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• The term paradigm refers to the set of
practices to be followed to accomplish a task.
• High Performance Computing’
• Parallel Computing
• Distributed Computing
• Cluster Computing
• Grid Computing
• Cloud Computing
• Bio Computing.
• Mobile Computing
• Quantum Computing
• Optical Computing
• NanoComputing
• Network Computing
High Performance Computing
• In High-Performance computing systems ,
• a pool of processors (processor machine or central processor
units[CPU’S] connected(networked) with other resources like
memory ,storage ,input and output devices and the deployed
software is enabled to run in the entire system of connected
• The processor machines can be of homogenous or heterogenous
• Examples : small cluster of desktop computers, personal computers
to fastest supercomputers.
• HPC systems are generally used to solve scientific problems
What is Parallel Computing? (1)
• Traditionally, software has been written for
serial computation:
– To be run on a single computer having a single
Central Processing Unit (CPU);
– A problem is broken into a discrete series of
– Instructions are executed one after another.
– Only one instruction may execute at any moment
in time.
What is Parallel Computing? (2)
• In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple
compute resources to solve a computational problem.
– To be run using multiple CPUs
– A problem is broken into discrete parts that can be solved concurrently
– Each part is further broken down to a series of instructions
• Instructions from each part execute simultaneously on different CPUs
Parallel Computing
• Parallel computing is one of the facets of HPC.
• Set of Processes work cooperatively to solve a
computational problem.
Differences between Conventional computers and parallel

• In serial or sequential computers

• It runs on a single computer/processor
machine having a single CPU.
• A problem is broken down into a discrete
series of instructions.
• Instructions are executed one after another.
• Parallel Computing :
• It is run using multiple processors(multiple cpu’s).
• A problem is broken down into discrete parts that can
be solved concurrently.
• Each part is further broken into series of instructions.
• Instructions from each part are executed
simultaneously on different processors.
• An Overall control/coordination mechanism is
Distributed Computing
• Distributed computing is also a computing system
that consists of multiple computers or connected or
processor machines connected through a network,
which can be homogeneous or heterogenous ,but
run as a single system.
• The connectivity can be such that the CPU’s in a
distributed system can be physically close together
and connected by local network they can be
geographically distant connected by wide area
Cluster Computing
• A Cluster computing system consists of a set of the
same or similar type of processor machines
connected using a dedicated network infrastructure .
• All processor machines share resources such as a
common home directory and have a software such
as message processing Interface(MPI )
implementation installed to allow programs to be
run across all nodes simultaneously.
• This is one of the category of HPC.
Grid Computing vs Cloud computing
• Grid computing is where more than one computer coordinates to solve a
problem together. Often used for problems involving a lot of number
crunching, which can be easily parallelisable.

Cloud computing is where an application doesn't access resources it

requires directly, rather it accesses them through something like a service.
So instead of talking to a specific hard drive for storage, and a
specific CPU for computation, etc. it talks to some service that provides
these resources.
The service then maps any requests for resources to its physical
resources, in order to provide for the application. Usually the service has
access to a large amount of physical resources, and can dynamically
allocate them as they are needed.
• Grid : It is a collection of heterogeneous
computers from different locations to achieve
a common goal.
• Cloud :It is the delivery of computing as a
service rather than a product,where
resources,software and information are
provided to the computers and other devices
as utility
Bio Computing
• Biocomputing may refer to:
• Biocomputers, systems of biologically derived
molecules that perform computational
– DNA computing, a form of biological computing
that uses DNA
• Biocomputing, as the computational basis for
e.g. Genetic Diagnostics, has increasingly more
influence on the life of everybody but most
people are not aware of it.
• It provides the theoretical background and
practical tools for scientists to explore proteins
and DNA.
• DNA and proteins are large molecules which consist
of a chain of smaller residues called nucleotides or
amino acids, respectively.

• They are nature's building blocks, but these building

blocks are not exactly used as 'bricks', the function of
the final molecule rather strongly depends on the
order of these blocks
• So it is possible to think of these residues as being
• Several algorithms have been developed and implemented
providing graphical user interfaces to existing databases.
• Thus, comparing a newly found sequence with those
already stored in a database has become a matter of
• Nevertheless, it is still necessary to carefully analyse the
results and to fine-tune a data base search if needed.
• Thereby, it is possible to quickly determine the differences
among species and the differences between a healthy
versus a diseased individual.
• Biocomputing might therefore lead to a better
understanding of life and the molecular causes of certain
Examples for the Use of Biocomputing

• We will start with a class of proteins which are

well known and analysed for a long time.
These proteins are the so-called lectins which
belong to the group of carbohydrate-binding
and recognizing biomolecules.
• They are distinguished from enzymes since
they cannot chemically modify the bound
Computer technology is making
devices smaller and smaller…
…reaching a point where classical
physics is no longer a suitable model
for the laws of physics.
Quantum Computing
• A quantum computer is a machine that
performs calculations based on the laws of
quantum mechanics.

• A theoretical model is the Quantum Turing

machine – Universal Quantum Computer.

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Quantum Logics and Representation

• Quantum Computers use quantum

mechanical phenomena-
– Entanglement
– Superposition  

• Quantum computational operations were

executed on a very small number of
Qubits (quantum bits)
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Quantum Logics and Representation
• A classical computer has a memory made up of bits. A
quantum computer maintains a sequence of qubits.

• A single qubit can represent a one, a zero, or, crucially,

any quantum superposition of these.

• Quantum computer with n qubits can be in an arbitrary

superposition of up to 2n different states simultaneously
(this compares to a normal computer that can only be
in one of these 2n states at any one time).

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Representation of Data

• Quantum computers, which have not been built yet, would be based
on the strange principles of quantum mechanics, in which the smallest
particles of light and matter can be in different places at the same
• In a quantum computer, one "qubit" - quantum bit - could be both 0
and 1 at the same time. So with three qubits of data, a quantum
computer could store all eight combinations of 0 and 1 simultaneously.
That means a three-qubit quantum computer could calculate eight
times faster than a three-bit digital computer.
• Typical personal computers today calculate 64 bits of data at a time. A
quantum computer with 64 qubits would be 2 to the 64th power
faster, or about 18 billion billion times faster. (Note: billion billion is
A bit of data is represented by a single atom that is in one of
two states denoted by |0> and |1>. A single bit of this form is
known as a qubit
Bits vs. qubits
Quantum Information Security

We can exploit the eavesdropper detection that is intrinsic to

quantum systems in order to derive new “unconditionally
secure” information security protocols. The security depends
only on the laws of physics, and not on computational
•Quantum key establishment (available now/soon)
•Quantum random number generation (available now/soon)
•Quantum money (require stable quantum memory)
•Quantum digital signatures (requires quantum computer)
•Quantum secret sharing (requires quantum computer)
•Multi-party quantum computations
•and more…
Nanocomputing describes those components
that uses extremely small or nanoscale devices

 Nanocomputer would work by storing data in the form of atomic

quantum states or spin..(SEM and quantum dots)
 There are several methods of nanoelectronic data storage currently
being researched.Among the most promising are set electron
transistors and quantum dots.
 All of these devices function based upon the principles of quantum
Types of nanocomputers
• Electronic

• Mechanical

• Chemical

• Quantum

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