
b 2  2ac
Now, α2 and β2 = (α + β)2 – 2αβ = (– b/a)2 – 2(c/a) = a2
and (    )2 = ( 2 2 2
) ={ (  )(   )}2 = (   ) 2 (   ) 2
    2 2
b 2 b 2 c
( ) [(  )  4 ] b 2 (b 2  4ac)
(   ) 2 [(   ) 2  4 ] a a a
= = c 2 =
( ) 2
( ) a 2c 2
B. Equation whose roots are α2 and β2 is x2 – (α2 + β2)x + α2β2 = 0
Now, from the equation x2 – px + q = 0 , α + β = p and αβ = q;
And, x2 – (α2 + β2)x + α2β2 = x2 – [(α + β)2 – 2αβ)x + (αβ)2]
= x2 – [(p)2 – 2q)x + (q)2]. Therefore the required equation is:
x2 – (p2 – 2q)x + q2 = 0
Equations: Problems

D. For the equation 2x2 – 4x + 1 = 0, α + β = 4/2 = 2 and αβ = ½;

Now, the equation whose roots are α2 + β and β2 + α is
x2 – {(α2 + β) + (β2 + α)}x + {(α2 + β)(β2 + α)} = 0, But
{(α2 + β) + (β2 + α)} = α2 + β2 + α +β = (α +β)2 – 2αβ + (α +β)
= 22 – 2. ½ + 2 = 5 and (α2 + β)(β2 + α) = (α2β2 + α3 + β3 + αβ)
= [(αβ)2 + {(α +β)3 – 3αβ(α +β)} + αβ] = (½)2 + 23 – 3. ½. 2 +½
= 23/4; therefore, the required equation
x2 – {(α2 + β) + (β2 + α)}x + {(α2 + β)(β2 + α)} = 0 is:
x2 – 5x + 23/4 = 0
Equations: Problems
F. Let one of the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 be α.
Then the other root is α + 5 (since the difference between the
roots is 5). The sum of the roots is α + α + 5 = 2α + 5; and the
product of the roots is α(α + 5). Now, the requiredbcondition
is: x2 – (2αc+ 5)x + α(α + 5) = 0 where, 2α + 5 = – ….(i) a andc
5a  b
+ 5) = …(ii).a
From (i), α = – ; from (ii), α 2
+ 5α = a
2a 5a  b
In the last equation, we can put the value of α = – and get
5a  b 2 5a  b c 2 2 2
(– ) + 5(– ) = Or, b  25a  10ab2 10ab  50a=
2a 2a a 4a a
Or, b2 – 25a2 = 4ac (Ans)
E. For the equation 2x2 + 3x + k = 0, the sum of the roots, say
α and β is – 3/2 and the product of the roots αβ = k/2 ; Now
if the roots α and β are equal, α + β = α + α = 2α and αβ =
α.α = α2. i.e., the sum of the roots 2α = – 3/2 or, α = – 3/4 and
the product of the roots α2 = k/2 .
This means (– 3/4)2 = k/2 or k = 9/8
Simultaneous Equations

Sets of equations with multiple variables requiring the

number of equations equal to the number of variables for
having exact solutions for variables.
Case I: both equations are linear. 5x + 2y = 8 …(i) and
9x – 5y = 23 …(ii) [show solution, x = 2, y = – 1]
Case II: One equation is linear and the other is quadratic.
x2 + y2 = 29 …(i) and x – y = 3 … (ii). In order to solve it,
first take x = y + 3 and put the value in (ii), which makes
(y +3)2+ y2 = 29 or, y2 + 6y + 9 + y2= 29
Or, y2 + 3y – 10 = 0, Solving which we get y = – 5 or 2.
Now find the values of x corresponding to y = – 5 or 2.
Simultaneous Equations

Case III: When both the equations are quadratic.

