Power To Empower

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Power to Empower :

• Power to Empower means "give power or authority to. For example:

" When you educate children and believe in them, you empower those
kids to go after their dreams”.
Power to Empower Individuals :
• Thus, empowerment can also be defined as giving power to
employees. Such empowerment triggers social mobilization, building
of alliances and coalitions, increase in self-esteem, rise in levels of
awareness, heightened consciousness, and confidence building among
people so empowered.
Power to Empower Teams :
• Team empowerment at work happens when a group of employees
has the responsibility and authority to make decisions. Instead of
waiting for a manager to issue instructions or approve requests, an
empowered team organizes itself around a leader.
How to Empower your Teams :
• Ask for input. Ask your team to be part of the decision-making process.
• Ask for their ideas and insights. Also, ask how you can improve your style
to be more effective.
• Reinforce with positive feedback. Give positive recognition and feedback to
team members when they are effective, especially when they take on a
leadership role and are successful.
• Develop leaders. Delegate projects and tasks to team members and give them
authority over specific projects. This gives them a sense of value within the
organization. Assign projects to high-performing team members and make
them leaders on individual tasks. This will not only help alleviate your own
workload, but it also gives your team members an opportunity to shine.
• Stretch each team member's capabilities. Find ways to help each team member
develop and contribute through using their strengths. Assign tasks that will allow your
team members to grow and take on additional responsibilities. This can motivate them
because it indicates that you feel they are valuable and competent. Explain the reason
for this task being given to them and let them know "what's in it for them."
• Mentor your team members. Focus on coaching them to success. Help them achieve
not only the team or company goals, but their personal career goals as well. Find out
where they want to be in the next year, or even five years, and give them the tools
they need to develop and become successful.
• Encourage open communication. Make sure that you clearly communicate your
goals, projects, and ideas, and encourage your team members to do the same.
Establish an environment where team members are comfortable expressing their
comments and feel free to experiment with new ideas. Encourage your team members
to contribute in brainstorming activities and commend them for their feedback.
• Demonstrate that you trust your team members. Give them the amount of
authority they need to complete the project without checking back with you on every

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