Excel Notes

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Part 1
Introduction to Microsoft Excel: What
is a Spreadsheet?

MS Excel Notes 1
(1 of 2)
• Describe what a spreadsheet is and potential
• Distinguish between a formula and a constant
• Open, save, print a workbook; insert and delete rows
and columns
• Distinguish between a pull-down menu, shortcut
menu and toolbar

MS Excel Notes 2
(2 of 2)
• Describe the three-dimensional nature of a
workbook; distinguish between a workbook
and a worksheet
• Print worksheet with values or formulas
• Use Page Setup to print worksheet and
preview before printing

MS Excel Notes 3
• Introduction to Spreadsheets and Excel
• Show wide diversity of spreadsheet
• Fundamentals of spreadsheets using Excel
• Worksheet recalculates automatically after

MS Excel Notes 4
Spreadsheet Basics
• Spreadsheet is a computerized ledger
• Divided into Rows and Columns
• Cell References
• Constants--entries that do not change
• Formulas--combination of constants and

MS Excel Notes 5
Excel Basics
• Common user interface of all Office
• Worksheet is an Excel spreadsheet
• Workbook contains one or more worksheets
• Toolbars--Standard and Formatting
• File menu--Save, Open and Print commands

MS Excel Notes 6
Modifying the Worksheet
• Insert and Delete Commands for both rows
and columns
• Page Setup Commands--Portrait versus
Landscape, Margins, Header/Footer, and
Sheet Tabs

MS Excel Notes 7
Excel Features and Commands
• Active cell
• Formula bar
• Shortcut menu
• Status bar
• Toolbars
• ScreenTips
• Edit Delete versus Edit Clear
• Incompatible File Type from Excel
• Save as Command

MS Excel Notes 8
Part 2
Gaining Proficiency: Copying,
Formatting, and Isolating Assumptions

MS Excel Notes 9
• Explain importance of isolating assumptions
• Define, select and deselect cell ranges
• Copy and move cells; differentiate between relative,
absolute and mixed addresses
• Format a worksheet
• Change column widths
• Describe steps to create a financial forecast worksheet

MS Excel Notes 10
• Basic commands to create a worksheet
• Use cell ranges and commands to build a
• Isolate assumptions to easily evaluate
• Improve appearance of worksheets
• Accuracy is critical for spreadsheets
MS Excel Notes 11
Getting around the Worksheet
• A rectangular group of cells is a range
• Copy duplicates contents of a cell from a
source range to a destination range
• Three types of addresses: absolute, relative
and mixed
• Move transfer contents of a cell

MS Excel Notes 12
• Column widths
• Row Heights
• Numeric Format
• Alignment
• Fonts
• Borders, Patterns, and Shading

MS Excel Notes 13
Numeric Formats
General Percentage
Number Fraction
Currency Scientific
Accounting Text
Date Special
Time Custom

MS Excel Notes 14
A Financial Forecast
• Always isolate assumptions and initial
• Creating a financial forecast is a common
• Be aware that by isolating that is separating
initial conditions you spreadsheet will be
more valuable when changes occur

MS Excel Notes 15

Part 3
Graphs and Charts: Delivering a

MS Excel Notes 16
(1 of 2)
• Know advantages and disadvantages of
different chart types
• Distinguish between an embedded chart and
one in a separate chart sheet
• Use the ChartWizard
• Use arrows and text to enhance a chart

MS Excel Notes 17
(2 of 2)
• Differentiate between data series specified in
rows versus ones in columns
• Understand how charts can be accurate
statistically yet misleading conceptually
• Create a compound document consisting of
word processing, worksheet and a chart

MS Excel Notes 18
• Business graphics one of most exciting
Windows applications
• Determine message of chart
• Create charts using Chart Wizard
• Plot multiple data sets on a single chart
• Dynamically link a chart to a memo