Example: x2 + xy = 12 ….(i) and xy – 2y2 = 1
Soln: Let y = mx, the equations will be converted into
x2 + mx2 = 12 ….(3) Divide (3) by (4) and get
1 m
mx2 – 2m2x2 = 1..(4) m =2m12
from which get m = 1/8 or 1/3
Put m = 1/8 in equation (3) and get x2 + 1/8 x2 = 12
2 => x =
Now get values for y corresponding to x = .
Then put m
 3 = /3 in equation (3) and get x + /3x = 12,
1 2 1 2
 3 from
where x = ; Now get values of y corresponding to x =

Explain how simultaneous equations with two variables can

be solved graphically.
Simultaneous Equations

Solve the equations: x  y  5 ….(1) and x + y = 10 ……(2)

y x 2
x y 5 10 5
Hint:  ; put x + y = 10 and get

or, xy = 16 …(3)
xy xy
Now, from (2), x = 10 – y and putting this in (3), (10 – y)y = 16
From where, y = 8 or 2; Now get values of x corresponding to
y = 8 or 2
Problem: Solve the equations 12  12  13 ….(1) and 1  1  5 ….(2)
1 1 x y x y
Soln: Let  u and  v ; we get u + v = 13 (3) and u + v = 5 (4)
2 2
x y
From (4), u = 5 – v; put this in (3) to get (5 – v2) + v2 = 13 from
where, v = 2 or 3; if v = 2, u = 3; now find x and y; also, if v = 3,
u = 2; now find x and y.
Simultaneous Equations

Solve: x2 + xy + y2 = 19….(i) and 3xy + 2y2 = 36…(2)

Soln: Let y = mx, then x2 + mx2 + m2x2 = 19 …(3) and
From (3) and (4) 3mx2 + 2m2x2 = 36 …(4);
x2 (1+ m + m2) = 19 …(5) and x2(3m + 2m2) = 36 …(6)
Divide (5) by (6)and get 1  m  m = 19from where, m = – 12 or
3 m  2 m 36
. Now,
if m = – 12, x 2
[1 – 12 + (– 12) 2
= 19 =>x = 7 and y = mx
=> (– 12)(

7 )=
12 7 ; also find x,y for m = 3
7 7 2
Solve:4x.2y = 128 …(1) and 33x +2y = 9xy…..(2)
Soln: convert (1) as 22x +y = 27 and (2) as 33x +2y = 32xy…..(2)
And write: 2x + y = 7 and 3x + 2y = 2xy; Now solve for x and y
Simultaneous Equations

