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By: Bonifacio B. Mifaña Jr.
• Brief history or discovery that brought
about the invention or discovery of the
things stated and their contribution in our
scientific development.
• Gravity has been a question of
significance since a very long time. In
the 16 th century, astronomers
namely Galileo found that earth is
not at the centre of the universe but
instead revolves around the Sun. But
they couldn't understand why. It was
Newton who finally unravelled the
mystery of gravity and explained the
principles of gravity in his famous
book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia
Mathematica". And finally brought
about the law of gravitation that is in
use till today
2. Telescope
Telescope is an extremely important invention
for mankind, The exact first person who
invented the telescope is a matter of opinion
as many different names are brought up in
contention. Some claim it was Hans
Lippershey, as he was the first person to apply
for the patent. But others say he stole the
idea from a rival Jansen. Another name of
significance in this topic is Galileo Galilie who
was the first person to point the telescope out
at the sky and to see into the wonders of
3. Microscope
In the late 16th century several Dutch lens
makers designed devices that magnified
objects, but in 1609 Galileo Galilei
perfected the first device known as a
microscope. Dutch spectacle makers
Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Lipperhey are
noted as the first men to develop the
concept of the compound microscope
4. Processed
Food processing is an extremely
old process. Since a long time,
the basic methods like using sun
to dry or utilizing salt to preserve
food have been in use since
ages,Most of the current
technologies for food
preservation were developed in
19th & 20th century for the
needs of military.
5. Radio
Radio is an extremely important
technology that is being used till
day in many applications. Radio
waves were first detected by
Hertz in 1886. Marconi was then
the one who first created practical
transmitters using radio waves
along with receivers. In the
theoretical aspect, Maxwell
showed in 1864 that one could
observe that EM waves propagate
through free space
6. Benzene Ring

Benzene was first discovered by

the English scientist Michael
Faraday in 1825 in illuminating gas.
In 1834 German chemist Eilhardt
Mitscherlich heated benzoic acid
with lime and produced benzene.
In 1845 German chemist A.W. von
Hofmann isolated benzene from
coal tar
7. Large handron

The genesis for the idea of the Large

Hadron Collider, started in 1976 when in
the particle physics community, there came
an idea of such a collider to understand
particle physics and conclude many of the
arguments of the time. It was constructed
during the 1998-2008 by CERN. The first
experiments or collisions were completed in
2010 which set a world record. Its main aim
was to understand the properties of the
Higgs boson and solve the problems of
particle physics.
8. Guns

Guns have been a part of human

history for close to a millenia now. The
first guns are thought to be used in
China around 1000 AD which used
gunpowder and bamboo. The first
type of portable gun noted in
literature is from mid 10th century
called the fire lance. In europe around
the 14th century, weapons called as
hand help cannons were regularly
being used by their infantry. But the
first firearm recorded in history in
Europe is from as early as 1396 in
9. Internet
ARPANET was a great success but
membership was limited to certain
academic and research
organizations who had contracts
with the Defense Department. In
response to this, other networks
were created to provide information
sharing. January 1, 1983 is
considered the official birthday of
the Internet.
10. Cellphones
The first mobile phones were
created as early as in th 1940s.
The initial mobile phones were
basically a device to communicate
two ways like a radio. In 1926,
some high class passengers were
offered the service of telephony. In
1946, calls were conducted on car
telephone using radio waves. It
was in 1956 in sweden when
automated mobile system was

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