MS Excel Notes 19
Chart Types
• Always remember to keep it simple
• Pie and Exploded pie charts, effective for
displaying proportional relationships
• Column chart used for number display
• Bar charts show numbers horizontally

MS Excel Notes 20
Creating a Chart
• Embedding in a worksheet or separate chart sheet
• Use the Chart Wizard a four step process
– Step one choosing a chart
– Step two review data series
– Step three final touches
– Step four where to store
• Enhance with Drawing toolbar or Chart toolbar

MS Excel Notes 21
Multiple Data Series
• What message do you want chart to display
• Rows versus columns
– If data series are in rows the Chart Wizard will
use first row for X axis and use first column for
legend text
– If data series are in columns the Chart Wizard
will use first column for X axis and use first row
for legend text
MS Excel Notes 22
Object Linking and Embedding
• Primary advantage of Windows is to create a
compound document
• Embedded object is stored in the compound
• Linked object is stored in its own file and
used with a compound document
• OLE pronounced “Oh-lay”
MS Excel Notes 23
Additional Chart Information
• Excel has 14 standard chart types on the
Chart Wizard
• Line used to display time-related information
• Combination uses two or more charts
• Use Accurate Labels
• Don’t add Dissimilar Quantities

MS Excel Notes 24

Part 4
Spreadsheets in Decision Making:
What If?

MS Excel Notes 25
(1 of 2)
• Use spreadsheets in decision making; use
Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
• Use PMT function
• Use Paste Function
• Use fill handle and AutoFill capability
• Use pointing to create a formula

MS Excel Notes 26
(2 of 2)
• Use Average, Max, Min, and Count functions
in a worksheet
• Use the If function to implement a decision
and explain how the Vlookup function is
• Print and view large spreadsheets

MS Excel Notes 27
• Spreadsheets are a tool for decision making
• Use financial and statistical functions
• Find desired end results with the Goal Seek
• Choose between solutions with Scenario
• Use relative and absolute cell references

MS Excel Notes 28
Excel Features
• Relative versus Absolute addressing in a
• Using the fill handle to copy
• Pointing to cell address for formulas or
functions is more accurate
• Using the Paste Function and the Formula
MS Excel Notes 29
Using Functions
• Statistical Functions: MAX, MIN,
• Use functions over arithmetic expressions
• IF function enhances decision making
• VLOOKUP(vertical lookup) Function and its

MS Excel Notes 30
Managing a Large Worksheet
• Scrolling shows specific rows and columns
• Freezing Panes keeps headings in sight
• AutoFill capability enter series into adjacent
• Scenario Manager enables evaluation of
multiple conditions

MS Excel Notes 31

Part 5
List and Data Management: Converting
Data to Information

MS Excel Notes 32
1 of 2

• Create a list
• Add, edit and delete records in an existing list
• Distinguish between data and information
• Describe the TODAY function and use date
• Use the Sort command

MS Excel Notes 33
2 of 2

• Use the database functions, DSUM,

• Use AutoFilter and Advanced Filter
• Use the Subtotals command
• Use a pivot table

MS Excel Notes 34
• Maintain data in a list
• Fundamentals of list management
• Display selected records
• Sort the list
• Use database functions, criteria range, and arithmetic
• Excel or Access can be used for database

MS Excel Notes 35
List and Data Management
• Data management is based on lists in Excel
• Database concepts--record, fields, and
primary keys
• Need valid input to produce valid output--
Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO)
• Editing the list through Insert Row and
Columns command and Edit Delete

MS Excel Notes 36
Important Commands
• Data Form Command provides easy way to
add, edit and delete records
• Sort command arranges lists according to
value in fields
• Date Arithmetic is a powerful tool for

MS Excel Notes 37
Data Versus Information
• Data is simply facts
• Information is data arranged for a specific
• Decisions in an organization are based on
• Data commands, functions and reports
provide information
MS Excel Notes 38
Filter Commands
• AutoFilter is a subset of records which meet
a set of criteria
• Advanced Filter allows for complex criterion
and storing records in a separate worksheet
• Criteria range specifies the values to search
for in records