Problems to solve:
1. Demand for goods of an industry is given by the equation pq = 100 and
the supply by 20 + 3p = q, where p is the price and q is the quantity
demanded. Find the equilibrium price and quantity.
Hint: demand = supply and the price offered from demand side = price
asked from the supply side. Therefore, to solve the problem, find value
of p and q from the simultaneous equations, pq = 100 …(1) and 20 + 3p
= q …. (2)
2. In a perfect competition the demand curve of a commodity is D = 19 –
3p – p2 and the supply curve is S = 5p – 1. find the equilibrium price
and quantity. [hint: at equilibrium, D = S or, 19 – 3p – p 2 = 5p – 1; now
solve for p and find Q or S for the value of p]
3. For two commodities 1 and 2, the demands D1 and D2 are given by
D1 = 10 – p1 + p2 and D2 = 12 + 2p1 – p2 respectively and the supplies S 1
and S2 by S1 = 6 + p1 + 9p2 and S2 = 19 + 3p1 + 5p2 . Find the equilibrium
prices and quantities demanded for the two commodities. [D 1 = S1 or,
10 – p1 + p2 = 6 + p1 + 9p2 … (1) and D2 = S2 or, 12 + 2p1 – p2 = 19 + 3p1 +
5p2 … (2). From (1), 2p1 + p2 = 4 and from (2), p1 + 6p2 = –7; Find p1 and
p2 and then D1 = S1 and D2 = S2}
Equations: Additional Problems
Problem: A salesman’s earning e amounts to 20% of his total sales T plus
a bonus of 12½% of his sales in excess of $50,000.
(a) write the equation relating earnings to sales if sales exceeds $9,000;
(b) what must be the man’s sales if he is to earn $10,000?
(c) how much must he sell if his earnings are to be 25% of total sales?
a. 20% of total sales = 0.2T;
12½% (Tof his )sales in excess of $50,000 = 12½% of T – $50,000 =
 50000
2 100
= 0.125(T – 50000); Therefore, Earnings
E = 0.2T + 0.125(T – 50000)
b. Earnings E = 0.2T + 0.125(T – 50000), therefore, if E = $10,000,
10000 = 0.2T + 0.125(T – 50000), from where, T = $50,000
c. If, earnings E = 25% of total sales = 0.25T, according to the equation
for earnings, E = 0.2T + 0.125(T – 50000), or
0.25T= 0.2T + 0.125(T – 50000), from where T = $83,333.33
Equations: Additional Problems
Problem: A bag contains a total of Tk 10 in currency units of
denominations 10 paisa, 25 paisa and 50 paisa. Determine the number of
coins of each denomination if 50 paisa coins are half of those of 10 paisa
and 25 paisa coins are 2 more than those of 50 paisa.
Soln: Let the number of 50 paisa coins = x, then number of 10 paisa coins
= 2x and number of 25 paisa coins = x + 2; according to the problem
statement, 0.50(x) + 0.10(2x) + 0.25(x+2) = 10, solving we get
x = 10. Thus, 50 paisa coins = 10; 10 paisa coins = 2x = 20 and 25 paisa
coins = x + 2= 12
Problem: Solve x3 + 2x2 – 17x +42 = 0, if one of the roots is – 6.
Soln: If – 6 is one of the roots, (x +6) is a factor and taking it into
consideration, we can reorganize the equation as
x3 + 6x2 – 4x2 – 24x + 7x + 42 = 0 Or, x2(x +6) – 4x(x + 6) + 7(x + 6) = 0
Or, (x +6)(x2– 4x + 7) = 0; either x + 6 = 0, i.e., x = – 6 (given) or
(x2– 4x + 7) = 0, and from the later,
4  16  28)
Equations: Additional Problems
• Solve the equations: i. x2 + y2 = 29 ii. 4x. 2y = 128
x–y =2 33x + 2y = 9xy
• Find the value of x if 3x2 + 7x – 13 = 0 
• For what value of m will the equation (m +1)x2 + 2(m + 3) + (2m + 3) = 0 have equal
•The demand (Qd) and supply (Qs) functions are Qd = 8p/(p – 2) and Qs = p2, where p is the
price; determine the equilibrium price and quantity.
• An agency rents cars for one day and charges Tk 500.00 plus Tk.5.00 per km the car is
driven. (a) Write the equation for the cost of one day’s rental (b) Interpret the slope and
the y–intercept and (c) What is the renter’s average cost per km if a car is driven 260
Problem: Boston Edison Company charges its customers according to their usage of
electricity. One rate it charges a particular class of user as follows: a basic monthly
charge of $3.35 and 3.38 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 350 kwh, and 5.634 cents
per kwh for any kwh in excess of 350. Determine : A. The cost function. B. What are the
total and average charges for using 400 kwh? C. How many kwh were used if the total
charge is $51.80?
Soln: A. C(k) = 3.35 + 0.0338k, when 0 ≤ k ≤350 …(1) and
when k = 350, C(k) = 3.35 + 0.0338 x 350 = 15.18…..(2);
when k >350, C(k) = 15.18 + 0.05634 (k − 350) = −4.539 + 0.05634k … (3),
Now solve B by using equation (3) since k > 350. also, solve C. by using C(k) = 51.80 in
equation (3) since 51.80 > 15.18
i.e., 51.80 = −4.539 + 0.05634k and find k.

