Socio Qa PPT 1

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Q and A

Jurisprudence: 20%
LEA: 20%
Criminalistics: 20%
CDI: 15%
Crim Soc: 15%
Correction: 10%
1. A policeman is considered as what kind of

A. public official
B. agent of person in authority
C. public authority
D. person in authority

2. What program is designed to influence the opinions,
emotions, attitudes, and behavior of the public so that
they will behave in a manner beneficial to the unit in
particular and the whole PNP in general..
A. Mass Communication Program
B. psychological program
C. Civic Action Program
D. Public Information Program

3. All the statements are correct EXCEPT
A. A good public relation program should be aimed in
promoting better and closer
relation between members of the force
B. The essence of a good public relations is simply good
C. Making the public well-informed on the good work done
by the police, is one way of letting them know the positive
side of policemen.
D. The police should work on building good image through
actual and commendable performance

4. To develop public goodwill, a policeman on duty must
do the following EXCEPT,
A. be courteous and fair
B. be quick to assist individuals in their problem
C. be selective of people to serve
D. perform job with dedication and efficiency

5. In launching a police-community program, to attain a
sound degree of success, link or “ugnayan” should be
made first with;

A. community civic organization

B. local ladies club
C. local prominent residents
D. barangay officials

6. It is the Latin term referring to "caught in the act" of
performing a crime.

A. Nullum Crimen
B. Dura lex sed lex
C. Ignorancia lex excusat
D. none of these

7. What is the study of punishment?

A. Criminology
B. Penology
C. Sociology
D. Punishment

8. The behavior of a person is criminal when his
behavior is ______.

A. Deviant
B. Irrational
C. Criminal
D. Illegal

9. Containment in a hostage taking situation refers to,
A. police handling of the situation
B. contact
C. negotiation
D. control of area and people

10. A police-community relations programs must have
the following objectives, EXCEPT,
A. To enforce the law and arrest violators
B. To obtain public cooperation and assistance
C. To create broader understanding and sympathy with
the problems and needs of the Police
D. To maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence
of the community

11. A person who reaches the age of 18 is considered to
be fully emancipated and he/she now enjoys
A. freedom from parental authority over his/her person
and property
B. freedom from parental guidance
C. full life
D. working

12. “Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination” is also known as:
A. RA 8049
B. PD 603
C. RA 7610
D. PD RA 9344

13. Republic Act 6809 is An Act Lowering the age of
Majority from
A. 18 to 21
B. 20 to 18
C. 18 to 16
D. 21 to 18

14. These are types of criminals with high degree of
organization that enables them to commit crimes
without being detected whose specialized criminal
activities operates in large scale. Force, violence and
intimidation and bribery, are used to gain and maintain
control over their criminal activities.
A. professional criminals
B. habitual criminals
C. ordinary criminals
D. organized criminals

15. A child is said to be _____when his basic needs have
been deliberately unattended or inadequately attended.
A. abused
B. neglected
C. abandoned
D. dependent

16. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder also known as
_____which is a form of psychosis characterized by
thinking disturbance and regression although the
intellectual functions are well preserved.
A. amnesia
B. dementia praecox
C. phobia
D. regression

17. This type of body built manifest presence of
muscles, smooth skin, and behaves aggressively with a
romotonic temperament and an inclination to commit
crimes involving deceit, mostly fraud cases and
involvement in violations of anti-fencing law.
A. endomorph
B. ectomorph
C. mesomorph
D. none of these

18. Rape Victim Assistance and Protection act of 1998 is
known as

A. RA 9160
B. RA 6969
C. RA 8505
D. RA 8049

19. An Act Defining Certain Rights of Person Arrested,
Detained or Under Custodial Investigation is

A. RA 7160
B. RA 7438
C.RA 9208
D. 9372

20. Known in other countries as the body of principles,
practices, usages and rules of action which are not
recognized in our country.

A. penal laws
B. special laws
C. common laws
D. statutory laws

21. A sworn written statement charging a person with
an offense, subscribed by the offended party, any peace
officer or other public officer charged with the
enforcement of the law violated.

A. subpoena
B. information
C. complaint
D. writ

22. Circumstances wherein the acts of the person are in
accordance with the law, and hence, he incurs no
criminal and civil liability.

A. exempting
B. alternative
C. justifying
D. aggravating

23. A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, enacted by
legitimate authority for the common observance and

A. Regulation
B. City Ordinance
C. Law
D. Lawful Act

24. Circumstances wherein there is an absence in the
agent of the crime any of all the conditions that would
make an act voluntary and hence, though there is no
criminal liability there is civil liability.

