Week 7

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At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Present an issue in varied ways to disseminate information using the
codes, convention, and language of media
a. evaluate everyday media and information with regard to codes,
conventions, and messages; in regard to the audience, producers,
and other stakeholders; and
b. produces and assesses the codes, convention, and messages of a
group presentation.
A. Direction: Choose the correct answer and write it on a sheet of pad paper.
1. Which of the following source of information has the highest reliability?
a. library b. internet c. gossips d. blogs
2. Which alternative media are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram belongs to?
a. blogs b. magazines c. social media d. flash mob
3. What do you call to transmission of information through local channels:
a. indigenous knowledge c. indigenous media
b. indigenous communication d. indigenous information
4. What will happen to educational programs if indigenous media are ignored?
a. not accessible b. irrelevant c. expensive d. boring
5. Which of the following is not a source of indigenous media?
a. folk media b. gatherings c. libraries d. oral instruction
6. Which of the following can be written, carved or oral?
a. records b. folk media c. gatherings d. direct observation
1. What are the benefits and disadvantages of the various kinds of media
as sources of information?
2. How are you able to evaluate or measure information quality?
• Producers - People engaged within the process of making and putting
together media content to make a finished media product.
• Language - pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes
and conventions that media and information professionals may select
and use in an endeavor to speak ideas, information and knowledge.
• Media Languages - codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative
structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
• Messages - the data sent from a source to a receiver.9
• Audience - the group of consumers for whom a media message was
constructed further as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
• CODES are systems of signs, which create meaning.
• CONVENTIONS are the widely accepted ways of doing
Types of Codes
1. Technical Codes are ways within which equipment is
employed to inform the story (camera techniques, framing,
depth of fields, lighting and exposure, etc.)
Direction: Write a reflection paper about the
previous activity using the following guide
1. What information codes, conventions and
messages about our country is communicated during
the pandemic?
2. How is understanding of the technical and
symbolic codes contribute to media and information

• Direction: Using a smartphone, create a 3-

minutes music video applying the various

Direction: Choose the correct answer

1. What do you call to the use of language style and textual layout?
a. Technical code b. written code c. symbolic code d. None of these
2. What do you call to the use of objects, setting, clothing and visual communication as a source of information?
a. Symbolic b. written c. language d. technical
3. What should be the conventions of an action film?
a. Wounds, shooting, fighting c. humorous, exaggerating
b. Nightmares, death, fear d. dramatic scene, crying
4. What do you call to the systems of signs that create meaning?
a. Conventions b. codes c. genre d. techniques
5. What symbol means danger, death, violence, power, strength, a threat?
a. house b. flower c. gun d. sports car
6. What is the information sent from a source to receiver?
a. Messages b. audience c. language d. producer
7. Who are the people engaged within the process of making and putting together
media content to make a finished media product?
a. Producers b. messages c. stakeholders d. audience
8. Which camera angle creates strong emotion of fear, tragedy, or hatred?
a. Extreme close-up b. close-up c. mid-shot d. long shot
9. What color connotes evil, dark side, hatred, strength and power?
a. Gray b. red c. black d. white
10. Which of the following is an example of basic camera shots?
a. Eye-level b. low-angle c. close-up d. canted
11. In dress codes, what do a suit collar, and tie imply?
a. sophisticated, elegant, sexy, glamorous, classy
b. official, business-like, formal- to some people “the man”
c. wealthy, sophisticated, chic-cheap, nasty, animals
d. casual, relaxed, informal, friendly-sloppy, lazy, untidy
12. What is the connotation of handwritten lettering style?
a. Romantic b. Informal c. friendly d. all of these
13. Why is it important to study codes and conventions?
a. Codes reflect conventions
b. codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre
c. both a and b d. none of these is correct
14. When a high angle shot used in a photography?
a. To show expression and detail
b. to make subject look small, vulnerable, weak and possible a victim
c. to make subject equal with audience so makes subject friendly, likeable
d. None of these is correct
15. How did equipment can tell the story or information?
a. By lighting and exposure c. camera techniques
b. Depths of fields d. all of these are correct.

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