Equations: Additional Problems
Solve: 2x – y + 2z = 5
x+y+ z=2
x – 2y + z = 2
Problem: It takes 20 minutes and costs $2 to make one double-edged razor
blade, whereas it takes 30 minutes and costs $1 to make one single-edged
razor blade. if 600 minutes and $40 are available, how many of each blade
can be made? [hint: 30 x + 20y = 600; 2x + y = 40]
Problem: A commodity is produced by using 3 units of labour and 2 units of
capital. The total cost comes to 62. If the commodity is produced by using 4
units of labour and 1 unit of capital, the cost comes to 56. What is the cost
per unit of labour and capital?
Problem: A man’s income from interest and wages is Tk 500. If he doubles
his investment and also gets an increase of 50% in wages, his income
increases to Tk 800. What was his original income separately in terms of
income and interest?
Solve: (i) (27)x = 9y (ii) 4x .8y = 128
(81)y = 243.3x 9x ÷ 27y = 3
Equations: Additional Problems
The general equation for a closed economy is E = C + I + G, and the economy
is in equilibrium when E Ξ Y, where E is total expenditure, C is expenditure on
consumption goods, I is expenditure on investment goods, G is government
spending and Y is the total income received. If for a certain economy, it is
given that C = 15 + 0.9Y, I = 20 + 0.05Y and G = 25, find the equilibrium values
for Y, C and I. How will these values change if there is no government
Soln: From equations E = C + I + G …(1) and E Ξ Y …(2), Y = C + I + G… (3)
Using the values given for C, I and G, equation (3) may be rewritten as
Y = 15 + 0.9Y + 20 + 0.05Y + 25 = 60 + 0.95Y
Or, Y = 60 + 0.95Y =>Y = 1200 …(4)
Now, putting value Y = 1200 in C = 15 + 0.9Y, and in I = 20 + 0.05Y we get
C = 15 +0.9 x 1200=1095 …(5) and I = 20 + 0.5 x 1200 = 80 …(6)
The required equilibrium values for Y, C and I are 1200, 1095 and 80. But
if there is no govt. spending, Y = C + I i.e., Y = 15 + 0.9Y + 20 + 0.05Y, or
Y = 35 + 0.95Y => Y = 700 and
putting this in C = 15 + 0.9Y, and in I = 20 + 0.05Y, we get the changed values
for C and I as C = 15 + 0.9 x 700 = 645 and I = 20 + 0.05 x 700 = 55.
Equations: Mark-up, Margin and Break-even
(Prichet and Saber, Mathematics with applications in Management and
Economics) - page 52- 65)

Break-Even Interpretation:
• Break even occurs where revenue must equals to cost so that profit
becomes zero at that point.
• Profit = Revenue – Cost
Then at break even,
Revenue = Cost

Two analysis
1. Producer view point- see book and lecture
2. Financial manager Viewpoint
Financial manager Viewpoint
Suppose an item costs $130 and is priced to sell $200. The mark-up is
measured as Mark-up = retail price – cost = $200 – $130 = $70 and the
mark-up in % (on cost) 70/130 = 0.54 = 54%, while the Margin = mark-up %
mark  up 70
on retail price =  = 0.35 or, 35%.
retailpric e 200

This means 35% of retail price is margin and other 65% makes the cost =
0.65% of the sales i.e., o.65s.
Now, cost of goods sold = 0.65s, selling expenses (say, 10% of sales) =
0.10s and the fixed expenses (say) = $12000

The cost = 0.65s + 0.10s +12000 = 0.75s +12000; and the revenue R(s) = s,
and at break-even, C(s) = R(s) => 0.75s +12000 = s or, 0.25s = 12000 and
Or, s = 48,000 i.e., the break-even volume of sales = $48,000.
Practice 12, 14, 17, 18 ( Prichet and Saber, Mathematics with applications
in Management and Economics) - page 64, 65)

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