A. exempting
B. alternative
C. justifying
D. aggravating

25. When we say that a commander is directly
responsible for any act or omission of his subordinates
in relation to the performance of their official duties, we
are referring to:

A. chain of command
B. delegation of responsibility
C. command responsibility
D. span of control

26. It is constitutionally and legally mandated to
administer and control the Philippine National Police.


27. What is the optional retirement for officers of the
police service?
A. 15 years
B. 25 years
C. 30 years
C. 20 years

28. The apprehension or taking into custody of a child in
conflict with the law by law enforcement officers or
private citizens is termed as:

A. Arrest
B. Initial contact
C. Child custody
D. All of the above

29. They are automatically deputized as NAPOLCOM
representatives to exercise supervision and control over
PNP units.

A. Chief of Police
B. Judges
C. Local Government Executives
D. Fiscals

30. Which of the following administers and attends to
cases involving crimes against chastity?

C. Women’s Desk
D. Homicide Division

31. Which of the following is the basic political unit of
the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the
national and local government?

A. family
B. society 
C. community   
D. barangay

32. A bank robber who kills some individual in the bank,
flees with hostages, and kills a number of people while
in flight diving a chase would be an example of:

A. Serial Murder
B. Spree Murder
C. Mass Murder
D. Multiple Murder

33. What is the doctrine that requires a process of
resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of
the victim, the offender and the community?

A. Proactive justice
B. Restorative justice
C. Reactive justice
D. All of the above

34. It is defined as a crime where a person of
respectability and high social status in the course of his
or her occupation commits the criminal act.

A. Labor Crimes
B. Organized Crimes
C. High Collar crimes
D. White collar crime

35. The theory in penal science which maintains that
punishment gives lesson to the offender and the would
be criminals is called:

A. Deterrence
B. Incapacitation
C. Reformations
D. public safety

36. What stage is the performance of the crisis
management plan when a crisis situation occurs?

A. Pro-active Phase
B. Reactive Phase
C. Prediction
D. Preventive phase

37. One who is under the custody of lawful authority by
reason of criminal sentence is __.

A. Criminal
B. Inmate
C. Detainee
D. All of these

38. The theory in which reformation is based upon, on
the ground that the criminal is a sick person.

A. Italian Theory
B. Classical Theory
C. Neo Classical School
D. Strain Theory

39. It is the study of the role of the victim in commission
of crime.

A. complainant
B. criminology
C. principal
D. victimology

40. Man’s personality structure was defined by ____in
his psychoanalysis theory
A. A.H. Maslow
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Sigmund Freud

41. What is the Latin term for criminal intent?

A. Mens Rea
B. Magna Culpa
C. Inflagrante Delicto
D. Mala Vise

42. The biggest percentage of fingerprint pattern is

A. Arches
B. Loops
C. Whorls
D. Accidentals

43. In the Attrition System of the PNP, the maximum
tenure of the PNP Regional Director is

A. 4 years
B. 6 years
C. 5 years
D. 9 years

44. In the Social Structure Theory of Emile Durkheim, he
said, ______based on the prevalence
of law violation among the lowest strata of our
society which comprises the majority    
members of societies all over the world.
A. “crime does not pay”
B. “crime is an structure of society”
C. “crime is normal in a society”
D. “crime exist only in some part of the society”:

45. A person who has violated the penal law and has
been found guilty by the court.

A. Accused
B. Parolee
C. Suspect
D. Criminal

46. It is the most basic social institution and is the most
potentially effective agency of social control.

A. Church
B. Community
C. Family
D. School

47. The supreme law of the Land.

A. Bible
B. Constitution
C. PNP Law
D. Common Law

48. PD 603 is known as:

A. the Parole Law

B. the Probation Law
C. the Child and Youth Welfare Code
D. the Revised Penal Code for children

49. The recital of the rights of a suspect during custodial

A. Bill of Rights
B. Miranda Warning
C. Code of Ethics
D. Policeman’s Code

50. The author of “ Origin of Species” and “ The Descent
of Man”.

A. Lombroso
B. Darwin
C. Beccaria
D. Garofalo

51. Defense mechanisms are used to shield one’s self

A. anger
B. fear
C. pleasure
D. pain

52. This set of laws control the action of the criminal
justice agencies and defines the rights of the criminal
A. civil law
B. criminal law
C. remedial law
D. political law

53. Which of the following items does not belong to the
A. Prostitution
B. assassination
C. Sabotage
D. bombing

54. Another word that means deceit?

A. Dolo
B. fault
C. Culpa
D. negligence
55. The simpliest meaning of the term evident
A. deliberate intent
B. treachery
C. deliberate planning
D. uninhabited place

56. What is the legal term for nighttime?
A. sanctuary
B. absurdity
C. ephitomy
D. nocturnity

57. These are the rights of an accused that are derived
from special laws enacted by Congress.
A. Constitutional rights
B. Civil rights
C. Statutory rights
D. Natural rights

58. What is the code after a person’s name which
adopted the principle “an eye for an eye and tooth for a
tooth” in the imposition of punishment, in about 1875
A. Code of Kalantiao C. Code of Maragtas
B. Hammurabi’s Code D. Dewey code

59. The tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain is the
concept of
A. Hedonism C. Heredity
B. Born Criminal D. Environmental

60. How many members composed the “Pangkat?”
A. 1 member C. 2 members

B. 3 members D. 4 members

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