Topic 2 Diversity in Orgs S

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Course map of OB

The Individual The Group The Organization

Inputs Inputs
Inputs • Group structure(Ch9&10) • Organizational culture
• Diversity in organizations • Group roles (Ch9&10) (Ch15)
(Ch2) • Team responsibilities • Organization structure(Ch
• Personality and values (Ch4)
(Ch9&10) 14)

Process Process
• Emotions and moods Process • Conflict and negotiation
(Ch6) • Communication (Ch12) (Ch18)
• Motivation (Ch 7&8) • Power and politics (Ch11) • HRM (Ch16)
• Perception and decision • Leadership (Ch13) • Change and stress
making (Ch5) management (Ch17)

Outputs Outputs
• Attitudes and job • Group cohesion Outputs
satisfaction (Ch3) (Ch9&10) • Productivity (all)
• Task performance (all) • Group functioning • Survival (all)
• Citizenship behavior (all) (Ch9&10)
• Withdrawal behavior (all)

Outline for Topic 2 Section 1:How people differ?

I. Workplace II. Workplace
diversity discrimination
Section 2: How a
manager can and should
manage these
differences? Topic 2 (Ch2). III. Biographical
Diversity in characteristics
V. Implementing Organization
strategies IV. Other
V. Abilities and differentiating
OB characteristics

Are you an unique


1 section:

How people differ?

We like to show how individual differences in
abilities affect employee behavior and
effectiveness in organizations.

I. Workplace Diversity
(video demo)
7 Diversity:
1. Demographic characteristics
 Age
 Gender
 Race (i.e., physical traits): e.g., Black, White, etc.
 Ethnicity ( 種族 ) (i.e., cultural identification): e.g., Asian,
 Religion
2. Level of diversity
(1)_________ -level
(2)_________ -level
2-8 Workplace Diversity

Diversity Management

Surface-Level Diversity

Personality 、
Deep-Level Diversity values

Example of Philip and Sharon (p.78)

- Philip: a recently hired young man; with a marketing

degree; from an Eastern European-dominant
neighborhood in London
- Sharon: an older lady; started as a secretary after
college at the company; from rural Manchester

Are Philip and Sharon

really different from each


How diverse is your group?

13 4-5 persons as a group
(7 groups)

Write #1 and #2 on two pieces of small papers


1st similarity test: Scale: 1-5

(1: very dissimilar; 5: very similar)
->write down the score regarding how diverse that you feel about your group
members on paper#1-> compute average score for #1

Social interaction time…

chatting with your groupmates
(Questions are as the following page)
1. Tell us a little about your family
2. Where’s your favorite leisure time activity and why?
3. Do you like to work collaboratively or individually?
4. Which alternative do you think is more important in
your life? (1) to spend more time with your family; (2)
to spend more time at work
5. What do you consider to be your most sacred ( 神聖的 )
value (and why)?

2nd similarity test: Scale: 1-5

(1: very dissimilar; 5: very similar)
->write down the score regarding how diverse that you feel about your group
members on paper#2 -> compute average score for #2

Compare each team’s score for Score #1 and Score #2

17 Example: Experiential Exercise Result

Group Avg. score #1 Avg. score #2

Group 1 2.25 3.75
Group 2 2.5 3
Group 3 --- ---
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7

II. Workplace Discrimination

Workplace Discrimination and
2-19 Organizational Effectiveness

 Discrimination is to note a difference between things.

 Diversity management includes working to
 Unfair discrimination assumes _____________about groups.
 Stereotyping: is judging someone on the basis of or perception
of the ___________to which that person belongs
Workplace Discrimination and Organizational
2-20 Effectiveness

( 恐嚇 )
( 蔑視、嘲
( 排除在
( 無理、粗

 _____________________:
describes the degree to which we internally agree
with the generally negative stereotyped perceptions of
our groups
(e.g., an older worker applying for a job in a
predominately Millennial-age workforce; a new
graduate student feels less confident in job
application )
How to reduce stereotype threat…
 By treating employees as individuals and not
highlighting group differences
 Reducing differential and preferential treatment
through objective assessments
 Banning stereotyped practices and messages
 Adopting transparent practice that signal the value
of all employees

III. Biographical Characteristics

Biographical Characteristics
and Organizational Behavior

 Biological characteristics are personal

characteristics that are objective and easily
obtained from personnel records.
 Variations in _____________-level
characteristics can be the basis for
1. Age
 The U.S. workforce is aging.
 Does job performance or stability decline with increasing age?
• Studies show that turnover and absenteeism rates are
higher ___________among older workers, and age is not associated
or with lower productivity.
Industries like health care, education, government, and
nonprofits often welcome older workers

Question 1: What is the relationship between age and job

Question 2:
What is the relationship between age and job satisfaction?

