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Long Distance Relationship

A long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance.

LDR Statistics
An estimated 2.9% of US marriages were considered long distance[2], with 1 in 10 marriages reported to have included a period at long distance within the first 3 years.[3] This means that in 2005 approximately 3,500,000 people in the US alone were involved in long-distance marriages.[4] It is harder to know precisely how many non-married couples are in a long distance relationship but according to The Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships there was an estimated 4 to 4.5 million college couples in the US which were in non marital LDRs.[5

Long-distance relationships in college

Between 2540% of all romantic relationships among students attending colleges across the US are long distance. This could

be from many different factors such as:

Both partners attending a different university or institution. One partner leaving for school, while the other stays in the hometown. Meeting at a university and going to separate hometowns for summer/semester breaks. One partner being in the military. Meeting online through a dating website.

Three major components of a successful relationship while in college are: Est lis tr st: t s t f r f 's sig ific t t r fi i g s ls . k ti f r c t r: it iff r t sc l s it's i rt t t k ki g it s c v rs ti s i t r sti g, lik t rt rs r tf r rt fr t r. t g tf l: S i gc ssi t rt r t t is 't r .

Advice On LDR
Below are some of the advices that we have compiled over the years. Although they may look simple but when it comes to the actual execution, it may take more than your effort and discipline It is your desire to survive the relationship that makes the most impact in writing the outcome of your distance relationship. Consider some of list below and together with your desire, I am pretty sure you are able to conquer your distance relationship with ease and fun.

Establish an effective communication channel Plan to meet each other Build hobby that you can both share Surprise your partner Capture and share that interesting moment Ask the important questions at the onset, to make sure you are both clear on the parameters of the relationship. Avoid the temptation to be controlling Avoid jealousy and be trusting Be positive.

Establish an effective communication channel

Telephone is the most convenient mode Each of the communication channels has its own advantages and disadvantages Therefore you must start to explore each of them to enhance your communication experience. Communicate in some way every day, more than once if possible Use an instant messenger program or VoIP for real-time chat, or web cams for that visual connection Example : Skype, Facebook , MSN and others E-mail is great so make sure you use it, especially if long-distance phone calls put a strain on your budget. Ensure the e-mails are substantive and detailed.

Plan to meet each other

There is nothing more important than planning to meet each other again at an interval of time throughout the period of your long distance relationship. This will help both you and your partner to catch up with each other over the things that you cannot do while apart. The anticipation of seeing each other again will always give you the excitement, hope and as well as eliminating the lonely feeling in your LDR Article Source:

Build hobby that you both can share By building and keeping a hobby, both of you will have something to discuss and work on throughout your distance relationship Finding something to do online can be quite interesting judging from its speed and reach ability but never leave out conventional hobby as well because you do not need to have your partner's physical present to share a hobby.

S r ris Y

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Occasionally surprise you partner with cards, gifts, letter and flower out of their expectation apart from your normal correspondence. Put your imagination to use and your partner will be sure to love your effort in keeping them happy Sending the unexpected gifts to your partner will always spice up your distance relationship regardless how far your partner may be happy.

Capture Interesting Moment

Throughout the period of your LDR, you can always capture some interesting moment of yours by exchanging photos, video clips and as well as audio recording. This will indirectly keep your partner informed on what has happen in your life despite the physical distance.

Ask the important questions at the onset

Setting parameters such as naming your relationship (dating, seeing each other, boyfriendgirlfriend, engaged) as well as defining exclusive (limited to one person,) or non-exclusive. These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line. Example: "Are you open to the possibility of relocating if the relationship should become more serious?" Stating your end goal or ideas will allow each person to maintain what they need.

Avoid the temptation to be controlling

P l v fr ill c rs l c tr l t r rs . As l g s y r t i t r st i i gi t ill stick it it ist c ill r l ti s i , y t k iff r c . As s s fy ci s t t r is t g tc r s ls is tt r tc s, t r y liv 3000 y r r l ti s i il s rt, t str ts v r, r s r t s it y r i g ict r t ll. r g i gt v t tr st c t r Y l t ly if t is r l ti s i is g i g t rk. c

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ft si st ys t str y rf ctly lt y r l ti s i is t is it it j l sy r . st r listic f t iffic lti s y It l ys l s if y g i r l ti s i it t i t t v ry is i c t rt y f tr st til r v t r is . f i t rr g ti g y r D 't f ll i t tr rt r v ry ti /s ci s t g t f r ri k it l y v 't t r /s i 't g t ck t y rig t y l ft ss g y c ll

Just c us y u r i l g- ist c r l ti s i s 't y ur liv s ill us . s ci l lif Y ur rt r ill tur lly v r /s liv s s s ul y u. Sur , it l s t v y ur y s t t t lly iv , ut i g v rly sus ici us is unhealthy f r y u and y ur relati nshi t . Y u should oth aintain your social activity and be happy ith yourselves

Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a long-distance relationship is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content. eing away from your sweetie is not all bad news Use the opportunity of personal time to pursue your interests and hobbies as well as your career objectives Another positive point is that long distance dating pushes both of you to be more creative, to communicate better since you don't have "face-to-face" time and to test (and express) your feelings. As long as you see the long-distance relationship as a temporary state, you will keep your chin up and transmit that feeling of security and happiness to your partner too.

No matter who or what you are, no one is really excused when it comes to the obstacles posed by being in a long distance relationship. So, can long distance relationships work? Of course

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