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Living a moral life is always a challenged to us.

An occasion of sin will bring us to a struggle of

our faith response to Christ’s call. If we are self-
centered and not God-centered, we failed to love
and take responsibility. Thus we, commit sin
which destroys positive relationship.
A failure in love
for God and
neighbor due to
attachment to
material things.
When we say, do
or desire contrary
to the eternal law.
An offense against
reason, truth, and
right conscience
Kind of sin
1. Mortal sin- or sins which lead to death, the loss of true or
eternal life- “exclude from the kingdom of God. They are mortal
because they kill the overall LOVE pattern of our relation to
God, our fundamental core freedom as related to God. By such
sins, a person “freely rejects God and his law….
• Catechism for Filipino Catholics, 1806
1. Sins called venial (from venia meaning” pardon or
forgiveness’) are excusable sins which do not involve the
person’s fundamental freedom nor lead to spiritual
• Catechism for Filipino Catholics, 1807
Judging the morality of an act

• In determining whether the act is right or wrong, we have to consider the following:

1.Nature of the act- it refers to the kind of

action done.
2.intention of the person- it is the reason why
the person did the act
3.circumstances refers to the situations
within which the person committed the act.
•Nature of the act- a student gave a P500 load to another
classmate as a gift
•Intention of the person- so that the student can easily contact
his classmate whenever he wants to ask an answer for his module

•Circumstances- he is failing in a particular subject

Giving a gift is not bad in itself, but if the intention is to bribe the
person, it becomes morally wrong. The intention and the
circumstances change the nature of the act.
• They are good deeds that serve as guidelines to live a
responsible Christian life as we deal with others. They are
the following:
a.Prudence. It allows us to give correct judgement
whether an act is morally right or wrong. Since we
have the tendency to commit mistakes, this virtue calls
us to seek proper guidance by taking counsels from
Cardinal others especially those whom we trust.
b.Fortitude. It is the ability to overcome fear and be
virtues courageous enough in dealing with life’s circumstances
especially in doing what is good and right.
c.Justice. It is the virtue that makes the person to
practice fairness and give respect to the rights of
d.Temperance. According to St. Thomas of Aquinas, it
is the restraint of our desires and passions. It helps to
balance our desire for food, material things, and even
sexual pleasures.
Sacrament of Reconciliation

• The Sacrament of Reconciliation

is the sacrament of healing
through which we obtain pardon
from God for sins committed
Consolidated #2
We detach ourselves from God and other
people when we sin. We also lose touch
with our genuine essence as God's image.
As a member of the Church, how can we
seek healing for ourselves and restored the
broken relationship with God and others?

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