(*hint: try to analyze the question from two dimensions:

1)For professional workers vs. 2)for nonprofessional workers)
2. Gender
 There are no consistent male-female differences in
problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive,
motivation, sociability, or learning drive.
more  But women earn ________than men for the same positions
less? and have fewer professional opportunities.
 Women and men are rated equally effective as leaders

Example: List of women CEOs of Fortune 500 companies

e.g., skin color, hair texture,
shape of nose, etc.
2-29 3. Race and Ethnicity
 Race is more associated with ___________;
e.g., kinship,
ethnicity is more associated with ______________
shared territory  Employees tend to favor colleagues of their own race in
and nationality,
etc. performance evaluations, promotion decisions, and pay
 In the U.S., African Americans generally fare worse than
Whites in employment decisions.
 Some industries prefer race diverse workforce, e.g., ?
 Create a advertising or media company
positive diversity climate: inclusiveness and an
acceptance of diversity
4. Disabilities
 The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
classifies a person as disabled who has any physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more
major life activities.
 Workers with disabilities receive higher performance
evaluations, but may have lower performance
Children Are Us
Foundation (CAREUS)
5. Hidden Disabilities
 Sensory disabilities (e.g., impaired hearing), chronic
illness or pain, cognitive or learning impairments, sleep
disorders, and psychological challenges.
 U.S. organizations must accommodate employees with a
very broad range of impairments.

IV. Other Differentiating Characteristics

1. Tenure
 Tenure is a good predictor of employee productivity.
 Tenure and job satisfaction are ____________ related.
(hint: positively or negatively?)
2. Religion
 U.S. law prohibits discrimination based on religion, but it
is still an issue, especially for Muslims.
 e.g., a Muslim lady was not hired by Abercrombie
because she wears a head scarf
3. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Federal law does not protect employees against
discrimination based on sexual orientation, but this may
soon change.
Most Fortune 500 companies have policies covering sexual
orientation and about half now have policies on gender
4. Cultural Identity
Need to accommodate and respect individual cultural
identities, e.g., prayer room for Muslim.

V. Abilities and OB
Abilities and OB

 Ability is an individual’s current __________ to

perform various tasks in a job.
 Two types of ability
1) Intellectual abilities
2) Physical abilities
Intellectual and Physical Abilities and OB

1. Intellectual abilities:
are abilities needed to perform mental activities – thinking,
reasoning, and problem solving.
 e.g., IQ tests; college admission tests (e.g., SAT, ACT); graduate
admission tests (e.g., GMAT, LSAT, etc.)
 Most societies place a high value on intelligence.
Question: intelligence vs. job satisfaction => positive, negative, or
no relation?
Intellectual and Physical Abilities and OB

( 知覺速度 )

Inductive vs d
eductive reas ( 歸納推理 )
( 演繹推理 )

( 空間視覺化 )

2. Physical Abilities
 The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina ( 耐力 ),
dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
 Nine basic abilities related to strength, flexibility, and
other factors are needed to perform physical tasks.
Intellectual and Physical Abilities and OB

2nd section:
How a manager can and should
manage these differences?

V. Implementing Diversity Management

2-44 How Organizations can
Manage Diversity Effectively?
 Diversity management is the process and programs by which
managers make everyone more aware of and sensitive to the
needs and differences of others.
 Diversity is more successful when it is everyone’s
business, not just for certain groups of employees.
Describe How Organizations
Manage Diversity Effectively

Attracting, Selecting,
Developing, and Retaining
Diverse Employees

Diversity in Groups Effective Diversity

Describe How Organizations
2-46 Manage Diversity Effectively

1. Attracting, selecting, developing, and retaining diverse

 Target recruiting messages to specific demographic groups,
e.g., Microsoft encourages women to undertake technology
 Ensure that hiring is bias free.
 Diversity in the leadership position
Describe How Organizations
2-47 Manage Diversity Effectively

2. Diversity in groups
___________ diversity in management groups may increase
organizational performance
Different types of expertise and ____________ within group
members could be more effective
Teams of individuals who are highly ___________,
conscientious, and interested in working in team settings are
more effective-> mixed of members based on these
characteristics might be problematic

Which team(s) would be more effective?

G1: Team members are more toward to be

G2: Team member are more toward to be
G3: Team members are highly intelligent
G4: Team members with different types of
expertise and education
Describe How Organizations
2-49 Manage Diversity Effectively

3. Effective diversity programs

 Teach managers about the legal framework for equal
employment opportunity and encourage fair treatment
of all people.
 Teach managers how a diverse workforce will be more
effective at serving a diverse customer base (e.g.,
Innisfree shop in Korea).
 Foster personal development practices that bring out
the skills and abilities of everyone.
Implications for Managers
 Understand your organization's anti-discrimination policies
thoroughly and share them with your employees.
 Assess and challenge your own stereotype beliefs to increase your
 Look beyond readily observable biographical characteristics and
consider the individual’s capabilities before making management
 Fully evaluate what accommodations a person with disabilities will
need and then fine-tune a job to that person’s abilities.
 Seek to understand and respect the unique biographical characteristics
of your employees; a fair but individualistic approach yields the best

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