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Marketing – the activity, set of

institutions, and processes for

creating, communicating,
What is delivering, and exchanging offerings
that have value for customers,
Marketing & clients, partners, and
society at large.
Management Marketing management is the art and
science of choosing target markets and
building profitable relationships with
Requires customers and market
place fully understood
Aim to find attract grow customers by
creating, delivering and communicating
superior value

Product Management ---creating

Value Brand Management---
Communicate value Customer
Management- ----Deliver Value
Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation

The purpose of business to

create customer & Keep
Relationships Among the Six Parts of the Marketing

1. Implementation
2. Programming,
allocating and budgeting
3. Analysis and research
4. Marketing planning
5. Strategy formation
6. Monitoring and
Benson Shapiro
Schematic of Marketing Strategy Formation
Robert Davis- blue print by which firm plans to compete
Each company attempting to achieve differentiation among specific set of customer
Thus organizations not creating a mass market product but the customer segment
focus product
Marketing strategy is about the process of selecting these customer , deciding on
point of differentiation to present them and developing a plan to accomplishing this
5 C’s of Analysis
1. Customer Analysis
DMU( Initiator, Gatekeeper, Decider,
Influencer, Purchaser, User)
Purchase decision making process( Is there
search of information, how will it be conducted,
how DMU interact, criteria for selection)
Customer analysis attempted to design a
product fit to the market .
Company analysis ensure that product fit to the
5 C’s
2. Company Analysis special skills , competencies, and asset
Concept develop by Hamel & Pralhad about core competency
Two elements of core competency are
Make significant contribution to the creation of perceived customer value in
products and
Be difficult for competitors to imitate
3.Collaborator: supplier partnering the firm
4. Competitive Analysis: Identify present and potential competitors with value
Potential competitors are of two types , niche and more general purpose
5. Context Analysis: Context is always changing . Like Culture , technology and
legal factor limits what is possible and need continuous monitoring
The Aspiration Decision
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Purchase process at the customer segment varies across them allows

organization to fine tune the marketing mix to meet the particular need
Theodore Levitt, “If you are not thinking segment , you are not thinking”
Marketing game will be played by the customer’s purchase criteria and rules
Target group will be based on firms corporate goal and the segment fit to these
Segmentation can be define simultaneous use of more than one variable
Widely use segmentation is demographic , geographic, lifestyle
Alternate segmentation is customer behavior or relation with product, user
status, user rate, loyalty status
The Aspiration Decision
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Positioning: How would we approach and what we want segment member

see in us?
Effective statement specifies following elements
1. Target customer as defined by segmentations variables
2. The wants of that customer
3. The product type and category , as seen by the customer
4. The key benefit to be provided to the target customer
'Freedom of Four Wheels’ Self-drive for the Self-driven
Target market selection deliberately excluding few customer
Marketing Mix Decision

1. Product Planning
2. Pricing
3. Branding
4. Distribution
5. Personal Selling
6. Advertising
7. Promotion
8. Packaging
9. Display
10. Servicing
11. Physical Handling
Neil Borden 12. Fact Finding and Analysis
Marketing Mix Decision

Product : Full set of ways in which value can be created for

customers, brand name, company reputation, product functionality,
ease of use, after sales service
A differentiated product that delivers unique benefit and compelling
value propositions
Testing is done by product survey or beta test
Product launch then manage product life cycle
Awareness- product features- product purchase – value
Communication strategy -6M model
Market- Mission- Message-Media-Money-Measurement
Range of Credit Card Benefits to Customers
Positions of Major Communication Vehicles
Market Channel

Own stores--Zara -90% total 21

Sales representatives and independent agents - Oriflame- not
Through collaborator
Through Channel partner
Channel design Channel Management-
Key Inputs to the Pricing Decision
Calculating True Economic

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