MS Excel Notes 39
Criteria Range
• Must contain at least two rows--field names
and a second row of values
• Same row entries imply an AND condition
• Values entered in different rows meet the OR
• Empty rows return all records

MS Excel Notes 40
Criteria Range

• Relational operators can be used to find a

designated range
• Upper and Lower Boundaries can be
• Equal and unequal signs select empty and
nonempty records

MS Excel Notes 41
Database Functions
• Parallels statistical functions

MS Excel Notes 42
Subtotals and Pivot Tables
• Subtotals command in the Data menu
computes subtotals based on data groups
• Pivot tables extends the capability of
database functions by presenting the data in
summary form
• Use PivotTable Wizard

MS Excel Notes 43
Part 6
Consolidating Data:
3D Workbooks and
File Linking
MS Excel Notes 44
1 of 2
• Distinguish between a cell reference,
worksheet reference, and a 3D reference; us
appropriate references to consolidate data
• Select and group multiple worksheets to enter
common formulas
• Explain the advantages of functions over

MS Excel Notes 45
2 of 2
• Properly organize and document a
• Copy and Paste to another workbook
• Distinguish between a source versus
dependent workbook; create external
references to link workbooks

MS Excel Notes 46
• Combine data from several sources into a
summary report
• Reconcile summary totals with detail totals
• Workbook contains 3 branch office
worksheets and 1 summary worksheet
• OR workbooks for each branch office and
summary workbook
MS Excel Notes 47
3D Workbook
• Electronic equivalent of a 3 ring binder
• Contains Worksheet tabs
• Scrolling buttons allow easy movement
amongst worksheets
• Window menu allows for tiling, cascading
options for multiple workbooks or
MS Excel Notes 48
Worksheet References
• Allows you to reference cells in other
• Requires using the name of the
worksheet before the cell range
• Exclamation point separates worksheet
and cell reference

MS Excel Notes 49
3-D References
• Range that spans two or more
worksheets in a workbook
• Can be used in a Summary sheet
• Requires worksheet names be separated
using a colon and exclamation point to
separate worksheet name from cell
MS Excel Notes 50
Documenting the Workbook
• Helpful to document a workbook with a
documentation worksheet
• Contains vital descriptive information
making it easier to read for all
• Formatting ability will improve
MS Excel Notes 51
Linking Workbooks
• Retain information in separate
• Linking uses external references
• Dependent workbook requires external
data from source workbooks

MS Excel Notes 52

Part 7
Automating Repetitive Tasks: Macros
and Visual Basic

MS Excel Notes 53
1 of 2
• Define a macro
• Record and run a macro, view and edit a
simple macro
• Use the InputBox statement
• Use a keyboard shortcut, and/or custom
toolbar to execute a macro

MS Excel Notes 54
2 of 2
• Describe function of Personal Macro
• Use the Step Into command to execute a
macro one statement at a time
• Use Copy and Paste to duplicate an existing
• Use Visual Basic IF and DO statements to
make decisions
MS Excel Notes 55
• Use macros to avoid repetitious tasks
• Macro is a set of instructions for Excel
• Macro instructions are written in the Visual
Basic Programming Language
• Use the macro recorder to create macros
• Create more powerful macros

MS Excel Notes 56
Introduction to Macros
• Macro recorder stores Excel commands
• Macros are written in Visual Basic
• Macros can be displayed with Visual Basic
• Use Project Explorer to locate macro modules
• Statements appear in Code window

MS Excel Notes 57
Relative vs Absolute Cell Addresses
• Make sure to specify cell references
• Absolute is constant; relative changes
• Visual Basic uses Offset to indicate space
from active cell

MS Excel Notes 58
Loops and Decision Making
• Including IF and Do statements allows for
• If statement tests a condition and provides a
positive and negative
• Do statement repeats a block of statements
until a condition becomes true

MS Excel Notes 59

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